The Glock 19 is 7.36 inches long, with a 4.01 inch barrel. At first glance, you might fail to notice the full differences between either carried weapons. Let’s start by acknowledging a fact, though – both are great guns, and both are great for concealed carry. The Glock 45 and the Glock 19x are very similar and both released in a one year period in 2018. As a Glock fan, I really wanted one that was all black. Capacity I might be one of the few people who appreciate the silver PVD slide on the black frame, more so in the longer Glock 48 guise than the shorter Glock 43X. Glock 43x comparison to the Glock 19 cannot be shown accurately in a photo or video. One thing that puzzles me about the Glock 43X and Glock 48 is that the magazine well is painfully close in width to be able to accept a double stack magazine with thinner steel-only walls. It's smaller and lighter than a 1911 but with double the capacity - not to mention nearly unquestionable reliability. I knew exactly the role I had planned for this new gun. For some, though, the Glock 19 was too big for backup or concealed carry. The Glock is … Here's the link to the USCCA The internet was lit with speculation about the all-new Glock 48 and Glock 43x just prior to SHOT Show in 2019. Indeed, I don't know if anyone was really asking for Glocks that were only available with a silver slide, but because Glock is making them, a lot of people will buy one anyway. Sure enough, the Glock 43X was born. It's a good time to be shopping for a new pistol. Glock 48 vs. Glock 19. It's not going to be particularly uncomfortable for extended range sessions, unlike the tiny 9mms, and that's going to make you more proficient with the pistol because you'll be able to shoot more each time you practice. The G43 has the compact size advantage, although the G43X isn’t much bigger. The Glock also weighs 23.07 ounces compared to the lighter P365 which weighs 17.8 ounces. Still, the Glock 43 is, as mentioned, excellent for carry - especially if you want to, and are capable of, carrying appendix - and acceptable for home defense. Lt. Frank Borelli (ret) The 43 grip appears to have a greater angle than the 43x. In the 1980s, the Austrian armed forces needed to replace the firearms from WWII with new ones. The difference between the single-stack subcompact Glock 42 vs Glock 43 carry pistols is evident in their size measurement and caliber type. It shows that Glocks of any model can be used for all situations and has to shoot well independent on size or perceptions. Kahr used to run advertisements - maybe they still do - comparing their pistols to a "BLOCK." That's due in part to it being somewhat not so tiny, and stepping down to the 380 ACP Glock 42 for carry might be necessary depending on how small you are and how tight you want your clothes to fit. If shooting starts, and they empty the first magazine, a 15-round magazine from the 19 or a full 17-round magazine (from the 17) can be inserted into the pistol. Yes. The attributes of each model make them look different in terms of performance and general usability.Starting with the size, you will get the Glock 17 being longer and taller. Suddenly, Glock is making guns in sizes and categories that were previously abandoned to other manufacturers; I'm quite happy they've realized people wanted slimmer 9mm pistols for carry. Winner: Glock 43. My Glock 43x is on me in its backup position. I know many are thinking the Hellcat owners are now claiming best ever. Granted, it can actually hold more; what a lot of people like to do with the 26 is to carry a full-size magazine in a mag carrier as a backup. I was glad that Glock responded so quickly to the P365, but then again, the more likely explanation is that they were already working on the Glock 43X and Glock 48 when the P365 was announced. Both are easily carried and easily concealed. This gave him some informed perspective on it, more so than many, less than some. The barrel length of the Glock 17 is at 4.5 inches and measures 8 inches long on overall. Protect yourself and your family legally and financially! The Glock 19 is perfect for those looking for a concealed carry and those that need a weapon for home defense. This change gives shooters more grip length for a fuller grip of the pistol and therefore better control. Politifact Paints False Picture While Claiming Trump Paints False Picture, Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Lawful Self Defense in Kenosha, Omaha Outdoors Announces GOA Round-Up Option. Some people pull it off, but the Glock 19 isn't even on the list for belly band carry in my book. For decades, the Glock 19 has been the go-to firearm for those seeking a balance of firepower and size. You can leave it stock or dress it up with functional add-ons like a weapon light and a slide-mounted