The nurse is providing the patient with preoperative education. & apply online links. The colostomy is dressed with petroleum jelly gauze and dry-gauze dressings. The use of unfractionated heparin or low–molecular weight heparin is a prophylactic measure for venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. b. A 58-year-old male patient undergoing repair of a knee cartilage under general anaesthesia, c. A 68-year-old female patient with diabetes undergoing a great toe amputation under local anaesthesia, d. A 72-year-old male patient undergoing bowel resection for colon cancer under general anaesthesia. 15. Author Information . The normal daily total for T-tube daily volume is 500 mL. During the preoperative interview, a patient scheduled for an elective hysterectomy to treat benign tumours of the uterus tells the nurse that she does not know whether she can go through with the surgery because she knows she will die in surgery, as her mother did. b. Anaesthetics alter renal and hepatic function, causing toxicity by other drugs. The WHO checklist verifies the patient’s identity, ascertains whether the patient has any allergies, checks if the surgical site is marked and reverifies the site marking, and asks the patient if he or she has any questions. c. Develop a detailed written plan for the patient, which includes all the information she will need to care for her ileostomy. Which of the following is an integumentary system clinical manifestation of inadequate oxygenation? 45. Patients may take oral medications with sips of water (30 mL) if they are specially ordered to be taken preoperatively (e.g., antiarrhythmic or seizure medications). e. Sterile persons may position themselves with their back to the sterile field. Although the skin cannot be sterilized, operating room personnel can greatly reduce the number of microorganisms by chemical, physical, and mechanical means. It may prolong the effects of anaesthetics. Which member of the surgical team should be assigned to the role of circulating nurse? The nurse plans care for the patient based on the knowledge that management of his condition initially involves which of the following actions? Webinar. Upon further assessment, steatorrhea is noted and the patient is found to have oxalate kidney stones. 124. c. The patient plans to stay overnight at the surgical centre. Although bulk-forming laxatives are generally safe, the nurse should emphasize the possibility of constipation or obstipation if inadequate fluid intake occurs. Being overweight or obese increases the risk for many diseases and health conditions, including which of the following? 16. b. During planning to promote ambulation, coughing, deep breathing, and turning in a postoperative patient, which of the following does the nurse know will help ensure that the desired outcomes will most readily be met? Withhold any insulin dose because none is ordered and the patient is on NPO status. 67. Sterile-draped tables are sterile only at table level. Stool cultures reveal the presence of Clostridium difficile. 90. Call the physician to clarify whether insulin should be given and at what dosage. She will speak with the surgeon to see if he will make an exception. Giving antibiotics immediately after the procedure, 126. A patient with Crohn’s disease develops a fever and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Due to the risk of injury if left in place, allowing the patient to leave the ring in place is not an option. As a patient is prepared for surgery, which finding indicates that the nurse should inform the surgeon that the surgery may need to be postponed? The nurse is documenting the daily amount that was collected in a patient’s T-tube. Repositioning the patient regularly reduces the risk for vascular complications. The navel ring may decrease circulation. Tape in place wedding rings that cannot be removed. (Select all that apply.). Always keeping the patient NPO for 12 to 14 hours before, c. Allowing the patient to brush teeth and swallow water, d. Allowing the patient to take specifically ordered oral medications with small amounts of water. “Have you discussed these feelings with anyone else?”, c. “I am sure surgical techniques have improved since your mother had surgery.”, d. “Think positively! 103. Which of the following is a principle of basic aseptic technique in the OR? d. Advise the patient to drink clear liquid fluids with electrolytes, such as Gatorade or Pedialyte. 51. Sterile persons must keep their hands in view, above waist level and below the neckline, and must not turn their back to the sterile field to avoid contamination. The patient is taught to avoid high-fibre foods such as beans. 7. 70. A patient with a dislocated shoulder is prepared for a closed, manual reduction of the dislocation with conscious sedation. The nurse notes that there are no preoperative orders regarding the patient’s daily insulin dose. Which of the following is an ambulatory surgery discharge criterion? b. Medical-Surgical Nursing. 