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Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! Diamond Reaction Passing - This is a fun way to warm up and get your player mentally focused. The race is on! Coaches must view each players shot at different angles. Instead of trying to make your way around obstacles. Make sure the offensive players are staying spaced on the floor so that they can get open looks. Shooting Basics for Youth Basketball - B.E.E.F. If a shot is made the shooters must call out STOP and the current dribbler must freeze. The first person in line takes off dribbling and makes it to the opposite end of the court. You can see where I recommend placing these cones in the diagram. baseball drills for 10 year olds - Hitting Drill To perform the drill, one player should stand in a position before the batting tee. 9. All you need is one basketball for this drill. Many youth coaches are pressed for time and these organized practice plans help me to run an efficient practice with little preparation time needed. This is always one of the most favorite drills no matter what level Im coaching. Players must hold their shooting form until the shot has been made or missed. It requires . Speed, control, stability etc. Players are not allowed to put each other off. Level 2 (10 to 12 Year Olds) You should expand onto more advanced skills for everything mentioned above. Players all start on the baseline in two lines. Until them let the kids experiment and learn on their own as much as possible. The Floor Is Lava A fiery favorite gets a basketball spin in this activity that combines cooperative play with learning passing fundamentals. Persistence Children have a great urge to move, with which endurance can be easily trained. Switch up which kind of pivot the players use. If you coach long enough, you will see some kids that werent very good as middle school athletes develop into very good players at the high school level. Theyll have fun. Not just their strong hand. 2. We hope to provide all the necessary background on youth basketball practice plan 8 year olds information information here. Have a look at our pick. 9. 7 Progressions for Footwork & Passing - Quick Stops and Pivoting - This is a partner drill that builds on the previous drill. This teaches your players how to develop the skills of moving without the ball, passing, and decision making. Also, there should be a wall or french at the end of the players so that the ball always stays within the range. Encourage the offensive team to make quick decisions when they receive the basketball. Players get into pairs and should have one basketball between them. This basketball drill is a more advanced version of the keepings off game. When planning for practice, the ability and level of the team should determine how long each practice should be. While trying their best not to get tagged. For this example, well say that distance is the half-way line. Manage Settings 1. When theyre both set up, the coach calls out GO and both players sprint to the other end of the floor. Jokes aside, my life nowadays really revolves around work, fitness, watching A LOT of sports and spending time with the ones I love (add blogging to that!). It also gives your child an opportunity to socialize with other players at the same level as they are. This could be anything from a small prize to being the leader of warm-ups the following week. The drill begins with the coach calling out go! which triggers both teams to start. The first thing that happens is that all players must match-up and stick to their individual opponent. The young hoopsters will acquire skills, the proper stance, technique, and attitude that will stick with them throughout their school and athletic careers. After the infielders warm up throwing the baseball around the horn, hit them ground balls and have them throw to first. Make sure every player is jump stopping correctly. Set. The coach starts the drill by bringing the offensive player out from the baseline and gives them an advantage over the defender who always starts on the baseline. Make sure you enforce the rule of 2 or 3 dribbles maximum depending on which you decide. The goal of the drill is to move around make a certain amount of passes set by the coach without the opposition deflecting the basketball or getting a steal. One offensive line and one defensive line. The drill begins with the coach throwing a basketball out into the middle of the court and calling out a few numbers between 1 and 6. 10. No hoop? The goal of this basketball drill is not sped but control. We truly believe this DVD should be required viewing for ALL youth coaches. And they all stand in a circle together. A fiery favorite gets a basketball spin in this activity that combines cooperative play with learning passing fundamentals. Basketball Passing Drills Ball Handling Warm Up Start with stationary ball handling drills to warm up the hands. Or changing up how they go through (for example having one kid stand on their left leg when going around the first cone before switching legs at the second, etc.). Geography lesson, meet basketball practice. (I even included an extra 4 drills in the PDF). This continues until there is one dribbler left and they are the winner. When the drill starts, the taggers attempt to tag as many dribblers as possible. All players are in two teams and each time a player hits a shot, theyre awarded a cone for their team. Do you have what it takes to transform into a butterfly? One basketball starts at the front of the offensive line at each end of the court. x\k8 &JE:Gv{m4UvMKN^$V"{/>W/ooZn[n?jw-ao_{}w84c^,(z/.f:mbvd_K]gQN{62Js8WAU7Zaj|eE X,P{*OX#YU^Dj!