micro red dot, turning it into an effective fighting gun with the ability to consistently plink steel at 100 yards and beyond. With the same slide and barrel length as the Glock 43, the frame was long enough to hold ten rounds of 9mm per magazine. The Glock 43 is an excellent concealed carry pistol. The Glock 43x has a height of 5.04" vs the Glock 43 that measures 4.25". While fifteen rounds may sound like a lot, the truth is that the VP9 is roughly the same size as a Glock 17 or a Canik TP9, which hold 17 and 18 rounds respectively. … It offers the best of both the 9mm and the .45 ACP and thus is a compromise between both. The Glock 43x has a height of 5.04" vs the Glock 43 that measures 4.25". However, if you’re looking for some accessories to go with your Glock, it’s well worth taking a look at our reviews of the best IWB Holsters for Glock 19, best Night Sights for Glock 19, best laser for Glock 19, as well as the best Glock Reflex Sights. The 43x is clearly slimmer and shorter than the 19. If you’re looking for the same punch as the G17 but something that’s easier to carry around, the Glock 19 might be the gun for you. Glock hit a home run with the 43x. However the grip length is virtually the same. The narrower grip is something I think I like better than the average Glock 19 during recoil. Sure, it lost a lot of capacity compared to the Glock 19, but it was very svelte, and you could carry it comfortably in places where the Glock 19 wouldn't fit or was too heavy. In my opinion, though, the difference is negligible, since you could carry both pistols comfortably. It weighs in at 23.65 ounces, and has a magazine capacity of 15+1. Glock 43x vs 19 for EDC IWB carry . You might realize more of the differences from the moment you check out the specs of each gun. This, coupled with his encyclopedic, if eerily pale, knowledge of concealing stuff under clothes (read The Glock 43X has a slightly longer 3.41-inch barrel compared to SIG’s 3.1-inch long barrel. The 43x is clearly slimmer and shorter than the 19. They also all have roughly the same barrel length, though I generally don't worry too much about barrel length for concealed carry pistols because it won't have a significant effect on accuracy and performance, particularly for the most lik… But if not a fan of Sig P365 for whatever your reasons and you are a Glock fan like me it’s a great micro option. G43 vs. G43X Weight Comparison. You can read my full review here. The G43X is larger than the G43, and this is due to the increased grip length. Glock 43 vs. Glock 43X Size Comparison. However, it would make a significantly stronger case for the pistols in firepower terms. My Glock 43x is on me in its backup position. All 4 combos worked boringly Glock-like. Slide. Weight: Glock 43 is 3 oz lighter. I just know that, after posting this review, I’m going to get a lot of angry emails from the proponents of both, arguing angrily about why their choice is the best. 2,115 3,788. However when carrying concealed, not much can be a lot. In Gen 5 guise, it has the best grip of any Glock 19 to date - combining the no-finger-groove Gen 2 with the highly effective yet not uncomfortable texture of the Gen 5. X standing for 10 as in the 10 round magazines that the G43X uses. Hey, it only took them 30 years to finally get the Glock 19 grip just right! Given the popularity of the two pistols, a lot of people debate the issue of Glock 17 vs Glock 19 for concealed carry or just as an addition to the gun safe. I did swap the black Glock 43 slide to the black Glock 48 frame and thought it looked better than the silver PVD slide of the normal Glock 43X. Please share your thoughts below. How much smaller is the Glock 43 vs. the Glock 19? The Glock 43 is not a pocket pistol, though with the right pants you can make it work. Size: Glock 43 is slightly smaller with a shorter grip and 7mm longer barrel. The Glock 43x is a slimline single stack pistol designed for concealed carry. Glock seriously screwed the pooch not allowing the 43x mags to work in the 43. Archived. Glock 43 single stack 9mm pocket pistol size comparison from Triangle Tactical. The overall length is where we see a big difference and the Glock 43X is 6.5 inches compared to the P365’s much shorter 5.8 inches. Another popular concealed carry pistol is the Smith & Wesson 9mm EZ. This change gives shooters more grip length for a fuller grip of the pistol and therefore better control. Size Comparison W/Popular CCWs. Glock 45 vs. Glock 19x. In reality, unfortunately,it’s not that easy. The overall length is where we see a big difference and the Glock 43X is 6.5 inches compared to the P365’s much shorter 5.8 inches. Identifying your target is a moral and legal requirement, and should you hear someone break into your house in the middle of the night, having to grab a pistol and a separate light is not ideal. Glock 43x vs Glock 43: Specs While these guns are very similar and even share a model number, they are entirely different. This is an Apple-to-Apple comparison, a smaller apple versus a bigger Apple comparison, but apple to apple nonetheless. As an only gun - that is, as a pistol for someone who does not have any guns and wants a pistol for personal protection - it's not the best choice, because your options for weapon mounted lights are limited and you really should have one of those for home defense. Bottom Line. Is .40 S&W still a hair better ballistically? 