133. What would the nurse expect the patient to experience postoperatively? A patient in surgery receives a neuromuscular blocking agent as an adjunct to general anaesthesia. a. When providing care for an ambulatory surgical patient, the nurse recognizes that which assessment indicates that the patient meets discharge criteria? a. What should the nurse explain to the patient? She is wringing her hands and perspiring, and she has a worried affect. a. A downward position of the head moves the tongue forward, and mucus or vomitus can drain out of the mouth, preventing aspiration. A high fluid intake is needed to prevent hardened stools leading to impaction or bowel obstruction. Washing hands for a minimum of 15 minutes with soap and water, b. While caring for a postoperative patient, what should the nurse expect that a physiological response to stress during the first 2 to 5 days postoperatively will result in? QUICK ADD. He is alert and oriented but has difficulty seeing and hearing. The patient understands the rationale for these activities. c. Tell the patient that pain medication cannot be given until transfer to the postoperative clinical unit. Exam Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. It prevents tension on the abdominal muscles, which allows for greater diaphragmatic excursion. Any condition that affects chest wall movement such as obesity, advanced pregnancy, thoracic or abdominal surgery, history of smoking, or presence of reduced hemoglobin level can increase the risk for postoperative complications but will not necessarily require postponement of surgery. Showing 1 to 2 of 2 View all . 128. 2. 97. Adequate and regular analgesic medication should be provided because incisional pain often is the greatest deterrent to patient participation in effective ventilation and ambulation; therefore, the nurse should consult with the anaesthesiologist to determine an effective dose in light of the amount of medications that the patient had in the operating room. If the patient states that she might be pregnant, information should be immediately given to the surgeon to avoid maternal and subsequent fetal exposure to anaesthetics during the first trimester. a. Administer analgesics as written in the patient’s postoperative orders. Instruct the patient to turn every 2 hours from side to back to the other side while awake. His wife is at his bedside and answers most questions directed to the patient. Based on the results of the lavage, what should the nurse plan for? Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11 th Edition . Healthy patient with no systemic disease, b. Bowel movements may be very painful, and patients may avoid defecation unless pain medication is taken before the bowel movement. Report wound dehiscence and/or evisceration to the surgeon immediately because it could be life threatening. d. Ask the patient’s wife to wait in the hall in order to focus on preoperative teaching with the patient himself. During the initial postoperative assessment of a patient’s stoma formed with a transverse colostomy, the nurse finds it to be red with moderate edema and a small amount of bleeding. Jewelry harbors and protects microorganisms from removal. b. Administer the dose with meals to prevent gastrointestinal irritation and bleeding. 52. Allergic skin reactions may occur as a result of scrub agent or glove powder accumulating under jewelry. (Select all that apply.). d. Acknowledge his behaviour as reflective of a difficult situation for him, and provide privacy during hygiene. 24. Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing 11th Edition gives you a solid foundation in medical-surgical nursing. What is the best response to the patient’s remarks? Instruct the patient to coordinate turning and leg exercises with diaphragmatic breathing, incentive spirometry, and coughing exercises. b. The answers to the sample questions are provided after the last question. d. Delay having a bowel movement for several days until healing has occurred. 141. (Select all that apply.). 33. Section I: Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 1. Crohn’s disease frequently affects the ileum, where absorption of vitamin B12 occurs, and the B12 must be administered regularly by the intramuscular route to correct the anemia. (Select all that apply.). d. Ask the patient to state her name, her doctor’s name, and the operative procedure planned. Position patients with spinal anesthetic supine, without elevation of the head, for up to 24 hours to prevent spinal headache from loss of cerebrospinal fluid. Have the circulating nurse tie the gown at the neck and waist. c. Place a pillow over the incisional site for splinting. Which of the following information that was obtained by the nurse during the preoperative assessment should be reported to the surgeon before surgery is performed? Cough two to three times and inhale between coughs. "components": { 29. On his side with head facing down and neck slightly flexed, d. On his side with head facing up and neck slightly extended. A patient returns from surgery following an abdominal–perineal resection with a sigmoid colostomy and abdominal and perineal incisions. The most common cause of postoperative hypoxemia is atelectasis. Hypothermia during the first 12 hours after surgery is probably caused by the effects of the anaesthesia or body heat loss during surgical exposure. The patient is very upset and tells the nurse that the stoma is ugly, and she does not think she can live with all the alterations in her body. b. c. The drainage is liquid at this site but less odorous than at higher sites. A patient with acute diverticulitis will be NPO status with parenteral fluids, so the nurse must administer IV fluids. The identification process in the receiving area includes asking the patient to state her or his name, the surgeon’s name, and the operative procedure and location. Some institutions permit the family or a friend to wait with the patient until it is time to be transferred to the OR. a. Garlic may cause inflammation of the liver. 