十分に高度を確保したら、そこから敵爆撃機を迎撃するもよし、敵戦闘機の頭を押さえるもよし。 Thus you must utilise the WEP only when you have to, for example in a zoom climb or a high yoyo. The Ki-44-II Otsu is one of the best, if not the best Bomber hunter for its BR. Ki-44-II Hei (Ki-44-IIc) was produced but the Ki-44-III was a prototype with unknown armament. 雑談板重い人用(別サイト) A6M, Spitfire, etc: If you see them on your tail try outrunning them by diving at around -40 degrees. B-25, Ju 88, IL-2, etc: These aircraft have either powerful defensive guns, for example the B-25, or wide gun coverage such as the Ju 88. The design of the Ki-44 Shoki (Allied Code Name: Tojo) traces back to Nakajima's other infamous IJAAF aircraft; The Ki-43 Hayabusa. videogame_asset My games. アセットヴューアー 2 x 12.7 mm Ho-103 army machine guns, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total) The Ki-44-II hei is armed with four Ho-103 heavy ma⦠アップデート報告板 The wing position (in front of the canopy) means that you cannot see anything at your low 11, 12, 1, 2 'o clock so you have to fly past the target area and look towards 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 'o clock where there is nothing to obstruct your view. Ki-102/108 kai and hei. WEP duration [min],Mixture,Prop Pitch,Suggested climb speed [kph(IAS)/meters],Stage 2 [meters],Stage 3 [meters] 1st Chutai 27th Sentai Philippines 1945: Shoot down 100 players 1st Chutai 27th Sentai. Lavochkin La-5FN. Today I take to the skies in the Japanese Ki-84 Ko in a War Thunder Realistic Battle (RB). Ki-45 Hei Edit Skins Edit. From the hard-hitting M2 Browning to the fast-firing MG 15, any gun can critically damage the Ki-44 especially on the engine, fuel tanks, and pilot which can always lead to a later crash. 反面、日本の戦闘機としては旋回性能、航続力は低く、翼面荷重が大きい。これらは欧米の戦闘機と比べると標準的な値であったが、操縦の容易な従来の軽戦での格闘戦に慣れた日本のベテランパイロットには、離着陸の難しさ、航続距離の不足などを理由に嫌われる傾向にあった。しかし戦争も佳境に差し掛かり、総飛行200時間ほどの新米パイロットがこの機体を使い始めると、どんどん戦果を上げ始めるようになった。装甲の薄い格闘専用の戦闘機よりも、頑丈で重武装の戦闘機の方が扱いやすかったのである。設計に携わった糸川英夫技師は、『一式戦闘機「隼」は時宜を得て有名だが、自分で最高の傑作だと思っているのは、それの次に設計した「鍾馗」戦闘機である』と戦後の著書に記している。, ゲーム概要 / 動作環境 二式戦闘機(にしきせんとうき)は、第二次世界大戦での日本陸軍の重単座戦闘機。キ番号(試作名称)はキ44。昭和17年1月28日陸密第283号により陸軍の兵器として制式制定されたが、このとき「二式戦闘機」が制式名称とされている。「二式単座戦闘機」は、「二式複座戦闘機」(こちらは制式名)に対するものとして、戦後の愛好家の間で広まったものと思われる。愛称は鍾馗(しょうき)。略称・呼称は二式戦、二式単戦、二単、ヨンヨンなど。連合軍のコードネームはTojo(トージョー)。開発・製造は中島飛行機。 └空 / 陸 / 海 / 参考動画 The first production variants were fitted with the same armament layout as the prototypes but was found to be lacklustre, so was changed to four Ho-103 HMG's in a model dubbed Ki44-Ib. However, inside of 300 meters, the Ho-103 has a decent damage output easily cutting off wings and critically damaging control surfaces, but it is still weaker than the M2 Brownings or Berezin UB machine guns. 扱い方に慣れるには少し苦労するかもしれないが、一度慣れてしまえばその機体性能で同ランク帯のあらゆる機体を圧倒することができるだろう。, 【リアリスティックバトル】 画像アップローダー, クラン / フレンド募集 RBでは巴戦が有効とあるが、射撃の難易度が跳ね上がるSBではそうも行かない。まして本機の武装は12.7mm×4と高火力とは言えないので、無駄撃ちは控えよう。素早いロールと急降下で視界から逃れ、操舵性を生かした突き上げで敵の死角を衝こう。, 「日本のパイロット全員が二式戦闘機を乗りこなした時、日本は世界最強の航空兵力を手にするだろう」——開発時に試乗したドイツパイロット—— Japan lacks a decent bomber interceptor before the Ki-61 Hei. If you are near a friendly airfield, great. Incredibly fast, leaves virtually any plane it faces in the dust at any altitude, Climb rate is better than most equivalent aircraft, at more than 25 m/s spaded, Has an excellent roll rate (utilise combat flaps for tighter manoeuvring), Engine feels like a plasma reactor, you will overheat within a minute and a half with WEP, using 100% doesn't cool it down quickly enough, Very fragile with next to no protection. 編集会議 / 編集報告 This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 19:50. アンケート作成所, サイトにイガイガが生えまくってるのに平気で飛んでる悲しみがお前に分かるのか?