a) One c) Left into rivers c) 30 days While the amount of waste varies between incidents, the generated waste is often greater than the amount of waste many communities handle each year. What is the approx cost of disposing nuclear waste into sea per cubic meter? Solid waste from the CVCS is combined with solid radwaste that comes from handling materials before it is buried off-site. the statewide recycling survey, litter collection efforts, information on waste disposal and moderate risk waste. Moderate active solid wastes are buried in the ground. View Answer, 6. View Answer, 2. b) Buried underground b) Canisters a) 50 rs Missed a question here and there? View Answer, 12. Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. View Answer, 3. Moderate liquid nuclear wastes are disposed into ___________ d) Burning Solid waste can be disposed of simply by placing it where it will not be disturbed for a few years. What is called for the process of burning municipal solid waste in a properly designed furnace under suitable temperature and operating conditions? Nonhazardous solid wastes mean "all putrescible and non-putrescible solid, semi-solid, and c) Because it cause several environmental issues View Answer, 4. b) False Which was the first city to an established system of waste removal? a) Low Level Water c) Disposal of nuclear waste What are the ways in which most of radio activeness is removed? To practice all areas of Energy Engineering, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. View Answer, 5. View Answer, 6. View Answer. To practice all areas of Energy & Environment Management, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. For how many days is radioactive solid waste kept is kept under water at 6m deep for initial cooling? Only municipal solid waste combustor ash and other wastes, excluding municipal solid waste, approved by the commissioner according to the procedures in this subpart may be disposed of in a waste combustor ash land disposal facility. Nearly all incidents generate waste, debris and materials. View Answer, 15. Waste management in Washington relies on a working partnership between state and local governmentsand private sector businesses. d) Loss of Levels in water b) Because it requires modern technologies d) Because paper is very thick and can’t cover the food containers b) 1000 tons daily Disposal and management of hazardous waste are worldwide challenges. The quiz show can be used at a school assembly, in a school lunchroom or in a classroom. Other (please explain) Which part(s) of the solid waste system do you work in? Waste Reduction and Recycling “Quiz Show” Questions . Collection, transfer, and transport Active disposal facilities (landfill or incinerator) a) Plastic b) Recycling c) Three View Answer, 7. a) Ground Solid waste should have high calorific value. a) 100 tons daily a) Lahore a) Because it is very costly © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. c) Disposal Waste is part of the agenda of the European Environment and Health Process and included among the topics of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health. The owner or operator must submit requests for approval to codispose of other wastes to the commissioner in writing. a) Source reduction c) Space "Moderate risk waste (MRW)" means solid waste that is limited to conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) waste and household hazardous waste (HHW) as defined in this chapter. E. Effective January 1, 2020, a moderate risk waste surcharge shall be added to all solid waste disposed by nonsolid waste collection entities using county operated solid waste facilities. We performed a systematic review to evaluate the evidence of the health impact of hazardous waste exposure, applying transparent and a … View Answer, 4. Additionally, homeland security incidents may generate waste streams, such as chemical, biological and radiological-contaminated wastes, which typically are not handled by communities or waste management facilities. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. c) Vermicomposting How does organic material in the buried solid waste will decompose? What plan should we make to the disposal of solid waste? View Answer, 7. Areas 1, 2, 5 and 6 are closed, unlined cells. Test your understanding of Waste management concepts with Study.com's quick multiple choice quizzes. Why the recycled paper is banned for use in food containers? d) 10 tons daily Tailings forms are the residues from ____________ d) Handling of fuel 53 % of the waste is discarded and disposed in landfills, which makes landfilling as the primary method of disposing waste in the United States. a) Hazardous Take the Quiz and improve your overall Engineering. c) Mixed with other chemicals and left into free atmosphere The correct answers are in bold. Household hazardous or moderate risk waste Waste reduction or reuse Not applicable—I do not work in solid waste. here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Energy Engineering Questions and Answers – Types of Nuclear Reactor & Nuclear Waste, Next - Energy Engineering Questions and Answers – Solar Radiation, Energy Engineering Questions and Answers – Types of Nuclear Reactor & Nuclear Waste, Energy Engineering Questions and Answers – Solar Radiation, Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers, Mechanical Engineering Questions and Answers, Basic Electrical Engineering Questions and Answers, Engineering Chemistry I Questions and Answers, Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers, Bioprocess Engineering Questions and Answers, Engineering Physics I Questions and Answers, Environmental Engineering Questions and Answers, Energy & Environment Management Questions and Answers, Engineering Chemistry II Questions and Answers, Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers, Waste Water Engineering Questions and Answers, Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers – Site Assessment – EPA Designated Hazardous Wastes, Waste Water Engineering Questions and Answers – Methods of Sludge Processing and Disposal – 2. Landfills - a brief review As over 50% of MSW and many other solid wastes are disposed of in landfills, a basic understanding of … d) Non toxic View Answer, 14. c) Non hazardous A brief summary of significant information is highlighted below. How is High Level solidified nuclear wastes (HLW) stored? View Answer, 5. View Answer, 8. How are active liquids of nuclear waste disposed? VRL was designed to receive nonhazardous solid waste, as classified in Section 20220(a) of Title 27, from residential, commercial, and industrial sources. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) contains a wide variety of materials. EPA worked with the Department of Energy (DOE), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and NRC Agreement States in developing the ANPR.The ANPR gathered public input on a variety of regulatory, technical and disposal options for ensuring protection of public health a… b) Stored in concrete tanks and buried in sea c) Because of different types of polymer resins Recycling b) Recycling Initially, radioactive material was considered extremely useful because of its energy-generating nature. d) Aluminum a) Buried underground d) Water Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Energy & Environment Management. View Answer, 3. a) Drawing out energy Solid-waste management, the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful. How are moderate active solid wastes disposed? d) Segregating them into small packs a) By the action of oxidation a) Because it creates contamination c) Three No batteries are accepted except lead acid batteries (ex. The fee schedule is as follows: Each student should select a different number, so that no question will be asked more than once. India’s Efforts for Environmental Protection, International Efforts for Environmental Protection, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Prev - Environment Management Questions and Answers – Hazardous Waste, Next - Environment Management Questions and Answers – Industrial Pollution, Environment Management Questions and Answers – Hazardous Waste, Environment Management Questions and Answers – Industrial Pollution, Bioprocess Engineering Questions and Answers, Chemical Engineering Questions and Answers, Engineering Chemistry II Questions and Answers, Basic Civil Engineering Questions and Answers, Database Management System Questions and Answers, Environmental Engineering Questions and Answers, Solid State Chemistry Questions and Answers, Waste Water Engineering Questions and Answers, Energy & Environment Management Questions and Answers, Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers – Regulations – CERCLA, Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers – Engineering System Classification, Hazardous Waste Management Questions and Answers. Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Solid waste management is a term used to refer to the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. d) Left into deep oceans View Answer, 12. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Energy Engineering. LLW stands for ____________ d) 1000 rs To review concepts related to waste reduction, read through the brief lesson titled The 3 Rs of Reducing Solid Waste: Reuse, Reduce & Recycle. Explanation: The organic material in the buried solid waste will decompose due to the action of microorganisms. Why plastics are difficult to recycle? d) Four Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has been placed in five separate areas at the SRL – Areas 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. These short objective type questions with answers are very important for Board exams as well as competitive exams. c) Because paper can be used only one time Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, pollution, and outbreaks of disease. c) Low Level Waste The highest heating valve is of: (a) Garbage (b) Rubbish (c) Hospital waste (d) Industrial waste. c) 500 tons daily a) Concrete tanks a) Infusing them with other metal (Select all that apply.) View Answer, 10. long-term approach to solid waste and moderate risk waste management in the County. Explanation: Incineration is the most sanitary method of disposal of municipal solid waste. Radioactive Materials Management • Atomic Energy Act of 1954, PL 83-703 - created requirements for the management of certain types of radioactive materials. Owing to their far-reaching ability over time, the methods adopted to dispose of radioactive waste is very different from other solid waste management and Nuclear waste management methods. d) Boron On November 18, 2003, EPA published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to collect public comment on alternatives for disposal of waste containing low concentrations of radioactive material (“low-activity” waste). a) True View Answer, 8. a) Integrated waste management plan These are … a) 15 days b) Recycling of waste management plan Nonhazardous solid waste How many key characteristics of a municipal sanitary landfill are there? b) Two b) 300 rs c) Storing them Solid waste disposal at the landfill is allowed under a Special Permit, approved by the King County Board of County Commissioners in 1960. a) True d) Soil bins car batteries) All Alkaline batteries are non-hazardous and may be disposed of in your trash. d) The obtained product Since 1965, the landfill has provided for the safe and efficient disposal of the county's solid waste. b) False a) Landfill b) Because it creates a lot of spaces a) Uranium At first the waste decomposes aerobically until the oxygen that was present in the freshly placed fill is used up by the aerobic microorganisms. c) Reducing of waste management plan This set of Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Solid Waste”. c) Smoke The term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’ is used to describe which kind of solid waste? c) Paris d) By the soil particles Since that time, the Legislature has significantly revised the Solid Waste Management Act twice to reflect changes in the priorities for the way solid waste is managed. b) Thorium View Answer, 14. How many main components are there in integrated waste management? (b) Solid waste disposal sites (c) Thermal power plant (d) All of the above. b) 50 days 29. 1. d) Because it requires lot of space c) Cadmium View Answer, 9. 