35. d. Have the patient exercise that extremity. The patient’s age and history of antibiotic use suggest a C. difficile infection. b. d. Develop a trusting relationship with her to allow for the expression of her concerns. The upright position is preferred because it facilitates diaphragmatic excursion by using gravity to keep abdominal contents away from the diaphragm. We covered 10 to 15 years old questions and answers. Direct the teaching toward the wife because she is the obvious support and caregiver for the patient. 17. 109. If no voiding occurs, the abdominal contour should be inspected, and the initial action is to palpate and percuss the bladder for distension. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Medical-Surgical Nursing - 2-Volume Set : Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems by Linda Bucher, Jeffrey Kwong, Sharon L. Lewis, Margaret M. Heitkemper and Mariann M. Harding (2016, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! The higher the serum glucose, the greater the potential for infection in both patient groups. Atelectasis (alveolar collapse) may be the result of bronchial obstruction caused by retained secretions or decreased respiratory excursion. Which assessment provides the nurse with information about this postoperative complication? In the OR area, the unrestricted area is where personnel in street clothes can interact with those in scrub clothing. A 42-year-old patient is recovering from anaesthesia in the PACU following a hysterectomy. c. Check the patient’s temperature, and apply warm blankets. a. }, Get a unique conceptual approach to nursing care in this rapidly changing healthcare environment. c. Repeating individual leg exercises 20 times, d. Performing exercises with the unaffected extremities. 25. b. Use the opposite end of the towel to dry the other hand. A loop or double-barrel stoma is usually temporary. b. 135. d. Promote the development of teamwork among the OR staff. 130. d. The patient experienced an upper respiratory infection a month ago. What is the primary reason the perioperative nurse encourages a family member or a friend to remain with a patient in the preoperative holding area until the patient is taken into the operating room (OR)? The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) recommends a 3- to 5-minute hand and arm scrub with an approved antimicrobial agent for all surgical procedures. b. Administer half of the postoperative dose of analgesic ordered for the patient. For problems or suggestions regarding this site, please visit our Support Hub. Vital signs should be obtained, and patient status should be compared with the report provided by the PACU. A woman diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) tells the nurse that her friends say her problem is “all in [her] head.” In caring for the woman, what is it most important for the nurse to do? 102. d. Supine with the head of the bed elevated. The patient may wear makeup if she insists. 134. 106. Opening the sterile gown pack on a sterile surface, b. A patient has a newly formed ileostomy for treatment of ulcerative colitis. After the proximal small bowel adapts to reabsorb more fluid, the average amount of ileostomy drainage is about 800 mL daily. Surgery for ulcerative colitis involves the formation of a temporary ileostomy to divert fecal contents until the large bowel heals. At the surgical suite, what areas can the general surgical unit nurse enter? b. b. 56. 142. The registered nurse first assistant (RNFA) performs a combination of nursing and delegated medical functions and/or skills. Preparation of the instrument table and sterile equipment is included in both the circulating and scrub roles. Healthcare is evolving at an incredible pace and with it the roles and responsibilities of the medical-surgical nurse. b. Verbalization of anxiety by the patient, c. The patient asking about the details of the surgical procedure, d. An 8-mm Hg increase in systolic blood pressure from the time of hospital admission. Which of the following is part of the minimum requirements for the health record in ambulatory surgery facilities? Increased production of stress hormones, c. Extracellular fluid shift into the peritoneal cavity, d. Drainage of excessive fluids from the appendix into the peritoneal cavity. 43. a. In planning surgical care for an older adult patient, the nurse recognizes which of the following as causing the greatest risk for surgery? 111. 36. Which of the following is true about the circulating nurse’s primary responsibility? c. The nurse’s legal responsibility is to ensure that the patient understands the information presented. Reduced glomerular filtration rate and excretory times limit the ability to remove drugs or toxic substances. The predominant manifestations of SBS are diarrhea, steatorrhea, and weight loss. 1. d. Colostomy irrigations can help regulate the drainage from the proximal stoma. “I should hang the irrigating container about 46 to 60 cm above the stoma.”, b. When providing care for a patient who has received spinal anesthesia, the nurse recognizes that which position prevents spinal headaches? Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing 11th Edition gives you a solid foundation in medical-surgical nursing. 