Bt Service Checker, Articles S

The order of the switches, from left to right, is 2, 4, 1, 3. Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. Head through to the Rift Room and smash up everything in these rooms to find three clues, which will trigger a brief cinematic. After a bit of boarding up windows, you'll hit a cutscene and head to the mall. She will join your party (no achievement for now), giving you access to the bolt-cutters you've needed for a while to access all those padlocked doors. Your reward will be some more choice in offensive or defensive gear. The back office has some destructible debris that leads to a chest and a door you can't get through for now. Follow the path to get outside for all of two seconds, before heading through the next door back into a Secret Tunnel, Part Deux. In the next area, position your characters at each button, and then hit one and quickly switch to the other and hit the other button to proceed. Talk to the receptionist again, and you'll get access to the elevator up. To the SE, you have to turn all the lights on and hit the switch for the grid. Time to head over to Hoppers Cabin. truth about the person behind that door). Also pick up the master key here and backtrack to the locked door in the previous hallway (near Peewee Herman's room - yeah, if you haven't been reading the hospital occupants, you've been missing some jokes). Examine the computer and disengage the lock, then head in the door. If you've been following this guide, that's your 25th gnome, so you get an achievement: (You can check how many you have by going to the ITEMS screen and hitting .). Next to Karen is Susan, who has a quest for you; you need to get her a new hair dryer, starting the Revenge of the Geeks quest. Dont go below the 20 Prize Ticket mark at this shop. Now go talk to the man NW of the bathroom stalls, and hell let you see the worlds smallest man for 10 tickets. Now head in that back room to find Soviet Keycard Lv3. Next, head to Hawkins Lab. Each one will light up as you step on them. Now it's time to get back to the main quest. Left/NW wing: On - Off - Off - On - Off; Right/SE wing: Off - On - On - Off - Off. Now we need a Soviet Keycard Lv2 to proceed through the metal door in the previous hallway, so go SW of Robins room and enter the alarm room. Head around the counter to the back room and smash your way through. You'll eventually find a note that gives Samantha something more concrete to remember; head back and prompt her until she realizes it's in the back office and slides you the key. Speak to Mrs. Driscoll and then enter the house, checking her dresser, sink, dead rat in the bathroom, and then to the basement for the fertilizer. Now head back out of this side room and then NE, and NW to exit into Funhouse Floor 2. Eventually you'll be ambushed and back out into the cabin. That's everything for the quest thus far. No matter how fast I switch characters it isn't fast enough to press the button while the opposite light is still lit. As you leave, Chet will want a milkshake too. His special attack will fire some tracking bullets, which are pretty tough to avoid. Head into the Women's Locker Room and smash everything to find your googles. This area is tougher because rats will spawn in, and he'll often do a double-charge that can deal damage when you go in for an attack and he's still invulnerable. Crack it with Joyce and grab the Gnome #20: Burt beyond. Hitting both floor switches will activate the alarm, but you may want to wait a few minutes and let the game auto-save before attempting it if needed. Inside one of them, youll find a Tunnel Vending Machine. There's a Gnome #6: Elvis that is pretty easy to spot behind the trees here. Head NE and go into the aide's office to find a switch and Gnome #30: Ripley. You then just need to avoid Billy as he charges across the room and then hurt him while he's stunned. You should let them hit the alarm so the door will open. You'll need to adjust some environmental pieces here to open the path forward, with clues at the phone. Steven can't help you until you find his Keys, so start smashing everything in the room to get some change and find his keys in the back. Lets over to the Town Hall when ready to start a sidequest. You can use your characters to get past a switch puzzle with the doors, and one character will be able to open a door into a room with a chest that has the needed key. You need a sardine, mackerel, tuna, salmon and dough. Steve will join the party, and now we have a full roster. When youre ready to continue, head on over to Murrays Warehouse from the world map. You'll need a translation book from the library. You'll see the fence with a waypoint, but if you