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We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. Moreover, away from areas especially favored with plentiful rainfall or rivers, the grasslands which cover much of Africa do not make ideal land for crop growing, and are prone to droughts and famines. Slavery preloi potrebn fr holicstvo aqua presov otvaracie hodiny patologick ma v koli prst roughneck. This is due to a number of factors. The advancements made in the ancient world continue to influence our societies today. Facts about Ancient Africa 1: the great civilization Africa is the home to some great civilizations. A larger group of non-farmers was made up of craftsmen. If they were too old, ill or handicapped to work effectively; or if through misfortune they had no children; or if they had no kinsmen to aid them clear land and tame fields, they were very vulnerable. Still others were created by nomadic pastoral groups imposing control over a population of farmers, such as the Fulani kingdoms in West Africa. Built on the orders of the pharaohs thousands of years ago, the Great Pyramid of Giza continues to reveal its secrets. Further upstream all have their flows interrupted by falls and rapids, making them unsuitable for long-distance trade even in the interior of Africa. These probably belonged mostly to hereditary groups, often closely associated with the monarchy they were sometimes high-status slaves who lived within the palace precinct; in other towns they were members of guild-like organizations under their own chiefs. However, all African cities were to some extent religious centers, as rulers were closely associated with local shrines and rituals. Such organizations had strong parallels with modern corporations, with agents stationed in towns scattered over the area where they operated. Even large towns often resembled several villages grouped together, with each lineage group in its own walled sector. In East, Central and Southern Africa, the mix of staple crops varied from place to place according to environment, but normally included yams and sorghum, later supplemented by plantain. Africa, where humans first evolved, today remains a place of remarkable diversity. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, therefore, metalworkers were held in awe. Farming populations have therefore sought out well-watered locations such as river banks, lakesides and moist depressions. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. In many societies, the village chief, as the senior descendant of the founding ancestor, was deemed to have a special relationship with the spirit world. They were usually much younger than their husbands, and were expected to act in a submissive way towards him and his family. This bred a society in which extra-marital sex was common and accepted, and young men adopted an attitude of machismo and insolence towards their elders. Even then it had left vast tracts uncultivated, which would be gradually and incompletely settled by farmers over the next thousand years. These, as elsewhere in the world, had specialist activities ensuring fertility of women and soil, for example, or providing wealth. Begins with an engaging introduction, including an original thesis of the essay's main point Identifies three (3) civilizations introduced in the first half of the class Compares and contrasts the values and beliefs of each civilization Provides specific evidence, including well-integrated, appropriate . In the forests of West Africa and the Congo Basin, yams and plantains were the staple crop. The mysteriousness of such knowledge might be reinforced in societies where secret associations had a monopoly of spiritual activity. MzJiMzEwNzkwMzQ0MDVhMWZmOTU0NzM1MzMzMmE1ZDE4MGY5ZjkyNzY5ZDA2 Whereas the people round about were Berbers, they were of black descent, either descended from captives brought there from further south or the last remnants of Negroid peoples who had lived in the region when it had a wetter climate. This meant that they usually lived in small and highly mobile bands, building temporary shelters as they move from place to place. As suggested by the above reference to status titles, however, stateless societies were by no means always egalitarian ones. They also applied a wide range of ointments, and practiced bone setting, surgery and skilled midwifery. The sculptural tradition in West Africa goes back to the terracotta figures of the Nok culture of the early first millennia BCE and CE, and began to reach a peak in the 13th and14th centuries in Ife, in Yorubaland (in modern day Nigeria). The gold miners of West Africa formed a hereditary, and in some ways privileged, group of workers. Conditions in much of sub-Saharan Africa make wresting a secure subsistence from the land a major challenge. While a caravan was on the move, its hundreds of animal drivers and traders had to submit to an almost military discipline under the caravan-master. They represent the spectrum of human conditions, from kings and courtiers to the diseased and the executed. To the south of the Sahara desert is the Savannah zone. With the evolving of African settlements into bigger towns and cities, the Caste system slowly began to take shape and become a distinctive social structure. In West Africa, the slow multiplication of population concentrations laid the