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After you leave the service, they just continue to presume upon you and continue to presume that you owe them service as a kind of military government quasi-civilian --- that is, if you don't formally give them notice otherwise. When you register a piece of property --- say, a car or truck? Strawman Illusion Explained Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you? And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. You look the DA in the eye and you say, "I am not presenting this certificate for any purpose of identification. Affinity For Life 1.43K subscribers Subscribe 808 30K views 6 years ago A quick video on what your strawman is and the fraud associated with. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. ? In point of fact, our States are under no obligation to reconstruct the Confederation of States dba States of America and are potently capable of exercising every power ever delegated to the Confederation. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. American Indians and African Americans are under no presumption of servitude nor of obligation nor of any enemy status related to our government and are to be considered American State Nationals like any other American born on our soil, equal inheritors of all natural and unalienable rights and blessings. The problem is that they have turned around and seen it as a new secret language they can operate in and use to defraud you. Foreign Situs Trust The officers and subcontractors of the Territorial United States Government are hereby "fully informed" concerning this fraud scheme directed against their employers and benefactors-- the American States and People-- and are called to perform their duties in Good Faith and to honor their obligation to support and defend our States and our People. If not, it's high time that you did. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. According to the Bar Association Manual and the Government Printing Office and Federal Bureau of Engraving and Black's Law Dictionary and the Chicago Manuel of Style, the only things that can be named using All Capital Letters are: (1) Corporations or (2) Dead men's estates. Outlaws. Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. 138-178), 10. A legal fiction was created when someone informed the government that there was a new vessel in town, based upon your birth. Americans are invited to peaceably come forward and declare their proper political status and assemble their States of the Union. We are serving Notice on the U.S. Department of Defense with this International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam that we are non-combatant civilians who are owed proper identification as internationally protected persons and who are owed proper passports, too. Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile on the land and soil of--- for example--- Georgia. It now becomes necessary for everyone to learn PARSE SYNTAX so that you can defend yourselves in the venue of international law and commerce. This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas" picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" ---- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts. Those who actually own their homes, ranches, etc., free and clear of mortgage debts can go to the Title Company and request a Certificate of Redemption. See their Federal Title 37. In sum total, at the end of this process, you have: (1) damning conclusive evidence of their wrong-doing against a baby; (2) proof of your ownership of your name and your standing; (3) proof of your political status; (4) proof that you are the only authorized Power of Attorney; (5) proof that any "vessels" related to you stand under the Public Law and are not subject to any presumption or interpretation otherwise. Baby Deed We also direct the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and the IRS to unblock the individual accounts owed to The United States of America and to every American State National who reclaims their birthright political status by public recording of their declarations and who presents a Birth Certificate in evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes and unlawful conversion of their estate in violation of both commercial and international law. Do we need any other reason to disband the CIA? The people of the world have already said no to the Raj, to the Nazis, and we shall say no to any US or Chinese military hegemony dedicated to the same ugly principles of criminal injustice, greed, oppression, enslavement, immorality and deceit. Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording That is, objectively,what they have been doing for at least six generations, if you count ----and I do-- their outrageous fraud and Breach of Trust during and after the so-called "Civil War", when they "took title" to every supposedly freed former Plantation Slave in America as property belonging to their commercial corporations. To expedite and institutionalize their cozy "special relationship" the perpetrators have established The Dead Baby Scam, a throwback to earlier outlawed practices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire. Basics Of Birth Certificates And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. Where is the only power point against all this? Then you provide certified copies of your recorded Deed of Reconveyance, etc. Britain is owned by the Vatican. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon? An "unconscionable contract" is a contract that you literally are not aware of. You are "undeclared" so that allows them to tell lies about you and make presumptions about your identity and political status. You have to understand there is no money. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. I have no reason to lie to you about any of this and you can easily observe it and look it up and prove it for yourselves. That resulted in us being reclassified as "US citizens" -- as if we were government employees or as if we had been born in Puerto Rico. For this fraud and theft, the Office of the Roman Pontiff, liquidated in 2011, is fundamentally responsible. And how could a little baby be aware of a contract made "for" him when he was only a few days old, by a new Mother who was never given full disclosure about those papers she was signing at the hospital? The Registrar. Finally, you will seize upon all the other Assumed Names and NAMES that are or could be associated with you in any regard, and all their variations and permutations and orderings and styles, and you will use a recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) to claim them and permanently domicile all of them on the land and soil of your State of the Union, too. An almost equal share of blame is owed to misdirected Federal Agencies, including the FBI, BATF, IRS, FEMA, DHS, CIA, DIA, TSA, BLM, USDA, SEC, and others that have engaged in and acted in support of these institutionalized crime schemes designed to defraud, oppress, and control their hapless employers. You will notice that the inscription on the birth certificate is your name in all-capital letters. All people are seen to be in custody of, The Crown. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. Depository Trust Corporation Slave traders. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. Control Your Strawman - Your Non-Biological 'Twin' | Freeman Movement By becoming aware and doing our due diligence we can save the world from criminality and predators. These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. This information is being made available to the Trump Administration and to the Public in an additional effort to end False Claims in Commerce against American Land Assets and bogus registrations of land assets in this country: We are enclosing a copy of the text of our International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam so that you are all fully informed and on the same page. I keep getting questions from people who have sent back their endorsed Birth Certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury and their Form 56 and instructions, etc., and they are asking me---- now what? All State Trusts, all Territorial States of States, and all Municipal STATES OF STATES, are under our liens as the Priority Creditors, and do not belong to any Secondaries purportedly acting for us. Admiralty Law They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. So, you should only connect with your name when it benefits you. (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention And All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA). They were to admit the fetal afterbirth material (amnion) resulting from each natural birth process as a "dying person" to the hospital record and use whatever Given Names our parents provided as the name of the amnion. Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. You need to think it through in a logical sequence and then reverse that sequence. If you intend to conduct any kind of business outside your state of the Union you will need to post an Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and if you go offshore to conduct business of any kind you will need to notify the U.S. Secretary of State and give them notice. Russell justifies it in terms of being "correct" according to principles of math and logic, but as he also had to admit --- it's just as easy to lie in the language of math as it is to lie using any system of symbolic communication. i, a man: be not Dead and Lost at SEE. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. Pirates. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Picture the scene: Commander Gould and I seated at my kitchen table, both heads bowed. Read this book at your own risk. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! Reclaim Ownership of Your Name. INTRO UCC WORKSHOP - PART 1 How to Own Your Strawman Open Enrollment: 4-hour Video Recording REPLAY ACCESS ONLY IMPORTANT: This Workshop is not a Pre-requisite for the in-depth UCC 5-week Intro Course. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work --- a government to protect you and your family. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921. In property law, a straw man would be the person whom a grantor transfers land to for some reason; (sometimes known as a "front") for the sole purpose of concealing the true owner. class-based animus. The first action gives you the key to unlock the door, the second allows you to walk through the door and lock it behind you. VIS COMPULSIVA Intention. The entire Dead Baby Scam is a plot so evil, so fantastical, so bizarre that it beggars all belief, and yet there it is -- exposed at the London Winter Olympics, clearly tracked on the public records of these organizations --- the largest identity theft and credit fraud scheme in the history of the world, all predicated on a fictitious genocide on paper and deliberate misapplication of our Given Names to our amniotic waste materials, substituted for the True Owners of our Earthly estates -- the Zygote and the living baby resulting from the unique Zygote underlying all other claims from the moment of fertilization onward. You are not under contract to the Civil [Municipal] Government. But, you can learn all about your strawman. December 2018,,,,, force, n. Power, violence, or pressure directed against a person or thing.actual force. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders -- not Tenants. Naturalized Citizenship" -- Unanswered Letters 14 - Anna von Reitz. You have our consent and direction to shut down the Municipal COURT System pending resolution of this Mess, and also our direction to shut down all registration of land assets in this country and further, to disregard and invalidate all Dead Letters of Administration being used to authorize probate administration of the fraudulently constructed Dead Baby estates. three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny thechildforever any rights ofReal Property, any Rights as a FreePersonand any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature oranimal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit. Get Up To Speed Fast! Municipal Citizen Of The United States No matter what language something is expressed in, whether the grammar is correct or not, we all know when something is unfair. What this means, amongst other things is, we need to make a claim of Life to prove that we are live and living. If you don't present your claims in PARSE, they ignore them. A baby is not a new car. And though they are imposed "in the interests of public safety", American state nationals are not required to use driver licenses, either, unless they are engaged in some business or trade that makes use of the public roads for private gain --- commercial trucking operations, taxi and courier services, etc. UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE - Straw Man Beginnings Truly despicable criminals in nice suits, having dinner at the finest restaurants on your ticket, jet-setting around the world pretending to "represent" you in one respect or another, all blatant as pigs can be. (Your Birth State --- Ohio, Texas, California, etc. How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract It's the actual unincorporated and sovereign State of the Union, so they can all go blow. (Bened. Pl. The British Territorial United States Government has participated in one of the most massive human trafficking, kidnapping, conscription, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, and organized racketeering schemes in world history --- and it has conspired against us, against our States of the Union, and ultimately against the Constitutions which allow these corporations to exist and operate on our shores. August 2018 The 1779 Naturalization Act The Rule of Love always overcomes the Rule of Law. Live Life Claim - Prepare For Change American state nationals are not eligible for Social Security, either, and you should have never been enrolled. You will bein control your own livesagain. It's all malarkey. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people. Government held stock in the agencies. More than 30 Trillion Dollars has been siphoned offand embezzled out of this country during the Obama Administration and more untold trillions of counterfeit "US Dollars" were printed off-shore and dumped into other economies worldwide --- and it was all state sponsored counterfeiting by "government agencies". We are in the process of assembling our States of the Union and have posted our Will and Intent as of September 9, 1776 and have re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent as of November 4, 2015. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548), 13. Vermin. It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. Regis from Queen or Crown. This includes every District Attorney, every United States Attorney, every State of State and STATE OF STATE Governor/Governor, plus the US Secretary of State and the US Secretary of the Treasury and the military Base Commanders in your area and every lawyer from here to South Africa. So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury. Record that. If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn't steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you --- then, it's high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. Quick Summary - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - UK - Weebly The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. We come from our mothers waters. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44), 26. So at last you can achieve that much-desired end of having your employees leave you and your assets alone, and forcing them to get back to work doing the job you hired them to do---- protecting you and your assets instead of bullying, attacking, and robbing you. It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator. You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. In sovereign citizens' view, the government-controlled and enslaved strawman is evidenced by documents showing the person's name in all capital letters. August 2019 Claim Your Strawman Deny the crooks jurisdiction over you, and destroy their power. a servitude appurtenant as opposed to a personal servitude such as usufruct; an easement. Once you can be recognized as a natural-born American state national, you can go to the Tax Assessor and claim back your land as the landlord exercising your "reversionary trust interest" ---- and demand that it be listed as private property and not annexed as residential, industrial, or agricultural property belonging to the State of State. Every State of State in the Union has statutes about Assumed Names, also known as Business Names, also known as Trade Names, which retain your Common Law Copyright rights. ah, so.. go back and correct the "mistake" and claim your own Trade Name and copyright it effective with your actual birth-day. Without going into all the complexities, the basis of the strawman concept is a belief that somehow the United States government has "mortgaged" its citizens to the International Monetary Fund in return for a sizeable cash sum. We are supporting it. 1.) Common Law Court