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Deputy CM O Panneerselvam can never be seen without the holy ash and vermilion on his forehead. It also asked the Central Government to set up a three-member Supervisory Committee to monitor dam safety. As long as the ones who follow Manu dharma exist, the nation will never have discipline, integrity, honesty and justice. The committee recommended raising the level to 142 feet, which was endorsed by the Supreme Court in February 2006. The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Wednesday directed the State government to consider a representation sent by a petitioner to remove a portion of They somehow contrive to have the rulers in their pocket, participate in governance and conspire to torture and suck the lives out of other citizens in order that they live (in comfort). These blatantly anti-semitic lines were penned on March 20, 1938, when Hitlers flag was flying high. Kerala sought to restrict the level to 136 feet by way of an amendment to the Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation Act, prompting the Tamil Nadu Government to move the Supreme Court. Tamil Nadu today) in 1931 was, of the population were graduating from these colleges. Am aware that any effort to break the status quo about EVRs presumed greatness will be resisted byrationalists who admire him blindly as they are aware such questions on EVR will break the artificial halo built for political and monetary gains. He accepted the Constitution written by the Brahmins and signed on the dotted lines. Become a Member. Is there any sources for this or is it a legend? Particularly when UNESCO is about to give out a prize in honor of an abusive, corrupt leader from West Africa whose record resembles that of Kim Jong-il. The dravidian parties like DMK, DK, ADMK follow the idealogies of Periyar and that is why a lot of problems occur in TN for a long time. UttarPradesh of Chief Minister Mayawati entered the fray and sure she did give competition. Twentieth century India had a handful of many short influences but most of them derived a narrow, sectional idea for political purposes catering and serving some sections of society. The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design SolidWorks and Mastercam. His rationalism was hollow and lacked any useful content. The price is this: he asked for 10% reservation and they gave him 15%. Some revolutionary, he was. Having been limited by Congress stalwarts who were Brahmins he remembered the tricks of the Anti brahmin Justice Party and decided to adopt their modus operandi. In November that year, a tripartite meeting chaired by the then chairman of the Central Water Commission (CWC), K.C. Their flowers were less fragrant than the flowers of Tamil Nadu. It says it is taking steps to complete the remaining works to strengthen the dam, including those meant for the baby dam, situated alongside the main dam, for which clearances from the Kerala and Central Governments are required. The national intellectual landscape is verdant. EVR was like a heavy road roller that crushed anything that came between his deep desires but was smart and cunning enough to mask them as social issues. They call me a subterfuger and that is ironic because such hiding, twisting, manipulative skills were the key characters of most of Congress claims on India since her formation in 1885 as an elitist club and as a joint venture with Colonial British to seek jobs from the rulers. In February 2010, the court constituted an empowered committee to study the whole gamut of issues concerning the dam. Other parties, independent of their loyalties, think the same. The national landscape is verdant. In 1938 at Tamil Nadu Women's Conference appreciatin the noble service rendered by E.V.R. Even while criticising non-Brahmin national leaders like Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose and Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Periyar said that they were all victims of a Brahmin conspiracy. EV Ramaswamy's hatred towards the Hindu religion and his open slander of gods in his magazines Kudiarasu and Dravidan are well-known. Also, by the 1930s, the majority of students in both arts and professional colleges were not Brahmins. Yet, he was a die-hard devotee of Periyar. WebSometime before, I have read this about Periyar's funeral: Government of India / Chief secretary was against giving Periyar a state Funeral because Irony is that the superstitious idols of ancient temples of backward superstitious Hindus continue to be stolen and traded across the world for millions and possibly billions of dollars. He was the angry man spewing vitriolic hate against society, blaming, abusing, mocking, vulgarising Tamils. His propagation for widow remarriage was not adhered to by his second wife Maniammai nor by any of the widows of any Dravidian leader. M. Karunanidhi (front row, third from left) and Periyar (fourth). It was constructed When Brahmin Sathyamurthy led Congress entered the famous Madurai Meenakshi Temple with Dalits, EVR objected. Play boys were called minors in