basis for further expansion. Imperialism Africa was among the last regions of the globe to be subject to imperial rule. Some cultures preferred more naturalistic depictions of human faces and other organic forms. Agriculture spread to the northern grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa by the beginning of the 1st millennium BCE at the latest, and soon covered all of the West African savannah. Even here, however, there was commonly a belief that a higher or ultimate power lay behind the pantheon of gods who interacted with humans. It was situated between the Sahara and the headwaters of the Sngal and Niger rivers, in an area that now comprises southeastern Mauritania and part of Mali. Thus, a comparatively few number of men had access to the majority of women, meaning that the majority of men had little or no access. Other cultural systems that were intended to create distinct classes of people and uphold a rigid hierarchy of power and control include the feudal system, slavery, Jim Crow laws, and apartheid. Through history, Africa has had an exceptionally hostile environment in terms of the diseases which could strike humans and their animals; and of the regions, West Africa was probably the most dangerous. To survive in these harsh conditions a person needed his kin around him. Egyptian Social Structure. With the growing emphasis on cattle herding, infant survival must have profited from increased milk supplies, especially when cattle-keeping enabled their owners to colonize the malaria-free highlands which cover much of eastern and souther Africa. MWMwNGY0OTc1ZDgwNmQ5YzJkMWE3YWIxNDIwMGUwYWNjY2ZhYThkNTc4OWE4 In river floodplains communities have constructed mounds raised above the flood level from which to take advantage of the rich silt deposited by the river waters. The pastoralists tended to inhabit the desert and Sahel regions, leaving most of the savannah and forest regions to the farmers. Women of a particular lineage could live together in a close-knit group until long after they were married, while their husbands worked for their (the wifes) father until they had earned the right to take their wives back to their own communities. The great majority of this area is far too dry for agriculture whether crop cultivation or animal grazing of any kind. The salt miners, on the other hand, were a dependent group not much better than slaves. African farming has relied on a thorough understanding of local environments, to an extent which has astonished Western observers. In most patrilineal societies womens status tended to be less favorable. The famous one that can be associated with the ancient Africa is the pharaoh and their pyramids. In the rest of Africa towns were few and far between. Even the Swahili trading ports of East Africa such as Lamu, Mombasa, Kilwa and Zanzibar, home to a sophisticated Arab-African culture, were strung out along the coastline with great distances between them. They include the second largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Victoria. YWRiNDliMWQ0MWZmY2UzNDg1NWZhM2Q5NmQzMTM1MzQwZWY5MGZjYjQwNWI2 The earliest kingdoms we know of in West Africa, such as Ghana and Mali, were located at strategic points in the trans-Saharan trade network. Some of these village clusters would experience the next step of evolving into small chiefdoms; and groups of chiefdoms might eventually be united (usually by force) into a single kingdom. There are also some large mountain ranges, such as the Ruwenzori mountains in Uganda (the Mountains of the Moon). As in other parts of the world, textile crafts were widespread. Just as there is great cultural diversity so there is diversity in belief systems. Today they are confined to comparatively restricted areas in and around the Kalahari desert, or in the densest forests of the Congo basin; The transition to a settled, farming way of life is quite a difficult one for many hunter-gatherers, but some of them were able to adapt to keeping cattle. The Awilu was the top most class in the social hierarchy of ancient Babylonia. Men who were spared death were set to work as laborers, miners or porters; or, if they had suitable skills, as craftsmen. OGUyMjAwMmI0ZjlmYzAyMmYxYjllZmEzN2EwMTYzMmMyNzQyZGIwY2IifQ== Even so, until the start of the second millennium they inhabited large areas across the continent, in the wide spaces left vacant by farmers and pastoralists. In agricultural communities the status of women varied greatly. The usual form of marriage was through bride-wealth a groom exchanged a portion for his wealth to a brides family in order to marry her. The challenge for premodern African societies was to build up numbers to create viable communities. A man needed wives and children to help him cultivate his fields or keep his cattle, to give him support in old age, and to provide him with descendants whose veneration would aide him in the afterlife. OTE0MDljOTVhZWU3M2Q2ZmQ2ZGFhNWZmOTE2N2FmZWM0MGJhM2I5YzYxZjZm OGFiY2MzM2UxNTEyOTJjNWUxYWE1ZmEyODEwNDc0MzU5OTRkZmNhNThmOTM0 Egyptian culture has six thousand years of recorded history. In West Africa, a new religious influence began to make itself felt in the later first millennium. Pastoralist and farming communities have therefore lived in close proximity, which has been a major factor in state formation in these regions. Cleverness, bravery, charm, charisma and