飛燕でもそうだから間違いない、弾も対空中ベルトだった(RB) --, A-20は結構大型機としては脆い部類だと俺は思う。エンジン狙えばホ103でも一瞬で着火出来るし。ホ103の威力が安定しないのは分かる --, ABでも上に逃げれば逃げられるんじゃないかな?水平だと勝てんが馬力なら圧勝よ? --, ABなんて年に1回くらいしかやらんが水平で速いことと上昇で速いことは違うはずだからな~補正のかかったABでも変わりはないはず --, ABならエンジンは出力100%時々WEP、10度~20度くらいの角度で上昇していけば速度を維持しつつ昇っていけたはず。 --, He 100なら流石に格闘戦で圧倒できる。インメルマンターンでエネルギー奪って垂直方向の格闘戦に持ち込んで落とそう。相手はエネルギー保持が良いからターン中はフラップを出さないこと、WEPは格闘戦までなるべく温存しておくこと、それくらいかな。 --, 敵との距離が400m切ってからぶっ放せばこの機体で遭遇する敵機は殆ど落とせるぞ?なおスパークリング --, やっぱりホ103は400前後が有効射程か…アメツリーやった後日本に戻ってきて50口径使ったら驚くほど当たらなくて自信喪失してたけど、弾薬の威力が低いぶんきっちり射程も短くなってるわけだ --, 史実しってる人か、エネルギー戦法をどこかで学んだか、はたまたIL-2でもやってたか・・・ --, ゲーム内スペック表見ただけだと飛燕より少し速い程度、って認識になるよね。しかも一型はなぜか旋回時間が妙に早いし(ベテランはあれが参考にならないのを知ってる)だから日本機の固定概念から抜け出せないのよね。史実を知れば一撃離脱の機体だってわかるが、かといってそれだけではまだ真の強みを引き出せはしない。こいつの真の強みが上昇にあるって気づくには同格のデータシートを全部見て、2500~3000キロ級の欧米の液冷機がまだ1000~1200馬力のところ、こいつだけ1300~1500馬力引き出せるってところに気が付かなきゃならんのよね…この抜きん出た馬力荷重の差に。なんてったって遠方から追いかけられたら上に逃げるのが正解なんだもんな --. The Ki-44 retains the iconic Japanese agility of its country, being able to turn-fight most fighters it encounters, with its high roll rate serving well to keep its targets in sight and to shake off enemies. Nakajima set to work on the prototype immediately, choosing the company's own Ha-141 radial engine that provided 1,250 in optimal condition. 海軍CBT You basically have a well armed BF109 that climbs and dives worse, but is better armored and is more agile. 入門講座 Anyways, start a turnfight whenever you see these stubby planes. └デカール・装飾 / 称号 自由掲示板 Sep 30th , 2015. F4U, F6F, P-47, etc: these planes are a huge threat to the Ki-44 as they have superior firepower, speed, dive acceleration and robust airframes. Note that its engine will overheat unbelievably fast. レーダー / アップデート, アーケード(AB) Ð½Ñ ÑиÑаÑелÑ. The variant also had other minor improvements such as a larger cockpit and a more efficient intercooler. A few hits from the M2 Browning is a guaranteed death. All Discussions ... And that's before we even get to the Hei Hien, which knicked German weapons and stuck them on the already pretty good Ki 61 frame. Permissions and credits Author's instructions. Apresentamos o War Thunder: Starfighters, uma nova atualização que introduz a armada italiana, ... Hornet Mk.III â Corrigidos dados de modificação relativos há possibilidade da montagem dos foguetes RP-3. CDK紹介ページ, 雑談用掲示板 Soon after the design of the Ki-43, Nakajima received orders from the Imperial Japanese Army for an interceptor aircraft with a precedence of speed and rate of climb over the traditional maneuverability-focused aircraft the Japanese were more known for. When intercepting planes, it is crucial to know what the target is. with a battle rating of 2.3 (AB), 2.7 (RB), and 3.0 (SB). If there are no bombers your next job is fighter interception. The player takes part in many of the major battles, fighting with other players all over the world. コントロールデバイス Except a few dedicated turn fighters, the Ki-44 can out-turn and get on most opponents' tail with combat flaps deployed. 零戦などと違って旋回戦は苦手なので、一撃離脱を心がけよう。 Ki-44-II Otsu Kirill âLassarâ Vostretsov, game designer: A linha japonesa irá ter vários caças do exército adicionais, e entre eles está o Ki-44-II - um estará disponível na linha regular e outro como premium - a variante Ki-44-II Otsu com canhões de 40 mm Ho.301 montados nas asas. Award(アワード) Horizontal manoeuvres are not highly recommended as it performs worse than in the vertical but will turn with most other fighters if needed especially with flaps. Will get shredded/set on fire easily, especially by any plane with M2 Brownings (eg F6F), Has Instructor issues. 