1. Washington has been a leader in solid waste management since the passage of the first State Solid Waste Management Act in 1969 (chapter 70.95 RCW). d) London Regulations governing nonhazardous solid waste landfills are included in the California Code of Regulations, Title 27, Division 2, Subdivision 1, and Consolidated Regulations for Treatment, Storage, Processing, or Disposal of Solid Waste (Title 27). b) Because it is very adhesive in its nature c) Organic materials You may take your other rechargeable batteries to a participating store by visiting Call2Recycle to find a participating location near you. The most rational way to cope with proper waste management is to collect it at its source, separate and dispose them in the designated bin (Recycle, Landfill, or Compost) immediately to reflect local disposal best practice. b) Wood • Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1975, Title II of PL 89-272, establishes a comprehensive system of hazardous waste management. All Rights Reserved. 30. These radioactive wastes must be disposed off in such a manner that there is no hazard to the human and plant life. b) Air "MRW facility" means a solid waste handling unit that is used to collect, treat, recycle, exchange, store, consolidate, and/or transfer moderate risk waste. d) Because of different sizes of plastic View Answer, 2. b) Athens Land filling is an economic alternative for solid waste disposal and it can be implemented easily. 2. What are released into biosphere from nuclear power plants? b) Waste Product a) Deep pits a) True Except for those disposal sites that are exempt under Section 8.15.070, it is unlawful for any person to establish, alter, expand, improve, or hereafter operate or maintain a disposal site in the county for the processing or disposal of county solid waste, or for any person to accept for processing or disposal such county solid waste, unless: d) 100 days There are three low-level waste disposal sites in the United States in South Carolina, Utah, and Washington. Public Works . Which of the integrated waste management is reduced on an individual level? 1. Can vacated coal mines be used for waste disposal. b) Buried under sea View Answer, 13. It is the only remaining open landfill in King County. This Island County Solid Waste and Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan incorporates the modifications put into practice since the previous solid waste plan was adopted in 2014, while looking forward to the future needs of Island County. b) Neutralizing them by diluting in chemical solutions Which type of disposal of nuclear waste is cheapest and easiest method of all? c) Packed rock salt b) Two b) False The MRW Plan was previously prepared in conjunction with Walla Walla County, but in 2015 it was decided to create a Disposal of any solid waste into land or in water remains hazardous to people’s health and environment. d) They are reused and burnt away in gaseous fumes a) True Dear Students, the team of jagran josh is presenting you a set of 10 questions based on the Water Management Solid Waste Management. b) By the action of microorganisms d) Incineration 28. What is the major problem in nuclear plants? Join our social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! Which of the following can be recycled many times? A 400 MW nuclear power station would produce a equivalent radium of _____________ This set of Energy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Disposal of Nuclear Waste”. b) Fusion of particles c) Sent to outer space (2003). a) Gaseous effluents b) False a) One View Answer, 11. b) Toxic © 2011-2020 Sanfoundry. View Answer, 11. Some of the data is for 2000 (recycling and disposal information), while other data is current to late 2001 (litter pickup numbers and facility status). a) Stored in concrete tanks and buried underground The highest moisture content is in: (a) Garbage (b) Rubbish (c) Hospital waste (d) Agricultural waste. The Following Section consists Multiple Choice Questions on Waste Water Engineering. c) 500 rs Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of Merit. County governments and local health departments develop solid waste regulations and management plans, while our Solid Waste Management program supports these local governments with technical assistance and guidance. a) Because it is very hard material View Answer, 13. One type of recycling is the recovery and reuse of heat energy, a practice discussed separately in incineration. This study builds on the work carried out by Saffron et al. If it is so dangerous, why do we use it? View Answer, 9. Also, the results of epidemiological studies on the effects of exposure to radioactive waste are briefly reviewed. Explanation: In a nuclear fuel cycle, the solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive wastes are produced at different stages. Solid-waste management - Solid-waste management - Recycling: Separating, recovering, and reusing components of solid waste that may still have economic value is called recycling. This lesson will help you: Absorption of radioactive element by human, affects their offspring’s. SOLID WASTE DIVISION: The Solid Waste Division of Public Works is responsible for several program areas encompassing waste disposal, recycling services, waste reduction and recycling education, hazardous waste education and disposal opportunities as well as providing support for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. c) By the flow of water b) Low Laser width Effective solid waste management is extremely important for a number of reasons. All Rights Reserved. d) Four View Answer, 10. • Invite students to select a number between one and 24. Waste Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams. d) Left out in streams or rivers Tentative Order for Waste Discharge Requirements Vasco Road Landfill - 4 - WASTES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION 14. d) Use of waste management plan The main focus is on municipal solid waste (MSW), but composting facilities and sewage treatment plants are also considered. View Answer. Why burning waste is not an acceptable practice of solid waste management? Area 7 is lined, has been in operation since 2006, and is Four View Answer, 5 and 6 are closed, unlined cells Packed rock d... Water management solid waste ( MSW ), but composting facilities and sewage treatment plants also... Remaining open landfill in King County Board of County Commissioners in 1960 quick Multiple Choice Questions and.! Its energy-generating nature of the Following can be implemented easily waste removal ’ s health and Environment Recycling )! 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