aggression could provide the success to bring high status and abundant wealth in many circumstances. The most prized qualities were seen as the preserve of males, such as aggression and courage. This reflects the much more limited role of trade outside West Africa. It began around 3400 BCE. Climatic zones A popular form of leisure was a board game called mankala. From its territories, great civilizations have risen to glory. The work they did tended to be less valued than the mens: mundane work in the fields and in the house, rather than the demanding work of clearing the bush, which established a mans rights to a piece of land. Craft workers were often dedicated to meeting the needs of the ruler and the elite, their workshops located within the royal compound. NTNjZjkxMjQ0YmE1NWYxYzRjOTRkMTFjNWZkYWE5MjRjMWE1NjA0Mzk5Yzhh The untamed forests have remained home to hunter-gatherer peoples, notably the pygmies. Social mobility When one of the regular famines struck, these individuals were the first to die. From the 17th century, European contact have brought new crops from America, such as maize, cassava and sweet potatoes, and these were beginning to provide additional nutrition and a significant boost to numbers all over Africa. To the south of the western savannah is the region of rainforest which encompasses the southern areas of West Africa and most of the Congo Basin. Government and Economy. Everyone on the community would take part, but the central roles were reserved for the mediums with their trance-dancing. When one society was conquered by another, it was the mediums and priests, as well as others in the community with high religious status such as iron workers and herbalists, who often put up the stoutest resistance to alien rule. Pastoralists had come down the Nile Valley and then spread out across the grasslands of Africa, down as far as the Great Lakes region of central Africa. Cutting through these landscapes are huge rivers, outstanding amongst which are the Nile, the Niger, the Congo and the Zambezi. Together, these might kill one third to one half of an affected population, nullifying the hard come by demographic gains of a generation. The art of ancient African was just as diverse as its cultures, languages, and political structures. This came from exactly the same mix of European contact and American agriculture as the new crops; it was the Atlantic Slave Trade. It was they who provided the support and security needed to get by. He was therefore required to host lavish feasts at which many could eat and drink at his expense; and to provide costly gifts to his allies and supporters. In case of divorce she often lost all rights to her children, a cruel policy used to impose more rigorous female chastity than was demanded elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. In Africa, trade and industry were constrained by underpopulation. The culture,language and customs of this empire were greatly influenced by the culture of Western African cities and the people were divided into sects or sections based on their social standing. makes it the largest ancient structure south of the Sahara Desert. The beginning of the Atlantic slave trade in the late 1400s disrupted African societal structure as Europeans infiltrated the West African coastline, drawing people from the center of the continent to be sold into slavery. Between ten and fifty people might live here, sometimes much more, in a complex of houses forming one compound. By then, however, a countervailing force was at work on the continent, which would put a stop to any expansion in population for two hundred years. In the grasslands, the hot, dry climate makes for a short growing season. They have used a wide range of techniques, building up the productivity of the land through manuring, terracing, and digging channels to lead water from stream to field, sometimes across wooden aqueducts. In West Africa, the climatic zones aligned in a series of east-to-west belts Sahara desert, desert-grassland margin (the Sahel), savannah grassland and tropical forest. African religious practices were equally common, involving ritual experts, mediums, dances, often with masks and often involving trances, witches, and charms. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Oratory, debate, story-telling, poetry and conversation were all held in high esteem, and were developed into a highly sophisticated art at the royal courts of African kingdoms and chiefdoms. As we have seen, the only major trading towns in these regions were on the Swahili coast of the Indian Ocean. The difficulties of transport noted above acted to restrict trade, and thus to the emergence of centers of specialist production. Except where influenced by Islam, most pre-modern sub-Saharan societies were non-literate. This makes the huge effort of clearing even small areas of very dense forest worthwhile. It was structured around a big man who was usually (by myth, at any rate) the man most directly descended from the founding ancestor. Some of these clearings became large enough, over generations, to include many villages and so become the basis for chiefdoms, or even kingdoms. In due course he would probably be accepted back into his community through paying a fine to, or offering to work for, his wifes father. Mostly the colonizers centralized power in the hands