9mm. Along the way came the 357 Sig and 45 GAP pistols, but they made about as much of a dent in the market as a tennis ball thrown at a concrete wall. If you can, fire a 43X or 48 before buying one. The Glock is slightly narrower than the Shield by a tiny – some would say unnoti… Its Glock 42 pistol also employs the .380 ACP as its choice of ammunition. Just as the Glock 19 once represented true balance between size and firepower, the Glock 43X represents a balance between the size of the Glock 43 and the firepower of the Glock 19. Maybe next shot show. When it comes to the pocket pistol, Kimber possesses an excellent design which is the Micro .380 ACP. So the hot topic of debate is what makes these handguns different and is one really better than the other? 3. It may seem, therefore, that you just need to work out which is more important to you, and choose accordingly. It measures 4.99 inches tall and 1.18 inches wide. It's an excellent gun, and the only real drawback is the lack of an accessory rail. I'm going to do a range comparison next and we'll see how they both shoot. This is because, though Glock make a big thing out of it, the difference in size between the two weapons is actually pretty minimal. Just as the Glock 19 once represented true balance between size and firepower, the Glock 43X represents a balance between the size of the Glock 43 and the firepower of the Glock 19. One of the big reasons these models are so freaking popular is that they’re chambered in 9mm. 9mmx19 Parabellum/Luger – yes, … I fell in love with the 43 then learned about the 43x so my focus changed. The Glock 19 is 7.36 inches long, with a 4.01 inch barrel. Glock 43x vs Glock 19. Stay up to date on all of our reviews, articles, sales, and giveaway winners! Glock 26 vs 43 and 43X Differences. As we highlighted in our Glock 43x vs. Glock 43 review, the new Glock 48 features an nPVD coated slide while the 19 features a standard Glock Gen 5 nDLC coating. The 43x is clearly slimmer and shorter than the 19. Models: GLOCK 19 and 19x; The 19 is not only an exceptionally designed pistol but it is one of GLOCKs best selling guns. But the Glock 19 is king. It's just ever so slightly too big for carry in most pockets, for example, although the slightly increased size makes it much more pleasant and easy to shoot than some super-compact 9mm pistols. In terms of size, the Glock 19 is most similar to the P320 Compact frame. You won't go wrong with either...but there are a few instances where one is a bit better than the other. The 43X and 48 frames are a bit wider to allow the magazine to be more like a stack-and-a-third than like the single stack 43 or the double stack 19 magazine. It is a very reliable gun and is one of the best options for concealed carry in my opinion. Glock 19 is a very accurate pistol for its size! GLOCK 43. Go to the gun store and get both of them in your hand. What do you think of it? The G43 has the compact size advantage, although the G43X isn’t much bigger. Glock 43X – A G43 with a redesigned frame and magazine! At first glance, you might fail to notice the … The 9mm EZ was designed for those who may have difficulty cycling the action of many other semiautomatic pistols. I know this makes me a bit of a hypocrite as I've always preached function over form; additionally, the Glock lineup, in general, is fairly ugly as guns go. A Glock 48 with the silver colored slide and a cerakoted frame is probably going to be much more pleasing to look at than the average Glock. The Glock 43X gives you a much more usable grip than the 43 and a significant magazine capacity increase. S & W M&P Shield is 3 oz heavier. I have one, and yes, it's very thin and comfortable in the hand, but when firing, it really bothers my trigger finger. The extended height allows another advantage over the Glock 43: room for more rounds. Two, you can get a firm grip on the pistol faster than you can with the Glock 43 because it's longer and more comfortable to hold onto when it's tucked deep inside your waistband, exactly like the Glock 48 and Glock 19. My primary concealed carry pistol is a Glock 19 gen 4. However, just as I didn't quite find the dimensions of the