3rd chutai, 70th sentai - Kashiwa Airfield near Tokyo, June 1945. Rudder and ailerons are very unstable if the plane is banked or at low speed, Flaps cause the nose to pitch down hard if used below 150-200 km/h in a steep climb. ... Black camo for Ki-61 a1 hei. The glass on the canopy's sides also tend to create dizzying reflections when the sun is near, reducing the visibility a lot. Nakajima Ki-44-I-Hei Interceptor. At the beginning of any match, use your amazing climb rate to get as high as you can. The Allied reporting name was "Oscar", but it was often called the "Army Zero" by American pilots because it bore a certain ⦠テンプレート テンプレ議論 カスタムバトル It has a short and wide fuselage, twin radial engine hanging under the wings and a H-tail. It is a phenomenally fast plane, being able to match the speed of almost anything it meets. 武装も強化され、前機ki-44-Iが7.7mm機銃と12.7mm機銃を2門づつであったのに対し、本機は12.7mm4門となった。十分というほどではないが、いくら当ててもなかなか撃墜できなかった7.7mmと比べれば、火力の向上を体感できるだろう。, 【アーケードバトル】 ダイナミックキャンペーン The aircraft's first flight occurred in 1940 and was involved in tests versus Kawasaki's Ki-60 prototype, which was powered by the German DB 601 engine used in the early Bf 109's, and an imported Bf 109 E. Through the many trials and evaluations, it was found to be superior to both designs and was ordered for production under the designation "Army Type 2 Single seat Fighter Model 1A Shoki" and company designation of Ki-44-Ia. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Pin them on the map and leave them to teammates with more powerful firepower. Featuring: Me 262 A-1a, JV 44 W.Nr.111899, Pilot - Maj.Willy Herget. The main requirements for it were a high flight speed - at least 600 km / h and a climb rate of 5000m in no more than 5 minutes. Note: do not turn with Spitfires or Zeros, you will never out-turn them. The leftover 7.7 mm machine guns will not be as destructive. World of Tanks; World of Warplanes; World of Warships; War Thunder; EVE Online; Armored Warfare; MechWarrior Online; World of Tanks Blitz; Heliborne; Tiberium ⦠火力不足の本機は継戦能力はよいとは言えない。無駄撃ちは禁物である。, 【シミュレーターバトル】 It gained more respect later on in its service life due to its extreme potency as an interceptor. └予備(1 / 2 / 3) 同BRではF4U-1aやハリケーンなど機動性は低いが被弾耐性の高い機体が出現し始める。そのような機体には高度優位な状況からのエネルギー差を活かした巴戦に持ち込むことをおすすめする。 its a 2.0 bomber. Good for grinding out the early Jap planes but quickly obsolete once the A6M Zero is ⦠USAAF Reconnaissance Technical Squadron Philippines 1945: Shoot 150 players ... War Thunder Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two, with a link to the appropriate page. Nakajima Ki-44-I-Hei Interceptor. 【公式】 LiveWarthunder This is a Gallia faction skin from the anime Valkyria chronicles for the Japanese Ki-43-3-otsu. Guest Sign-in to your account. Nakajima responded with the Ki-44-II, which sported the more powerful Ha-109 engine which powered the Ki-49 Donryu medium bomber. All rights reserved. Don't forget to pitch up and down a little to mess up their aim, the early Spitfires and A6M only have a 60-round drum per cannon which will run out fairly fast. If you climb at around a 22° angle, you should be able to find yourself far above enemy bombers by the time you encounter them. Along side the Ki-44-IIa, the Ki-44-IIc was introduced providing a drastic improvement in firepower, comprising of either 4 x 20 mm Ho-5 cannons or 2 x 12.7 mm Ho-103 HMG's and 2 x 40 mm Ho-301 cannons, which proved to be effective when attacking heavy bombers. ロケーションED Only fire when the bomber passes in front of your guns. These may be very different from the real, because we are monitoring only those players who use ⦠Known for its powerful armament, it served mostly in air defence roles. The Ki-44-II heiis armed with: 1. 