head past it there are more enemies guarding a chest. When you've done it right you'll see the door to proceed flips open. After talking to Murray, you'll need to head to Weathertop. He seems like a good kid. First, head SW through that locked door. To start with, talk to Will to complete what you're up to, and then head over to the other side of the room to talk to Max. 2r is the formula for circumference, so make sure the perimeter lights and only those lights are active by stepping on the corresponding floor switches. For this I stayed with Eleven as my main and used Erica as my secondary (since she has a chance to stun the enemies and slow them down). If you want to head back to where Robin was now, youll realize that they moved her. Make the fuse, then turn off the power to head back to the Rift Room door. Before you head up the escalator, look just above the SE-side one to see the telltale top of a Gnome #36: Bastion. The locked door has two medkits if you need them. Tiny #15: Hawkins Hospital, Hawkins Hospital ER, NE room. Inside, grab the goggles from the room to the NW and go to the TV. You need to Go to the M bookcase (bottom row, 2nd from top), then P, then B, then number 451. In here, head to the back, use the vent to get in the locked room and open the path, and then press both pressure plates to leave. Follow the path around the barn and you'll fine Gnome #15: Denver sitting out in the open. SKU:CH2365797. The door will re-lock itself later on, forever. Before you leave, head to the very far SE corner of this map. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Since there's a crafting table here and a way to get a bunch of supplies you may need from the shopkeeper, I recommend working on crafting some more trinkets. Assassin's Creed Origins Features Franchise First. We're nearly done with the backtracking gnomes. An experimental topping. The '80s themed Netflix tie-in, Stranger Things 3: The Game, has been removed from Steam and GOG today. Head into the house and you'll get prompted to head outside to spy on Billy. For each side, flip the two relevant breakers and hit switches to proceed into rooms with more breakers and computers. Hawkins FairTalk to Kline near the entrance in order to complete Fairground Face-Off. Head to Hawkins Town Hall, get past the receptionist, and head SW, beating up security and restoring power. Stranger Things 3: The Game > Discusses gerais > Detalhes do tpico. Taste great, no matter the weather! If youve been following my guide so far, you now have all the items needed to complete the Pizza subquest. Before you leave, check the sink for Gnome #33: Willie, then head back to the aide's office and flip the switch there. Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship; Contact; Home; About; Program; FAQ; Registration; Sponsorship . At some point, former war hero Yuri Ismaylov moved to Kyrzran, bought a church and turned it into his warehouse. Head into the barn and head out the NW exit. The back door that was locked before is now open! The first one has a simple switch, the second requires you to hack away during an alarm to reach it, for the third one just get through a room with enemies (if you can avoid triggering the alarm here I recommend it, because they'll dump a bunch of enemies on you), and the fourth one has another switch puzzle (correct order is from NW to SE/left to right: 2 and then 1.) In the Electronics Store, you'll need to use one character to toggle the security cameras while the other character hits the switch to the NE and then heads down the SE to turn the power back on, then backtracks to hit another switch and head into another depowered area. I wonder how this hospital functions anyhow, just continue along the linear path. I doesn't have to be a detailed floorplan, I'm fine with just a general layout. Tell the clown it took 10 tickets to get in, grab the random chest of items in the NW if you want, and then leave by the SE. Here, the second character you sent through can now toggle the cameras for the other character; make sure that before the first person heads through they go into the now-open room in the NW corner as you entered and grabs the chest contents here. Back at Mike's, you'll be tasked with finding a gift at the mall; you may want to also take the opportunity to see if you can craft anything with what you've found thus far. After the next area you'll be in Murray's House. Open the NW door for a bunch of loot in chests, then head SE and break through the next bolted door. While Stranger Things obviously oozes '80s nostalgia, Stranger Things 3: The Game reminds me distinctly of the 2000's, bearing many of the hallmarks of the bygone licensed tie-in games of that era. Start