+ET$Z_ ;O|Ok1cl7.e>-7S1. They then go back around in reverse order until everyone has had an opportunity to have a turn. 5. If they make it home, they get one run and can join the end of the line to run again. Also, raising the opposite arm whilst dribbling should be encouraged. No player should have a basketball. 1. For one group of players, they might just play 1v1 full court. Dribblers are not allowed to travel, double dribble, or any other violation. 1v1 Off Hand Dribbling Drill - Beat em Left - This is a great way to improve your ball handling for your off hand. Since no one person ever wins games by themselves. No ones having more fun than these 10-year-old basketball players. 1 0 obj Use basketball drills for 10-year olds in a language that they will understand. The first thing the coach must do is tell the players which way theyll be passing (either right or left) and which kind of pivot they should use. But the knock-out game is just one of those things that people forget about until theyre adults. These are 10 simple drills that every basketball player should do on a daily basis in order to improve their skills. On the coachs call, all players will start dribbling around each other in the small space aiming to keep their dribble under control. The first player in line with a basketball begins the drill by passing off the backboard to themselves. Their star program, Multi-Sport, has put thousands of children on the path to healthy, active living and a life-long love of sport. Vary the size of the court and amount of taggers depending on the amount of players you have. When a shot is made, the shooter is rewarded by being allowed to sprint to the other end of the court and retrieve a cone for their team. It is the largest city in and seat of Dallas County with portions extending into Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall counties. Drill #2: Let them get into a rhythm until the ball bounces smoothly. Meanwhile, Damian Lillard of the Portland Trail Blazers scored 71 points in their 131-114 victory against the Houston Rockets on Sunday, an all-time franchise high. It is the will to prepare to win that is important" - Bob Knight. 1. Make it from one end of the court to the other without losing possession in this head-to-head activity. Dry swings work as a great drill for youngsters to help improve posture, technique and special awareness. 9. Pivot 21 - This is a fun drill to improve your footwork. To play this game you will need two teams with an even number of kids on each side (four works well). When the first defender slides past the line, that triggers the next player in line to start the drill. Full Court Press Breaker Overload Drill - This is a great ball handling and passing drill that teaches your team how to beat full court defensive pressure. Attack! Every players has a basketball. Cross the River The drill continues until there is one person left and they are crowned the winner. 2. This main goal of this drill is to teach the basics of spacing between players and also to teach decision making on the catch. Kids starting basketball drills at an early age are likely to become better players. As you go through these drills, you want to adapt the drills to make them the right fit for your players. If you dont have cones, you could use tennis balls or anything else similar. Or they could just go with something simple like, pass it to me. Make sure players in good stance when they land after the jump stop. To start you will have the players spread evenly across one end of the court. Relay Races Obviously, this drill is better done with teams of at least 10 players (five on each side). Ducktails Watch your tail! Make sure all defensive footwork is done well since this is a very important part of the drill. All it is is one long-distance shot where, if made, the shooter wins some kind of prize or award. When the coach calls out go, each player with a basketball dribbles in towards the middle cone, performs a jump stop a couple of feet away, pivots, and then passes to the next line before joining the end of it. - This is a fun way to reward hustle and defensive footwork. 5 on 3 + 2 Fast Break Offense Drill - This drill improves transition offense, passing, and decision making. Then stand them in lines behind the baseline at opposite ends of the court/field. 1. Golden child is another fun game that kids will end up begging you to let them play each practice. Among other basketball drills for kids, this is a fun one for helping kids learn to pass and catch. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. It works on getting open, denying the offensive player, and making smart passes to limit turnovers. Make adjustments and team changes when you need to, but I recommend trying not to interrupt too much. Ball Reversal Offense Drill - This is an advanced drill that emphasizes ball reversals and ball movement. This is because children who start training in their childhood years develop the basic skills necessary for improvement much faster than adults. Defensively, players will learn how to keep an offensive player in front of them and challenge every shot. Zig-zag slides are a great drill for a beginning team. How to do Wall Basketball Passing Drills: Beginner: Stand 15 feet or so in front of a hard wall (cement, brick, etc). Crazy Conditioning Relays. This helps you coach the technical skills of shooting, ball handling, passing, and footwork. 4. That way, many of your players develop a lifelong passion for the game and play it well into the future! Players take it in turns shooting free throws. They then jog to the end of the line. Make sure players are attacking the ring at the correct angle. ). Globetrotters Open sesame! Well also tell you why practicing basketball from a young age can have many benefits! Dribbling and Ball Handling Drills for Kids. No fuss. Take em out to the ballgame! Never seen anything like it except for what happened at the . Only one basketball is needed for this drill. That's why ball-handling is crucial to learning the game! It also improves hand-eye coordination (which can affect almost every other aspect of the game). This basketball drill is great for improving the shooting accuracy and ball control of your kid. Defense is one of the most underappreciated facets of basketball. I'm the 25-year-old former footballer, who could have gone pro was it not for my knee injury! This activity is F-U-N! That's why coaches developed the "games approach" to practice. Are the sneakers worth the price that they are being sold at? While keeping their head up so they know exactly where other players are at all times. The drill begins with all players on the baseline lining up on one of the corners. And thats okay! All players begin in a straight line on the baseline. The two defenders now become offensive team and they get an extra player from the sideline to give them 3 players. This activity puts an arcade-themed twist on tag and teaches players about the different lines on the court. Once players have made one round of that course, or once they lose control of the basketball, then they should move down two cones and start again from there (the bottom-most point). Players must explode out with the dribble. The first step is to split your group up into two similarly even teams. Price : $ 39.99 Availability: In stock! If they miss, they must rebound the ball and score as quick as possible. After a minute or two, swap the defenders over. Do you have what it takes to transform into a butterfly? by: Mike Ohalloran More: Reviews of Youth Basketball Practice Plans Your basketball practice plans are fantastic! Scoring Duos Players practice playing with and without an advantage in this game. 2 0 obj Partner passing teaches the absolute basics of passing and allows your players to practice different types of passes and the correct technique. While this takes more time and organization, it can be a great way to maximize the development of your team! It doesnt matter if they get beat a couple of times while theyre working on defending. Who form their single file line about ten feet behind those starting points. Pirate Dribbling, Mr. Fox, and Coin Drop (3 Drills), Cone Chair Dribbling Drill Through Traffic, 1v1 Off Hand Dribbling Drill - Beat em Left, Monkey in the Middle and Bull in the Ring, 7 Progressions for Footwork & Passing - Quick Stops and Pivoting, Red Light - Green Light (For Footwork & Dribbling), Take care of the ball and reduce turnovers, Make better passes that are on target and on time, Score more points with better team offense, Shut down your opponents with great defense on and off the ball, 6 Minutes - Practicing dribble moves with no defense, 6 Minutes - Attacking a live defender with 1v1 full court, 6 Minutes - Practicing lay ups with no defense, 6 Minutes - Shooting lay ups with a trailing defender, 8 Minutes - Running your offense with no defense, 8 Minutes - Running your offense against live defenders. When a dribbler is tagged, they are now out and must wait on the sideline for the rest of the players to be caught. Jump Stop Drill - This is a great drill for reducing travels, improving balance, and developing better footwork to improve scoring and passing angles. If it doesnt hit them then it must be caught! Practice Plans for 10- to 11-Year-Olds 139 page 85). Once they do, theres no pressure until another shot is made. They can use either foot as a pivot foot so long as both feet remain stationary until told otherwise. This continues until all the dribbling players are out and then the teams switch roles. Once the players are in pairs, they must stand on a line parallel from their partner. Encourage players to set screens for each other and use body fakes to get open. Red Light Green Light, Simon Says. 32 West 136th Street. We want the offensive player far enough in front that they have to sprint while dribbling down the floor and then when they finish at the rim theres close defensive pressure behind them. Encourage players to use both hands. This is one of the best basketball drills I know for improving passing and decision making. 