of the chiefs of the native administration so that these chiefs could better accomplish the tasks given them, like the collection of taxes. The society of ancient Egypt was strictly divided into a hierarchy with the king at the top and then his vizier, the members of his court, priests and scribes, regional governors (eventually called 'nomarchs'), the generals of the military (after the period of the New Kingdom, c. 1570- c. 1069 BCE), artists and craftspeople, government overseers Hypothesis 2: Social structures cause inequity and injustice against the meaningful participating in economic decision-making and benefiting from opportunities in a society. The sculptural tradition spread to other Yoruba cities in the form of wood carvings, where they continued to reveal an artistry and appreciation of human worth that marks them out as truly great works. Options include print, Easel Activities, Google Forms (passages), and Google Slides (Venn diagrams). The 25th Dynasty's reunification of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush, created the largest Egyptian empire since the New Kingdom. Sometimes the growth of these village clusters went unchecked by major famine or disease for a long time. First, the African languages were solidly rooted: three languages (Zulu, Xhosa, and Sotho) are spoken by over two million people each, and the first two are mutually understandable. This bred a society in which extra-marital sex was common and accepted, and young men adopted an attitude of. Its primary engagement with great-power rivalry, and universalisation of realist ideas of power, order, security, and national interestsprimarily built on Western Christian foundations of state and statecrafthave marginalised the significance of knowledge production in non . Ancient African Civilizations: East. A common idea was that the founders of a particular community, on first settling the area, had made a pact with the spirits of the land in order to ensure good harvests. This would exacerbate the already existing social fault-lines which afflicted all such societies. It was by no means uncommon for a brave young man to capture a young wife and run off with her. Local trade certainly existed, especially in areas of dense population such as in the Great Lakes region (which also benefitted from the water-borne transport which the huge lakes themselves permitted). ODRiZmMzYWI1MGJhMTAxYjU4NWIxMzE1YzMyMGYxMGZlMmU4MjZkNjY1ZjVk A patchy record. This article looks at the societies and cultures of sub-Saharan Africa in pre-modern history. In some cases such children were castrated as a further measure to reduce ambition they would not then be able to establish an independent dynasty. book part First are the hunter-gatherer societies. He was surrounded by his extended family his wives and children, his brothers and their families, more distant relatives, and unrelated families who had been separated from their own clans for various reasons and who looked to him for protection. More often, they might be tested by a poison ordeal and if found guilty, put to death, often with great cruelty. At an individual and family level, dealing with the challenge to build up numbers manifested itself in the supreme importance attached to the production of children. Firstly there was the King who ruled over everyone and was thought to have divine powers. Not a few chiefly dynasties traced their ancestry back to such a figure. In more densely populated societies a number of such lineages might be clustered together to form a large village or small town. Most weaving was done by women, but in some major textile centers weavers were full-time professional men. The donkeys also were domesticated independently in the Ethiopian and Somalian region, but the majority of the domesticated animals came there from the regions around . Yet there is still debate about how many species of elephant bird there actually were. Those humans whose livelihood depended on adventuring into the bush hunters above all but also herbalists and iron workers, who needed wood for their furnaces were regarded with awe, for they must be protected by strong magic to survive such trips.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',198,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',198,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-4-0_1'); .leader-4-multi-198{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Pastoralist and farming communities have therefore lived in close proximity, which has been a major factor in state formation in these regions.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-2-0'); Pastoralist communities are more dispersed, and much more mobile, than agricultural ones, as they follow their flocks and herds around in the search for good grazing. This had probably been first introduced to sub-Saharan Africa by Portuguese or Arab visitors, but the fact that it had been picked up by local healers and spread from people to people over hundreds of miles shows how open they were to new approaches. Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. Surrounded as they were by vast stretches of bush, agricultural villages and the human societies they sheltered were fragile places, always under threat from the encroaching forest. 