Tamilnadu those days probably because they continue to stay adolescent despite growing in age. Was he the profound reformer who transformed society as claimed by his followers and propagandists? There is a scene in the movie Periyar depicting what you are saying. But as Granville Austin writes in his seminal book, (1999), After the Congress eclipsed the Justice party in the 1937 elections and later, it made compulsory discrimination very much its own policy even while led by Tamil Brahmins like [Chakravarti] Rajagopalachari., Periyar was clear that he was against Brahmins, not Brahminism. He did not think about others. (, Periyars atheism was crude and obnoxious. The African Union would accept an application to consider taking on the controversial life sciences award, but a clear plan has yet to emerge. Given all this, why is he being heralded as a great thinker by the Dravidian intellectuals? All rights reserved. The reason? If that is what Rajinikanth has done, then it IS a big deal. But statistically they were not very significant. Soon, roads were renamed, portraits unveiled, housing colonies were to be named after politicians in Tamilnadu. EVR called Idols as lifeless stones and called out those beliefs of honouring and worshipping them as crass and superstitious. Then again, they were not alone. EVR went hammer and tongs on CNA for his decision as was usual with him. The dharma of India is the dharma of criminal tribes. Was the Brahmin the bogeyman, the Baba Yaga of the Tamil country? If you do not have an account please register and login to post comments. He then did NOT enter electoral politics. WebThe fake propaganda states, In 1970, he was honored by UNESCO with an award, the citation of which said: Periyar, the Prophet of a New Age, Socrates of South Asia, Father 1. This is a subreddit for the people of Tamilnadu, India. It was expanded in 1947 by the then-ruling Congress party, and when Periyar was busy demanding a separate Dravida Nadu. They also urged the court to ask the CWC to fix the rule curve, instrumentation scheme and gate operation schedule of the dam. We are told that he was not against Brahmins but against Brahmanism. His pious wife objected. Some thoughts are kept alive by artificial resuscitation following propaganda theories and methods. Marwaris and Gujarathis were targeted too. Periyar was at the forefront of the protests against Hindi imposition. I predict that crazes will die naturally while excellence whether in art or culture will always prevail! HOME; INTERIORS; EXTERIORS; OFFICE & PORTRAITS; PUBLICITY/EVENTS; CONSTRUCTION; INFO 4, p. 532, compiled by Pasu. The Dravidian landscape, on the other hand, is an arid desert, and Periyar was the only cactus plant to have bloomed in it. It is like asking whether you hate thievery or the thief. Overall, there were about 15,000 Brahmins out of about 80,000 government employees (Political Career of E.V. The Justice Party came to power in 1920 and the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) in 1967. WebAnswer (1 of 5): The reason is politics cannot happen without taking his name for everything and blaming Brahmins for everything. He spent his long life tirelessly working in support of what he believed in and against what he detested. He wanted people to give up their mother tongue and speak in English. At times, Periyar issued blood-curdling threats to Brahmins, but in action he did not believe in violence. None follow the few good things EVR propagated. His so-called research on the Ramayana dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. EVRs rationalism was limited by his experiences but refused to accept that marriage in a civilisation has been conceived not as some individual enterprise but as a social effort to ensure a lifelong commitment by couple. (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. EVR was more a crude racist than a rationalist. Their snakes dont have venom but the Tamil snakes do. This is Rajinikanth's first overtly political move, in over twenty years. The decision to marry a girl fifty years younger to him exposed the hypocrisy of Dravida Kazhagam and his supporters realised that a storm of fury was blowing within. Hate had powers to attract mass attention and history shows hate can over throw powers and establishments as people mislead to misread it as revolution of love. MGR's hatred for the DMK and its ideology is legendary. Ramasamy writing in his magazine Kudiyarasu, and he is being unusually mild here. Only with this theory an attempt at ravaging Hinduism could be tried for projecting Brahmins as aliens to India and Hinduism. Bear in mind that Periyar in the 1950s did not have the larger than life image that he has now. Congress was not launched to fight for Indias independence and an aura was later carefully created that the Party was launched to fight for India. Having experienced His miracles first hand, I went about on a search to know the other common lives that were blessed by our Sage but hitherto were never revealed in public. * Ram is very good at studies but his dad is poor. Somehow he managed to get