9. The great-est leaps in skill improvement are made through the use of small-sided games. Small-sided games are the best. Basketball Drills Basketball Coach Weekly. Reaction Rebounding - This improves your rebounding, so you can properly finish every defensive possesion. Check out our drillbooks and playbooks as well! After a player has taken a shot, they can either return to the end of the same line or rotate lines either clockwise or anticlockwise. 2. Make it from one end of the court to the other without losing possession in this head-to-head activity. 1. Stretching and warming up can also serve as practice in itself. Constantly remind players to keep their head up. Each team has only one basketball. BASKETBALL TRYOUT SECRETS Template net. If you have more than 10 players, I recommend creating two lines. 3. With younger teams or beginners, you might spend a little more time on drills without defenders. Sharks and Minnows is one of my favorite games for youth practices. Extend both arms high into the air and imagine slapping both hands against the backboard giving it a "high 5" with each hand. After that, select two players to be taggers and get everyone else to spread out around the court. At its core, though, it's a race between two individual players. Theyre on their own and must stay in front and challenge the shot. Try to match the best players up against each other. Immediately after making the chest pass, the player will explode to the free-throw line where the coach will pass the ball back to them. Now start adding live runners, with helmets on, into the infield drills. And have it get more advanced as you go down the list. The dribbling team must all have a basketball and they should be lining up at one of the corners of the baseline. These best basketball drills for 8-10 year olds can be a very important part of the player's development. Sportball values positive learning outcomes over winning and was one of the first companies to offer developmentally . The only problem with this drill is that only two people can go at once so if you have a large group it might not be appropriate. Basketball Coaching Basketball Drills Top 5 Fun Basketball Drills for Kids. Split your team up into four groups and send each group to a cone. Players perform a jump stop on receiving the pass from the coach, pivot around to square up to the basket, and then make a variety of scoring moves. 4. 3. Depending on the age of your team, select a distance away from the basket that is outside of their comfortable shooting range, but close enough that the kids can still throw/shoot the basketball and theres a chance it will go in. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You want them to have some success and you also want them to be pushed. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Grab your passports! The defenders goal is to get a deflection or a steal. Players then take it in turns shooting with the aim to swish each shot through the net. They can be freed by other dribblers by rolling the basketball through their legs. Players will begin the drill by making a chest pass out to the coach in front of them. 2. Gates Dribbling Half-Court 2 on 2 Hip Turn Drill - A vital drill that teaches your players how to quickly change directions. Well show you how to do that in the next section And sometimes, you have 7th and 8th grade teams that need to spend more time on the beginner drills. To start the drill, the defender hands the basketball to the offensive player. This drill helps players develop dribbling skills while running at high speed, such as on a fast break. On go, the players begin dribbling at a comfortable pace towards the opposite end of the court. We will never share your information. In the very best basketball drills, young players are so busy playing they almost forget that theyre learning! If your players are struggling to make shots, consider splitting the shooting team in two and putting them on both elbows or even closer so that they have more chance of scoring. Fastbreak Shooting Drill - 12 Players, 1 Hoop - While improving your shooting out of the fast break, this also shows you a great way to organize a shooting drill when you have a bunch of players and only one basket. that theyre learning! You can aim for roughly a 60% to 70% success rate. Players must be sprinting and sliding at 100% effort throughout the entire drill. 2. Having an extra player on offense means that theres always someone open as long as the offensive team keeps spaced apart. 4 0 obj 7. As soon as the first player has shot, the second player can begin. 2. The purpose of this drill is shooting with perfect form around the basket. Basketball Drills For 10 Year Olds - YouTube Basketball Drills For 10 Year Olds, all of these Basketball drills for 10 year olds are drills for teams and not individuals. 