7th-13th century). Sub-Saharan Africa was therefore never able to develop an original civilization with the material culture on the scale of, say, an ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt. At their centers were located rulers palaces, usually a complex of buildings housing a large number of people the king, his wives and concubines and children, numerous attendants, often groups of skilled craftsmen such as the sculptures who produced the famous Benin bronzes, and a large body of domestic servants, often slaves. In a few, more sophisticated kingdoms, such as Songhai, power was more centralized, with the state divided into provinces ruled by governors appointed by the king. Big Men had four, five or more wives. In that case, though not always, the excluded group has the propensity to oppose the incumbent extractive governance system. YWIzMzRhYjk5MGRlMDRiYzhlZmIyMjQ5ZjgwODE5MTIxZjAwNjdhODZiM2Y4 Outside the oases there are some areas of scrubland, and here nomadic pastoralists Berber peoples, most notably the Tuareg graze their herds. There was intense competition for women, and great inequality in access to them. Africa was not just the birthplace of humanity but also the cradle of early civilisations that made an immense contribution to the world and are still marvelled at today. It was not well suited to the milder, temperate climate of South Africa. Although the majority of Africans were farmers, at least from the late 1st millennium onwards, large tracts of land were inhabited by nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralists. The abundant insect life of the tropics makes for a very high prevalence of serious diseases, for both humans and their animals; this greatly constrains the rates at which populations can grow. In large societies with dense populations, which showed marked differences in wealth and were controlled by strong political power, human sacrifice was widely practiced. Under Muslim influence the game of dara became popular. Much more frequently however, a kingdom simply fragmented into its constituent population clusters. Each village consisted of a lineage group, or clan, tracing its origin to a founding ancestor. ZWQ2YjhiMDdhMDFlMTNjNjE4OWFkMjBlNjMwYzRjZDFhNjY5OGI2YjhmZDc0 Those humans whose livelihood depended on adventuring into the bush hunters above all but also herbalists and iron workers, who needed wood for their furnaces were regarded with awe, for they must be protected by strong magic to survive such trips. The earlier populations were either absorbed into the incoming populations, or pressed, either further and further south or further and further into the rain forests. All women married, as early as possible. A large number of top officials in Hausaland, in West Africa, were eunuchs. This process only reached its completion in South Africa by the end of the 1st millennium CE. Social Structure and Political Authority The Kushites lived in tribes also known as chiefdoms. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. The larger the state the more resources it could commit to defense and expansion. Olikenyi (2001) explains that, African hospitality which he contends is a vital aspect of existence in Africa in general, is one of the few facets of ancient African culture that is still intact and strongly Most cultures preferred abstract and stylized forms of humans, plants, and animals, but they had a range of distinct approaches and techniques. It is inhabited by the San hunter-gatherer people who have adapted their lifestyle to this forbidding environment over 20,000 years. They were now in a position to acquire wives and found their own family lines. Teaching literature and nonfiction through The Call of the Wild by Jack London will be engaging, thought-provoking, and thorough with this Socratic Seminar and literary nonfiction devices novel study. There is little known about the early history of Axum, however, from Greek and Roman sources, we know that the Axum Kingdom was a rapid growing kingdom in the first century CE. The most spectacular practitioners of this were kings and chiefs, which gave rulers swarms of sons to contest the succession or fragment the state. In cattle-herding societies, and some crop-growing societies which were in close proximity to them, the young men were grouped into an age set of junior warriors. Some European captives came the other way, ending up as slaves in the West African kingdoms of Mali and Songhai. OGJhZDA5YWFmYzE1NjI3OGEwZTY3MmE2NDFiYjllYjg5MDM2MGFmNmNiZWRm This would exacerbate the already existing social fault-lines which afflicted all such societies. In general, work was divided equally among all people (other than slaves). By utilizing this acronym, students can compartmentalize their findings and . These were societies that had no. Upon Africa's soils our prehistoric relatives have walked side by side. All these diseases were, despite higher levels of resistance in indigenous populations to foreign ones (West Africa in particular would become known as the The White Mans Grave) were all widespread killers. Most crafts supplied local markets, even when using high levels of skill. The histories and cultures of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and North Africa are covered elsewhere. The wealthier the man, the more women he could marry. There were many African societies which have been classified by political historians as stateless or de-centralized.