Glock 19X/G45 aesthetically pleasing, I don't like the way the Glock 43X looks either. It is the gun that I rely on the most. While fifteen rounds may sound like a lot, the truth is that the VP9 is roughly the same size as a Glock 17 or a Canik TP9, which hold 17 and 18 rounds respectively. (The G43X has the same slide length as the original G43 of 6.06″.) The SIG P365 does come with a 12-round magazine, and there is an option for a 15-round magazine. Winner: Glock 43. Magazine Capacity. Models: GLOCK 19 and 19x; The 19 is not only an exceptionally designed pistol but it is one of GLOCKs best selling guns. Its overall … Glock 19 is effectively a reduced-size Glock 17; it is called the “Compact” by the manufacturer. Glock 43x comparison to the Glock 19 cannot be shown accurately in a photo or video. 1 year ago. The Glock 48 is an interesting combination of earlier Glocks. A Pistol Brace Ban Will Happen Someday. Comparing the Glock 43X vs. Glock 43, they have the same frame, the slide is slightly longer (6.85″) on the G48 than the 43X. However the grip length is virtually the same. The size and design of the G19 makes it an incredibly easy gun to handle, which is why it’s one of the top-rated self-defense handguns for women. Glock 17 vs Glock 19 comparison. It fills the gap between a pocket-size weapon and its full-size cousins. It's just not like Glock to respond quickly to market demand. John in AR Well-Known Member Supporter. The Glock 43X is a pint-sized carry gun that’s ultra-thin and very comfortable in a variety of carrying configurations. Close. This is the smallest GLOCK that the company has ever produced and falls into the “subcompact” category. In fact, the G43X/G48 are ripe for an aftermarket steel-only magazine with a capacity in the 13 to 15 round range. My first thought was "why buy a small and short pistol if you're just going to make it big and long again?". Plus, the Gen 5 is more accurate than earlier generations. With effort, you can make effective hits at distances not previously thought of as tiny gun territory. Each gun has serious merits and both are among the most popular handguns on the market to date. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, despite its tiny size, the Glock 19 is a weapon that comes with an incredible magazine capacity. Goerlich, the Great Glock Colluder of Cleveland, has had his long, blanched dick-skinners on a Glock 43X and Glock 48 for a while now, likely in order to develop holsters for them. Because of the difference in size, some people might find the 43 a better choice for a concealed carry weapon than the 26. Can You Claim Self Defense While Committing a Crime in Wisconsin? However the grip length is virtually the same. The G43 wasn't without its share of drawbacks, though. It weighs in at 23.65 ounces, and has a magazine capacity of 15+1. Add in the release of the SIG P365 with a 10 round capacity and barely any increase in bulk - the stage was set for yet another Glock 9mm pistol release. Again, we come back to aesthetics. The Glock is slightly longer, but isn’t quite as wide or as tall. Is 9mm a capable, fantastic cartridge? The Glock 26 has a double-stack magazine, whereas the 43 and 43X are single-stacks. Gun Review: Glock 19 Gen 4 vs Gen 5. I have at my disposal a Glock 43, a Glock 48, and a few Glock 19s. It is the gun that I rely on the most. The Glock 19 has a shorter barrel (by about half an inch) and pistol grip compared to the Glock 17. The Glock 19 I tested was modified but even stock it’s a standard EDC pistol for a reason. Okay, maybe there is a point after all, but the 43X does it differently than a simple extension of the 43 mag. Subscribe to our email list and get exclusive access to promotions, sales events and more! It's almost as if Glock finally noticed the ads and made a gun specifically to make them obsolete. Ballistics have advanced over the years, making 9mm king again after it spent years beaten out by .40 S&W. It also weighs just under 18 oz (unloaded), making it more than 5.5 oz lighter. Glock 48 vs. Glock 19 Size Comparison The Glock 19 a gun I can hand to a new shooter and with minimal coaching expect them to shoot decent groups at short to medium distances consistently. The recoils are manageable, a major plus given the gun’s limited size and 9mm round. However, just as I didn't quite find the dimensions of the Glock 19X/G45 aesthetically pleasing, I don't like the way the Glock 43X looks either. The popularity of the Glock 19 is no surprise. It has been through countless classes and training sessions and is holstered on my side as I write this article. Lack of Reliable Magazines Limit Hornady’s 6mm ARC Cartridge Offerings, Flash Sale – 10% Off EOTech – Expires 6/16/20, Concerned About the Second Amendment? Both of these pistols feature a full