1v1 Wing Close Outs - This is a great drill to simulate contesting the shot and stopping the dribble drive. The goal of the game is to make your shot before the person behind you makes their shot. Once that pass has been made. Pressure is a simple and fun end-of-practice game that works on shooting free throws while under pressure. As they're on the descent of their jump, the player must secure the basketball by gripping it tightly under their chin with their elbows out. 3. The coach must pick the golden child or there will be upset kids! Use both ends of the basketball court if you have two coaches so that players get to play more often. For this example, well use the parallel lines of the key, but if you have two other parallel lines on your home court, you can use them too. Both by developing their fundamentals and building their confidence. Start in a good basketball rebounding stance and jump up with both feet as high as possible. The player in the centre starts with the ball, throws the ball off the glass and makes the rebound. This is a fun drill for working on defensive footwork. 3 0 obj The first person in that back row then starts by passing the ball to any player from across the court (or someone standing next to them). Dr. Phil - Do Not Reward Bad Behavior And Don't Support Those Who Do Setup: Make two lines - the shooting line on the wing, and the defense, box-out line at the free-throw line. 3. Depending on the amount of players you have, I believe 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 are the best small-sided games to use. The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products. No Dribble Advancement - This is a great variation of the no dribble drill that also removes shooting to get more repetitions. You will need a full-sized basketball court or similar area that allows enough space between teammates. Free Weekend Fundamental Basketball Trial Class Youth Ages 8-10 (Sunday) Presented By Breakaway Hoops. Each time I run this drill, the players end up leaving practice with a smile on their face. The trick for coaches is to leverage what kids already know and build on their knowledge with simple coaching tips.This video features fun basketball drills for kids, perfect for 10 year olds. Sometimes extra practice during downtime can benefit kids just as much! Once the two defensive players get the basketball (either by steal, rebound, or because the offensive team scored), they outlet to the next player in line at half way who sprints in to help advance the ball. Spacing is of the utmost importance. Basketball Shooting Drills 1. Write down the dribbling moves so that you dont forget them. The goal here isnt necessarily for them all to make every single reception but rather that everything runs smoothly as a unit! Start with 1 set of 10 jumps and work your way up to 3 sets. This is a repetitive jumping drill. These are the minnows. Follow Through Elimination is a game I often run to conclude practice. Dribble Knockout 1v2 Pressure Ball Handling - This is an advanced drill that forces your players to beat two defenders. 7. The goal of the game is to dribble and reach the other side of the court. Don't Threaten. Here are five fun basketball drills every coach should know. Anyone could start basketball, at any age. To make Dawg Passing into a competitive drill, split your team into two squads at each end of the floor. This means that if they miss, theyre out of the game. No fouling. What features stand out on these sneakers? 8. These drills are specifically designed for 5-year-olds and A great drill for kids beginning to learn the game of basketball. 3-on-2 Full Court Drill - Here is a great way to improve ball handling, decision making, and passing in a full court setting. This drill focuses on basic footwork fundamentals. stream Build players muscle memory by pairing quick stops and explosive speed in this schoolyard favorite. Invariably playing with thick, round . To play this game you will need to divide players into two lines with half as many kids on each team as there are baskets, or four people total if playing solo. Basketball is a game of footwork, balance, and change of speed, and by training the feet to move quickly, players can improve in every way, at every age. Start in a good athletic stance with feet shoulder-width apart. Build players muscle memory by pairing quick stops and explosive speed in this schoolyard favorite. Right hand up, left hand back Crossovers Behind-the-back Through-the-legs Dribble low Dribbling backwards. Or, if youre just looking for some silly ideas to put a smile on your teams face, check out our fun basketball drills for kids. Ball Reversal Offense Drill - Ball reversals tend to lead to better offense. The drill requires one basketball and it always starts with the coach. All players dribble around in a small area and the goal is to knock other players basketball out of the area while keeping your own basketball alive. This great team-building activity improves communication and collaboration skills.