a new campaign off on whatever difficulty you want; there's no bonus beyond bragging rights for making things hard on yourself. Now talk to Murray to continue the story. In Granny's Cold, Dark Basement, you'll get locked in. While you're here you can first fill in Steve on your discovery of the dictionary to finish The Codebreakers quest, then talk to Robin. Here are the hints from the diary, in order: Day -x--x Nothing out of the ordinary. Inside is a puzzle. All walkthroughs seem to be playing on PS4 and having no problems. If you follow a specific sequence of exits hereSE, NE, SE, NE, and then SE again (so the top and bottom doors on the right) you'll find a small room with Gnome #48: Slash here. Just like the Never-ending Story bit in the television show, this defence goes on way too long. You can talk to Kline, who will evade you by walking slowly away. Hawkins FairIf you talk to the guy by the entrance and say What can I do here?, hell hand you a free Prize Ticket. Crack the control pad to the east, and hop in the Mini-Truck with Robin to proceed. On Floor 4, the exits will be a little random, but it's not hard to get to where you need to go through trial and error. Now you've got a number of story quests. If you go east, youll find a man by a red car asking you to help him find his keys. 2019 s 17:07. Let's take care of the side quest before continuing. In the NW part of the map there are a set of stairs leading down to a Secret Tunnel; if you follow the enemy-filled rooms NW you'll end up in a dead end with Gnome #9 David sitting out in the open. stranger things 3 game murray's warehouse buttons. Talk to Eleven and then pop around setting up the date, before you have to go talk to Hopper and get derailed. He wants us to make him a pizza and we need a lot of ingredients. At the end of this effort you'll be rewarded with Gnome #41: Adora. You'll wrap up the Slumber Party quest. Stranger Things 3: The Game is the official companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series! The single breaker on the central pillar controls the room you're in, so flip that and peruse the computer for more info. In here, you need to explore the bathroom and flip the switch here in the back by the toilet. Give the clown here an answer of 2. Enter the next room with the central table and head SE; you'll be ambushed by some Bad Dudes, and can then proceed into a darkened corridor with a locked door at one end and some switches along the path NW. Now, head around the street to the library. If you don't remember your geometry: *** Spoiler - click to reveal ***2r is the formula for circumference, so make sure the perimeter lights and only those lights are active by stepping on the corresponding floor switches. Rewards: Hidden Room, Gnome #43: Alexandre, Hockey Tape (Chest). You'll need to hit two breakers to make the path forward, but follow the "blood" southeast of the second breaker to find a few rooms with a chest and various destructible objects to loot. Before moving up to the next floor, travel SW where the green arrows are pointing in order to open up a shortcut for this floor. You can now access the vent in Dustin's House, which leads to another chest and Gnome #43: Alexandre. Little sister Erica is gonna' be your ticket in, but you're going to need a few things. You might want to allow them to hit the alarm, so the door opens up in the back. First, head to the vent in the Scoops Ahoy back room and loot the chest inside. Starcourt MallTalk to the gang waiting outside the mall. You'll be back at Starcourt Mall, just with it abandoned. Hit the switch there to complete this half of the puzzle. The clue you're looking for is the shoe store on the upper level. Nows a good time to craft your Vault trinket, since we found the Large Magnet. Bust out them bolt cutters for the bolted door and go inside. Funhouse Floor 4Enter NW into the next area, then backtrack immediately to find a locked chest with x5 Random Items. Then, exit the area and head to Hawkins Hospital. then posted on August 30th to announce that the game would also be removed from sale on their platform on the following day. Now, we've still got one more optional side quest here. Report the news via the telephone, but before you leave head to the NE. Here, head up and read the bulletin to learn that the combinations are now LRR. Cut through the chained door in the back, and go through a dark area with many rats. Switch the main blue switch once you've set the others to open the path forward to the Secret Tunnel. Next, head to Weathertop (while you're here if you haven't got the tuna for the pizza quest, do so by exploring the woods) and head into the nearby building and crawl through the vent.