(Uw inloggegevens zijn dezelfde gegevens als voor Online Rapporteren of SongSelect). You can even search or filter by theme or original key and sort your results by popularity, rank or recent additions. Contact CCLI: 1300 225 500 — Phone number, email addresses and location information for all CCLI office locations, Additionally the Church Video Licence™ provides legal coverage for churches and organisations to publicly … CCLI provides licences and services for churches, schools and organisations around the world, relating to the copyright of worship songs and media. (You only need to report this each time you print a new batch of song sheets.). Our collection of samples helps identify a song you heard that’s new to you or to evaluate an old favourite. Talk with a knowledgeable specialist, M-F, 9 am to 5 pm, AEST. To do it better, SongSelect seamlessly integrates with the audio, visual and planning tools you already use such as: Planning Center Services allows you to access the full library of SongSelect songs with import lyrics and chord charts directly, without leaving the application. If you’re new to reporting, the guides below will walk you through the process. Reporting examples If you have projected the song in a service, enter ‘1’ in the Digital box. Log in op uw profiel om uw gegevens te bekijken of uw licentiecertificaat te downloaden. And made easy for you. As of March 2015, CCLI's list contained nearly 24,000 public domain songs. 4. AU 1. CCLI maintains a list of songs that are in the public domain. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. If you’re a SongSelect user, you’ll already have an account, and you can sign in with your existing username and password. You should report on a regular basis, ideally weekly, or whenever you have reproduced songs or made copies. Knowing what others are listening to helps you stay current. With the proper license, SongSelect offers real-time access to songs of worship and the resources to perform them. Contact CCLI if you get stuck. Made powerful. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. However, CCLI appreciates that determining whether a particular film is covered isn’t always easy. You’ll quickly see why it’s a favourite among worship leaders and teams. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is required before a license can be issued. Mange af dem finder du i Songselect. We use your email to create your unique, personal, CCLI Profile. ▶ Digital Klantenprofiel . Join with over 60,000 churches, camps, Christian schools and childcare centers across North America that rely on CVLI and the Church Video License. AU Additionally the Church Video License™ provides legal coverage for churches and organizations to publicly … SongSelect by CCLI is the definitive source for Christian music, worship songs, song lyrics, chord and lead sheets, transposable sheet music and audio. Worship Extreme is a presentation app that allows you and your team to easily create presentations that include song lyrics, videos, images, PowerPoints, YouTube videos and more. If you wish to report other songs from the same publication, simply select the publication again and repeat the process for the next song you need to report. Your organisation’s CCLI Administrator may have this, or may be able to invite you to join the organisation. Faça login no Perfil do Cliente para verificar os detalhes que temos para você e baixe uma cópia do seu certificado de licença. SongSelect® by CCL® is the definitive source for Christian worship music, song lyrics, chord and lead sheets, transposable sheet music and audio previews. Please remit payments to: CVLI PO Box 80127 Here are the Terms and Conditions for the CCLI Streaming License, covering the rights and restrictions for license holders. Search for the publication you wish to report songs from. If you streamed or posted a recording of that service online, you should also report this under Record/Stream. ScreenVue enables legal download and streaming samples of video and full-length feature films. 3.2 The renewal of the License Fee shall be due and payable prior to the expiration of the CCLI Streaming License. CCLI's Authorised Lists provide details of the copyright owners, song catalogues and film producers covered by CCLI's licences for Asia Pacific. CCLI-licensen inkluderer retten til at kopiere og projicere over 100.000 sange. Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. Your email address allows us to send you essential communications about your personal Profile and your organization account. If you are a current customer, please include your CCLI License number or Customer ID. The CCLI Streaming License enables your church to reach a wider community with your worship. What will CCLI do for my organisation? ▶ Stream/Record (more…) View On the Search & Report (Home) page, select Publications from the drop-down list next to the search bar. Your email address allows us to send you essential communications about your personal Profile and your organization account. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. To report, you’ll need a CCLI Profile account. Ich bin wirklich sehr dankbar für CCLIs Vision und Integrität. Use the free version forever, not as a trial! (Seus dados de login serão os mesmos que você usa para Relatórios Online ou Seleção de músicas). ▶ If you have translated the song into another language, report this under Translate. / ENG. To select a song, click the REPORT button next to that song. ScreenVue enables legal download and streaming samples of video and full-length feature films. Often your search will return multiple results, with the closest matches at the top. CCLI provides licences and real-time access to Christian music, film and media while at once easing the burden of administration related to copyright. ▶ If you streamed or posted a recording of that service online, you should also report this under Record/Stream. A Free account allows access to all SongSelect features; while limited to non-copyrighted songs within the public domain. By CCLI. With the proper license, SongSelect offers real-time access to songs of worship and the resources to perform them. But to have the ability to easily transpose that music to your desired key is truly powerful. ▶ If you have printed multiple song sheets that include this song, enter ‘1’ in the Print box for each batch of song sheets you have printed. SongSelect Premium offers the flexible ChordPro format as an added export option for Chord Sheets. Regardless of region or whether it is an economic, moral, philosophical, or simply administrative objective, CCLI helps you honor copyright law and the creative people who author these valuable works. Premium level has an annual 200 unique song limit for printing chord, lead and vocal sheets. Project lyrics right from the stage and play backing tracks. Contact CCLI: 1300 225 500 — Phone number, email addresses and location information for all CCLI office locations, All rights reserved. Contact CCLI: (360) 553-7500 — Phone number, email addresses and location information for all CCLI office locations, internationally. Talk with a knowledgeable specialist, M-F, 9 am to 5 pm, AEST. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. Follow the instructions for reporting under the CCLI Copyright Licence. If you have projected that same song on three separate services/locations since your last report, enter ‘3’ in the Digital box. ccli스트리밍 라이선스로 온라인 예배를 안전하게 시작해 보세요. For SongSelect abonnementer tilbydes fuld tilbagebetaling minus 7,50 DKR for hver eneste sang indenfor de første 14 dage efter køb.. Ingen tilbagebetaling efter 14 dage. United States - Global HQ. Plan. With the proper licences, our world-class library of Christian media, content, and resources enables organisations to discover and legally use copyright works to serve the needs of their business or ministry. The Producer Package covers 600+ producers, including major Hollywood Studios like 20th Century, Paramount, Universal, DreamWorks, Focus Features and Sony Pictu Click Profile from the USER menu to manage your account. Choose the correct song from the list by clicking the REPORT button next to that song. Easily discover songs by their titles, authors, keywords or lyrics. Between Advanced and Premium levels, our pricing is designed to fit your needs. If possible, you should report on a weekly basis, even if you have nothing. Then simply repeat this process for all songs you need to report under your Copyright Licence. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. CCLI Trademark Logo Single Color Language Afrikaans (Suid-Afrika) dansk (Danmark) Deutsch (Deutschland) Deutsch (Schweiz) English (Australia) English (Ireland) English (United Kingdom) English (United States) español (Estados Unidos) français (France) Nederlands (Nederland) norsk bokmål (Norge) nynorsk (Noreg) português (Brasil) suomi (Suomi) svenska (Sverige) 한국어(대한민국) Send our Support Team a message. All from more than 100,000 worship songs. Ich erinnere mich an Zeiten, in denen es fast unmöglich war rechtlich legal die Liedtexte, die wir in der Gemeinde singen, zu projizieren oder zu kopieren. You’ll now see a list of the songs in that publication which are authorised by your licence. CCLI Trademark Logo Single Color Language Afrikaans (Suid-Afrika) dansk (Danmark) Deutsch (Deutschland) Deutsch (Schweiz) English (Australia) English (Ireland) English (United Kingdom) English (United States) español (Estados Unidos) français (France) Nederlands (Nederland) norsk bokmål (Norge) nynorsk (Noreg) português (Brasil) suomi (Suomi) svenska (Sverige) 한국어(대한민국) LOG IND LÆS MERE This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Select the correct publication from the search results by clicking VIEW. Online Help. In the appropriate categories, enter the number of occasions when you have reproduced the song by that method since your last report. Click Create a CCLI Profile and complete your details. Mange af dem finder du i Songselect. CCLI enables access to licensed Christian music and media while easing the burden of administration in the many complex issues related to copyright. If you streamed or posted a recording of that service online, you should also report this under Record/Stream. If you get stuck, we’re here to help at 1300 225 400. Use Digital when you have projected a song’s lyrics. printing, copying or handwriting) of songs in bulletins, song sheets, songbooks, transparencies, slides and similar forms intended for one-time or recurrent usage; and the creation and reproduction of custom musical arrangements of songs (for instruments and/or voices exclusively for use in church worship services and only where no published version is available).Example:Church Alpha reproduces a song in print form for the weekly bulletin. You can also assign others to be Administrators. © 2020 Christian Copyright Licensing International. ccli스트리밍 라이선스로 온라인 예배를 안전하게 시작해 보세요. INICIAR SESSÃO Relatório Online . CCLI maintains a list of songs that are in the public domain. If you have projected that same song on three separate services/locations since your last report, enter ‘3’ in the Digital box. Ingen tilbagebetaling efter 14 dage. Contact Us. Enter the number of copies made of the song from that publication and/or the number of times the sheet music was shared electronically. Australia. English . Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. Find the right Copyright Licence or renew an existing one. If all of the songs that an organization uses are in that list, then the organization does not need to pay the CCLI license fee. Invisible reCAPTCHA. Authorised Lists . Visit reporting.ccli.com Click Create a CCLI Profile and complete your details. (more…) View If you have projected that same song on three separate services/locations since your last report, enter ‘3’ in the Digital box. Customer Profile . ▶ Translation SongSelect is the definitive source for discovering lyrics, chord and lead sheets, transposable sheet music, audio samples and so much more. Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. You should report on a regular basis, ideally weekly, or whenever you have reproduced songs in services, made copies, or emailed/shared MP3 to practice. Artists / Publishers. The Church Video Licence (CVL) from CCLI covers most major film studios and distributors including 20th Century Fox, Disney, Lionsgate, MGM, Paramount, Pixar and Universal. If you use a smartphone, tablet (or both), SongSelect is there when and where you need it. It’s all about working together. Log in or create your CCLI Profile to get started. Click SAVE to finish reporting that song and return to the Search & Report (Home) page. As of March 2015, CCLI's list contained nearly 24,000 public domain songs. Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. Test drive SongSelect today. Click SAVE to finish reporting the song. This list is your connection to the freshest and most frequently accessed songs from our users throughout the world. To protect your privacy and the security of your Profile, only add an email address that is your own, personal address and never share your CCLI Profile login with anyone. SongSelect® by CCL® is the definitive source for Christian worship music, song lyrics, chord and lead sheets, transposable sheet music and audio previews. Seit mehr als 14 Jahren bin ich Lobpreis-Pfarrer in meiner Heimatgemeinde. Lists and links to help you check whether the work you wish to use is covered by CCLI's licences. Use Translation when you make a translation of a song into a different language. Contact CCLI with general questions or comments, View all options for support, including articles and FAQs. Transpose, capo, and annotate and then share with your team. Drawing from our database of more than 100,000 songs of worship, SongSelect offers easy access to print and download lyrics, and listen to full harmony/melody lines. CCLI helps churches maintain their integrity and avoid costly lawsuits, while also giving churches the freedom to worship expressively and spontaneously. Follow the instructions for reporting under the CCLI Copyright Licence, ensuring you also include a report of the song under the Record/Stream category for each separate occasion when the song was streamed or webcast since your last report. Your CCLI Profile provides you with one place to edit your personal details, manage account information, and access CCLI services such as SongSelect and Online Reporting. Whether to include members of your congregation unable to be there in person, or those not ready to cross your threshold, the Streaming License extends your ministry far … With access to the most compelling licensed music, SongSelect and CCLI work together to further ease the burden of administration in the many complex issues related to copyright. See examples. Message * Hidden - Detect Selected Location. Having clicked on a song, you’ll now see four reporting categories. © 2020 Christian Copyright Licensing International. If all of the songs that an organization uses are in that list, then the organization does not need to pay the CCLI license fee. Use Stream/Record when you have audio or video recorded or webcast a live performance of a song. Contact CCLI with general questions or comments, View all options for support, including articles and FAQs. Here you can access all your CCLI applications, check and renew licences/services and manage users. SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. If you have a CCLI Music Reproduction Licence, you can now report any copies you’ve made from within the same song window. Is this something your church is ready to implement but don’t know where to start? Enter the number of copies made of the song from that publication and/or the number of times the sheet music was shared electronically. Pronto para reportar a reprodução de letras ou partituras sob sua licença de direitos autorais? Your CCLI Profile provides you with one place to edit your personal details, manage account information, and access CCLI services such as SongSelect and Online Reporting. 전 세계 약 450,000여 곡에 대한 저작권을 한 번에 해결 할 수 있습니다. Otherwise, click SAVE to finish reporting that song. OnSong allows worship leaders to access their library of songs instantly and pull them into sets with a few taps. The true-life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp and his journey of love and loss that looks to prove there is always hope. As churches around the world are reinventing how they worship, many are switching to streaming services online. SongSelect Chord Sheets now include the Number System option, which means one chart for any key! Having easy access to sheet music for literally thousands of songs is so valuable. The reproduction (i.e. CCLI relies on your reporting to distribute royalty payments fairly and accurately to the songwriters and publishers whose work your licenses permit you to copy or reproduce. The true-life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp and his journey of love and loss that looks to prove there is always hope. (Your sign in details will be the same as … If you’re a SongSelect user you’ll already have an account, and you can sign in with your existing username and password. ▶ If you have projected the song in a service, enter ‘1’ in the Digital box. *Full access to the SongSelect paid subscriptions requires a valid CCLI Copyright Licence. CCLI simplifies access to affordable legal content and media. 17205 SE Mill Plain Blvd, Suite 150 Vancouver, WA 98683 United States Phone: 1 (360) 553-7500 Toll-Free: 1 (800) 234-2446 If you are a current customer, please include your CCLI License number or Customer ID. Reporting examples If you have projected the song in a service, enter ‘1’ in the Digital box. 3.4 CCLI shall have the right to increase the License Fee in subsequent years upon written notice at renewal. CCLI dient allen, die zum Leib Christi gehören. Find the right Copyright Licence or renew an existing one. To protect your privacy and the security of your Profile, only add an email address that is your own, personal address and never share your CCLI Profile login with anyone. Und auch als Songschreiber kann ich mich jetzt viel mehr auf meine Botschaft und meinen Auftrag konzentrieren als auf zeitaufwändige Verwaltungsaufgaben. CCLI simplifies access to affordable legal content and media. If you’re not sure you’ve got the right song, click the i symbol for more details. With the proper licence, SongSelect offers real-time access to songs of worship and the resources to perform them. Report for the CCLI Music Reproduction Licence. Reach beyond your walls. Harness the power of over 100,000 songs of worship. 5455 Centinela Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 Toll Free Phone: 1-888-771-2854 . To link your account to your organisation you’ll need an Access Code. Then, in the Music Reproduction Licence section, click +ADD, Select your publication from the dropdown list. 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