119. What is the most appropriate nursing action at this time? Fifty percent of patients who have bowel surgery experience postoperative ileus (POI), a transient cessation of bowel motility that prevents effective passage of intestinal contents and may affect the patient’s tolerance of oral intake. c. Fluid retention with decreased urinary output, d. An elevation of body temperature to 38.3°C. An 82-year-old man is admitted to the hospital the evening before a prostatectomy for cancer of the prostate. Order a diet with no dairy products for the patient. Content covers all aspects of nursing care including health promotion acute intervention and ambulatory care. Long fingernails can puncture gloves, causing contamination. ), a. Prepping the surgical site with a razor followed by an antiseptic scrub, b. Awarded second place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Medical-Surgical Nursing! Long surgical procedures and prolonged anaesthetic administration lead to redistribution of body heat from the core to the periphery. 21. a. Mild systemic disease without functional limitations, c. Severe systemic disease associated with functional limitations, d. Severe systemic disease that is an ongoing threat to life. Recent studies suggest starting a clear liquid diet for some types of POI and initiating early ambulation and pharmacological interventions. Ensure you are fully equipped to thrive and adapt in this ever-changing nursing environment with Ignatavicius, Workman, and Rebar's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 9th Edition. d. Place an ice pack on the stoma to reduce swelling. This is an example of following a sterile conscience and being committed to safe, quality patient care. CEA is used to monitor for cancer recurrence after surgery. During preoperative teaching for a patient scheduled for an abdominal–perineal resection, which intervention will the nurse perform? a. List View List. d. Teach the patient how to cough and breathe deeply. Following gallbladder surgery, a patient has a T-tube with thick, dark green drainage. 44. NCLEX type Questions - Medical Surgical Nursing for competitive exams 2 This is the effort of The Boss Academy to provide high quality study materials & model question papers for all competitive Nursing exams. Document a list of items and their locations in a preoperative checklist and/or in the nurses’ notes per agency policy. d. Teach the patient about proper food handling and storage. The goal of prophylactic antibiotic therapy is to protect the patient from infection with as little risk as possible. From Clinical Judgment to Systems Thinking NEW! To protect the patient from cross-contamination with other patients, c. To assist the perioperative nurse to perform a complete patient history. Helpful boxes and tables make it easy for you to find essential information and a building-block approach makes even the most complex concepts simple to grasp. Level Up on Your Exams and Career. When evaluating a health care team member’s ability to put on a sterile gown and perform closed gloving, it is most important for the nurse to assess for which outcome? a. Once the patient is transferred to the bed, immediately attach any existing oxygen tubing, hang IV fluids, check the IV flow rate, attach a nasogastric (NG) tube to suction, and place an indwelling catheter in drainage position. Recent changes in bowel patterns are a clinical manifestation of colorectal cancer, but lifelong constipation is not an indication. Turn off the nasogastric tube suction. The team member must be removed immediately to allow cutting of the nails. (Select all that apply. Do not massage the affected leg. Instruct the patient to exhale in quick, short, forced “huffs.” “Huff” coughing, or forced expiratory technique, promotes bronchial hygiene by increasing expectoration of secretions. While assessing patients for complications during recovery from anaesthesia, the nurse recognizes that which of the following patients is at the greatest risk for developing postoperative hypothermia? The patient will then cough fully for two to three consecutive coughs without inhaling between coughs. c. A total colectomy and ileal reservoir provide the most normal elimination function, but this surgery consists of two procedures, requiring a temporary ileostomy for 8 to 12 weeks. A visitor from an ostomy support group who has had similar experiences may be helpful to the patient. d. Check the physician’s postoperative orders. d. Small, frequent feedings of a high-calorie diet. The scrub nurse’s hands are being washed in preparation for a surgical procedure. The nurse explains to the patient that the incentive spirometer is used to promote which of the following outcomes? Preoperatively, what is it most important for the nurse to determine? The other answer options all cause an increase in body temperature, not a decrease. It is believed that having a family member stay with the patient helps relieve anxiety. The nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of impaired skin integrity related to diarrhea for a patient with ulcerative colitis. (Select all that apply. Consult with the patient and the surgeon to arrange a visitor from a local ostomy support group. Psyllium (Metamucil) is prescribed for a patient with chronic constipation. 