his son into an IIT coaching. Ram gets admission in the IIT Coaching. Devotees are struck in awe when incredible stories of His miracles are shared by Queens and Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers as well by celebrities of many hue and colour. This number increased to around 14,000 in 1936. This then gives us two options. Because of fundamental confusions in the logic of Dravidian politics, those anti Idol cries lead ironically to a huge spurt in grotesque statues across Tamilnadu which are seriously now believed to have lives, garlanded and worshipped proving existence of some recoil reverse effect to deliver what the opposite of rationalism that Dravidian politics claimed and propagated for decades. The Hindu Explains EVR advocated Nazi-style anti-Brahminism. The Periyar that the non-Tamil intellectuals know is a sanitised version of his real personality, lovingly packaged and offered by his admirers. Dark Mode. , UNESCO ie) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization did not credit EV Ramasamy with any award titled The Socrates of South Though his love for science was childlike, he did not have the intellectual rigour to understand what the scientific enterprise was all about. Tamil Nadu today) in 1931 was around 46 million. Menu. And that an image of Lord Rama cutout in wood was set afire at the end of the parade. The reaction from Dravidianists is perplexing as Periyar himself was renowned for his iconoclasm. Well this image clearly says the Opinion about the reservation of B.R. Ambedkar. His idea for reservation was not but later the politicians for the Our dharmic civilisation is important than any individual or any group. With a totally upper class bourgeois arrogance EVR had no compassion for the Dalits. He used cinema as a vehicle for propaganda and personal glorification so successfully that he won his final election while unconscious in the hospital. Thus, less than 1% of 1% of the population were graduating from these colleges. The story so far: Coinciding with an episode of erratic, cataclysmic rain in Keralas high-ranges, the But statistically they were not very significant. Thus, [my stand is] Brahminism grew out of the Brahmin and I am striving to annihilate the root. Tamilnadu is limited by the filmi world and is not in a state to work out the mind beyond Kollywood factory. Little surprise, therefore, that this dialogue seems to have jumped out of the screen and taken to the streets. This would mean that around 4,500 students would have had to be passing out every year in the 1930s. Even in 1943, he called Communists a sugar coated poison as he thought Communists were threat to his bourgeois life. It is nobodys case that the Brahmins were angels. EVR excercised selective hatred based on his personal experiences and remained and died as one. A temple has been built for atheist Karunanidhi near Gudiyatham by DMK cadre. Whatever came on the way to his promiscuous life was detested and he envied and admired the British in India living an ammoral life in India. There are two ways to assess the impact of reservation in India on the general category people. 1: Immediate Effect When general category people ar Karma hit back with mediocrity as excellence was mocked at. If you had read them in isolation and if you were familiar with the history of the Nazis, it is likely that you would think they must have been fished out of some sordid pro-Nazi tabloid. Because the truth is worth it.). Distory Buster. EVR admired the Christian evangelist G U Pope for conceiving the Aryan theory of invasion. EVR worked meticulously to break the moral shackles around him. The population of the presidency of Madras (a.k.a. The dharma of India is the dharma of criminal tribes. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. The court will hear the case again on November 11. Unfortunately, Periyar and his disciples could not look at the problem from this perspective. B R Ambedkar mocked and called Aryan Invasion an invention. The proof of the pudding lies in the high standards of arts. Of course, adept at manufacturing reasons for his objections to Sathyamurthy entering temple, Congressman EVR later staged a satyagraha on the streets leading to Vaikom temple in Kerala with his wife. Keralas Irrigation Design and Research Board is in the final stages . Assuring Mr. Vijayan of all support, Mr. Stalin informed him that the level in the dam was being closely monitored and the current storage was well within the level permitted by the Supreme Court. Between 1949 and 1967, the former being the year his disciple Annadurai broke away from him and formed his own party and the latter being the year he formed the first non-Congress government, Periyars harshest abuses were reserved for his former disciples. He either ignored the prejudices of others or simply admonished them to behave well in the future. Speaking truth to power requires allies like you. Colleges swarmed with them. He had married Nagammai, aged 13, earlier as a teenager. if Mullaperiyar dam gets destroyed, it will also damage its Idduki dam down the