size Glock 17 frame, but with a shorter Glock 19 slide. The Glock 26 and 43X both have a 10 round magazine capacity, while the 43 only holds 6 rounds. Nothing splits CCW enthusiasts like the debate over the Glock 43 vs. the M&P Shield. After what seemed like an eternity - and in a time which nearly every Glock competitor was churning out small single stack 9mm pistols - Glock finally released the Glock 43, a single stack 9mm pistol with a 6 round magazine. I'm a Christian, Professional firearms instructor, firearms enthusiast, Second Amendment Activist, BoomStick Tactical Logo Vintage Cotton Twill Cap. The size, weight, capacity ratio, they have the Glock beat. Protect yourself and your family legally and financially! That’s why it is known for its versatility. Each gun has serious merits and both are among the most popular handguns on the market to date. It’s like the 19 vs 17 hump. Basically, with this weapon, we receive a combination of a great magazine capacity and a reduced size. The M&P 9mm EZ is very similar in size to the 43x but has less ammo capacity. The Glock 48 is something I would recommend as an "only gun" with only slight hesitation - again, the lack of an accessory rail is a drawback, but at least the massive level of support Glock has in the aftermarket sphere means you have some options. The Glock 19, chambered in a 9-millimeter Luger is a very convenient and compact firearm.What makes it special is its compact frame that is extremely versatile. I’ve always preferred a lower hump. Compare that to the Glock G43, which measures just over 6 inches long, 4 and a quarter inches high and slightly under 1 inch wide. However when carrying concealed, not much can be a lot. Feb 6, 2019 #7 . Then You Should Be Concerned About the First. Okay, enough about looks. Magazine Capacity. It is my backup gun and also used for concealed carry when deep concealment is required. The Glock 43X is 11.6% heavier (G43 20.64 oz/1.29 lbs vs. Posted by 1 year ago. If shooting starts, and they empty the first magazine, a 15-round magazine from the 19 or a full 17-round magazine (from the 17) can be inserted into the pistol. Perhaps this was an intentional design choice by Glock to keep the overall size at a minimum. I'm guessing that the black slide models will be available at next year with a different model designation and some inconsequential tweaks, much like the Glock 19X and Glock 45. So, an engineer by the name of Gaston Glock got to work creating polymer-encased firearms.These primary goals of the Austrian Army, along with the polymer casing Glock designed, are now some of the most recognizable f… We have all seen the argument play out hundreds of times on various forms of social media, web sites, and even in person, one of the greatest gun arguments of all time the 1911 Vs Glock … Kimber is a well – known brand thanks to its line of M1911 style products which are very popular. Built off the basis of the Glock 43X, the Glock 48 is a Glock 19 sized pistol with single-stack width. 05/17/2018 02:00 PM | by Jacki Billings. The Glock 19 I tested was modified but even stock it’s a standard EDC pistol for a reason. The Glock also weighs 23.07 ounces compared to … Glock 17 vs. Glock 19 Comparison Chart The overall ergonomics are much better also. The extended height allows another advantage over the Glock 43: room for more rounds. I carry two reloads with the 43, but I was really wanting a bigger mag capacity or ability. Yes again. You're not going to do that so easily with any of the others, so for the time being, the Glock 19 remains king of the all-around heap. Ok then it’s marginally different from the g43 in size. In terms of size, the Glock 19 is most similar to the P320 Compact frame. The Glock 43 is smaller, the Shield carries more ammunition as standard. Although the big draw to a 9mm Glock has always been a generous magazine capacity, this advantage goes away in states with magazine capacity restrictions or for people who want to put a pistol in their pocket or those who just want less weight. ... We put the wild speculations to rest with this in-depth comparison between the new Glock 48 and the classic Glock 19. In this video we will compare the Glock 43X with some popular CCWs on the market. The Glock 19 might be the most boring and basic pistol on the market, but buying a Glock 19 is probably not something you will regret. I carry a G19 regularly, but I can’t get anything much bigger in a cargo pocket at work than a 43. In them, they would talk about how thick the Glock was and how much slimmer and easier to carry their single stack guns were. Southlake, Feb 5, 2019. Glock 48 – One of Glock’s newest pistols on the market, this is the same as a 43x but with a half-inch longer slide. 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