74. Exam Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. Older adults usually will have sensory losses, reduced numbers of red blood cells, and increased rigidity of the arterial walls. Get a unique conceptual approach to nursing care in this rapidly changing healthcare environment. The total colectomy and ileal reservoir enable the patient to pass stool rectally but require two procedures 8 to 12 weeks apart. The nurse recognizes that which of the following statements is true? When teaching the patient about positive expiratory pressure therapy (PEP) and “huff” coughing, the nurse incorporates which of the following in the plan of care? a. In a total proctocolectomy with a continent ileostomy, a pouch is created that holds bowel contents and is emptied once a day with the use of a catheter. 46. Overall, it is recommended that prophylactic antibiotics be given as close to the time of incision as possible (within 30 to 60 minutes) and not be given for longer than 24 hours postoperatively. d. Unscrubbed persons must stay at least 6 inches away from the sterile field. Remove the team member to have the nails cut. If the surgical incision is to be thoracic or abdominal, teach the patient to place a pillow over the incisional area and to place his hands over the pillow to splint the incision. Thirty minutes after admission, her blood pressure is 112/60 mm Hg. The nurse recognizes that teaching regarding perianal care has been effective when the patient implements which of the following actions? A 26-year-old woman is diagnosed with Crohn’s disease after having frequent diarrhea and a weight loss of 4.5 kg over 2 months. The patient’s medical plan covers outpatient surgery. 65. According to the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society, what is the minimum preoperative fasting time period for intake of clear fluids? The navel ring may impede assessment of the skin. c. Check the results of the partial thromboplastin time before administration. Why is it especially important for the nurse to determine the patient’s current use of medications during the preoperative assessment? Makeup, nail polish, and false nails impede the assessment of skin and oxygenation. a. The nurse is providing care for a patient who is recovering in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). He frequently has explosive diarrhea stools that he is unable to control. On his side with head facing down and neck slightly extended, b. Practice Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. 41. A patient with acute diarrhea of 24 hours’ duration calls the clinic to ask for directions for care. Which following class of preoperative medications is administered to increase the patients’ gastric pH and decrease gastric volume? c. Sterile persons must fold arms across chest with hands tucked into the axillary region. a. Common Health Problems of Older Adults 5. This area is not considered sterile once operating room personnel have donned gowns. When providing teaching to a patient, which action is important to help the patient in performing controlled coughing? The nurse visits the patient to have him sign the operative permit as directed in the physician’s preoperative orders. A 74-year-old man is to have a left inguinal hernia repair at the outpatient surgical clinic. 20. Surgical patients are at risk for surgical site infection from the stress of surgery and their procedure. c. Inform the patient that laboratory testing of blood and stool specimens will be necessary. 137. As long as the vital signs are within the normal range, the patient should be assisted to breathe deeply 10 times every hour while awake. Please. While planning care for a surgical patient, the nurse recognizes that which of the following effects of hyperglycemia is seen in the immediate postoperative period? Inventory the items and give them to the family. c. Ensure the proper function of electrical equipment. Key topics such as interprofessional care delegation safety and prioritization are integrated throughout. What is the most appropriate nursing action? Maintain a low-residue diet until the surgical area is healed. A 70-year-old patient becomes restless and agitated as he begins to regain consciousness in the PACU, and his SpO2 is 88%. Get a unique, conceptual approach to nursing care in this rapidly changing healthcare environment. b. 146. b. 110. b. His pain is more intense in the left lower quadrant but radiates throughout the entire abdomen, with rebound tenderness and abdominal rigidity. Management of sterile instruments and handing instruments to the surgeon are included in the scrub role. “The drainage is from your gallbladder, but it should be bright yellow rather than green.”, c. “The drainage is old blood and fluid that accumulates at the surgical site, and its removal will promote healing.”, d. “The tube is draining secretions from the duodenum and small bowel, and this is normal drainage from this area.”. A solid foundation in Medical-Surgical nursing room from the stoma after starting fluid! Be given and at what dosage physical environment and traffic control measures of the surgery 81-year-old has! Hypoxemia is atelectasis chest expansion d. small, frequent feedings of a fecal impaction urinary. In bowel patterns are a clinical manifestation of an ice pack to the emergency department for evaluation of pain. Picture of care for a patient scheduled for abdominal surgery 5 days ago and is to! Or with the patient to state her name, her blood pressure 112/60... 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