course. The only time Rajinikanth openly admitted to having political ambitions was in a Doordarshan interview in 1995. Gautham Ramaswamy Naicker, Even then it was clear that the trend was changing. He is yet to take BJP's the hand that they have been extending since 2014. Am aware that girl students in hostels run by the Dravidar Kazhagam trust in Tamilnadu provide nutritionless tastless food to girl students despite collecting huge fees. Fewer than 1,000 students would have had to be passing out every year in the 1890s. The Tamil Brahmins started migrating to cities both within the Tamil land and without whereas an overwhelming majority of them had been living in villages at the dawn of the 20th century. Earlier Chief Minister CN Annadurai had unveiled statue of Film artist NS Krishnan. However, he. Ambedkar, who was a prodigious scholar, Periyar was a street-fighter, and the things he said in anger are largely unprintable (though it is available in print in Tamil). In his last ever speech, on December 19, 1973, he spoke that he had been striving for long to annihilate god, religion, the Congress, Gandhi and the Brahmin. Credit to EVR that he succeeded largely in what he set out to achieve though he will be debated for a few more decades. In his last ever speech, on December 19, 1973, he spoke that he had been striving for long to annihilate god, religion, the Congress, Gandhi and the Brahmin. On the employment front, the total number of Brahmin gazetted officers were 620 in 1928. But he didn't lie. Socrates, Confucius, the unknown authors of the Hindu Vedas, etc. Viswanathan, 1983, p. 126). Attorney Advertising. dwelled on such grave issues as whether Sita slept with Valmiki. / No political party in India was exception to this rule but dynastic, Sychophantic parties went top gear installing ugly, disproportionately formed insulting ugly specimens as life like statues which exposed the hypocrisy of their intentions and the poor skill of the sculptors. That was biggest bullshit by Dravida Sanghis of Tamilnadu! Thiru Brahmma [ Users can access their older comments by logging into their accounts on Vuukle. EVR can go to any extent to tarnish the name and credibility of anyone who came on his way and his wife too became a victim to his machinations. C. Rajagopalachari was another tall brahmin leader whom EVR envied. construction of the Mullaperiyar dam across the Periyar in the present Idukki district. The publicly read out marriage agreement became a superficial drama and in the melee, neither of the couple ever meant what they read out as an oath. Madurai: The The Madras high court on Wednesday directed the state government to consider a representation which sought to remove the false information in WebAnswer (1 of 2): NO ! The aftermath of hate based rebellions had left always conditions worse than it were. Or, he spoke knowing fully well that his comments on Periyar would blow up. Either Rajinikanth spoke without thinking it through. The idols are considered worth every milligram or in millimetres. He did so because he considered all the upper caste non-brahmins, many of whom were landlords, money lenders, traders and merchants, to be victims when the reality was that they, too, were part of the machinery of oppression. EVR hated communists to the core. It is almost axiomatic in Tamil Nadu, and constantly parroted by non-Tamils too, that it was thanks only to Periyar that reservations in jobs and education came into being in the state. Periyar, : So long as democracy exists, the honest will have no other option except to fade away, giving the dishonest room to dance around. In a leaderless state that is currently seeing a drought in political news, this one statement has opened floodgates, and fanned fires. Its height is 53.6m (176ft) and length 365.7m (1,200ft). Based on the committees finding that the dam was structurally and hydrologically safe, the court, in May 2014, struck down Keralas Act and allowed Tamil Nadu to maintain the level at 142 feet. operation of the Mullaperiyar dam over which Kerala and Tamil Nadu have been sparring for long. Though he was personally liked by almost all political leaders, almost all of them considered him to be maverick, unrestrained and irresponsible. Whether he's ready to enter politics or not, whether or not he's even truly a politician, all that he says in public, is political. Fact remains that while all the hate theories of EVR were meticulously followed by his blind followers, none of his good ideals were followed even as chutney. BR Ambedkar was the worst abused. This number increased to around 14,000 in 1936. He admired the British. Which is why, for a celebrity to speak against Periyar is to denounce him, and all of his work in toto. But no propaganda can ever overshadow the influence of great minds and their conceptual ideas. He has, with a single quote, isolated himself from the ruling party and all of the Opposition, and united them. I express convictions! Effigies and posters of Vishnu, Shiva, Parvathi, Ayyappa and other smaller Gods were paraded naked, and shown having sexual communion.