課金 / テクニック / MEC The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (é¼, "Peregrine falcon", "Army Type 1 Fighter" (ä¸å¼æ¦éæ©)) was a single-engine land-based tactical fighter used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force in World War II.. The ki-108 was a modification of the ki-102 very late in WWII. It is also equal or superior in energy fights to anything it faces, flying loops and energy trapping its foes on a whim. The Ki-44-II hei can be outfitted with the following ordnance: In-game, the Ki-44 is the pinnacle of point interceptors at its battle rating. The Ju 88, on the other hand, has great underside gun coverage so attacking from below isn't a very good option. 同BRのスピットファイアMk.Iを上回る高い上昇性能を活かし、敵より高度優位に立つことが重要である。基本的には一撃離脱専門の本機体だが、火力不足は否めない。パイロットや尾翼といった被弾=致命傷となる場所を狙うとよいだろう。 a guest . テストフライト The Ki 61 airframe on it's own is actually pretty ⦠In a dive it easily accelerates to around 550 kph while still having responsive controls, however it does not retain the speed well after leveling out. A few paragraphs on aircraft history, design, development, employment, and other notable facts. Video Game (2012) A next generation MMO combat game dedicated to military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. └実績系トロフィー ユーザーモデル A 212 hp diesel engine can accelerate the tank to a maximum speed of 44 km/h. コックピット内計器の見方 The high landing speeds and comparatively limited maneuverability made it unpopular with pilots, who requested an upgraded Ki-43 instead due to the superior agility. Home. Only some 40 odd Ki-44-Ia's were made including the improved Ib and Ic models. 憎き照準眼鏡が消え去り、ここからが本領発揮である。敵に気付かれず上空から追尾し、エネルギーロストの瞬間を丁寧に取ってゆくSBの基本的な戦術に、ピッタリとはまる機体性能を持つ。 The Ki-44 has a lovely low stall-speed of around 160 kph and is also very controllable when getting out of a stall. If it is a bomber/attacker with decent defensive firepower, great turret coverage, or robust protection, then you might want to disengage after some attempts if you don't want to die. This version is the light version, which has no anime pictures but instead the nameless squads 422 insignia. In simulator, the Ki-44 is a decent fighter that can do traditional dogfights, some bomber-hunting and some ground pounding. Best Skins. MenuBar They can also sey you aflame easily. リアリスティック(RB) The Ho-103 machine gun has a low damage output outside of 300 meters due to the low velocity, so the player should make sure to shoot within 300 meters. During a take off the Ki-44 feels nose-heavy without any flaps deployed therefore after retracting the gears and flaps you need to pitch up a bit until the plane picks up some speed. While being more of a BnZ fighter, the Ki-44 also performs excellent at turn fighting - with the appropriate opponent, of course. https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Ki-44-II_hei&oldid=86863, 2 x 12.7 mm Ho-103 army machine guns, nose-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total), 2 x 12.7 mm Ho-103 army machine guns, wing-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total), 2 x 50 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs (100 kg total), 2 x 100 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs (200 kg total). トップ画像変更掲示板 CW-21; D.510C; Hawk III; I-16 Chung 28; I-16 type 10 âGladiator Mk I âI-153 M-62 âI-15bis âI-16 type 5 âKi-27 otsu; H-81A-2; P-66 âKi-43-III ko Hayabusa âKi-44-II hei Shoki âKi-45 hei/tei Toryu âKi-61-I otsu Hien âP-40E-1 Kittyhawk âP-43A-1 âA6M2 Reisen âA6M5 Reisen âI-16 type ⦠However sometimes it only takes one bullet to set the target aflame, if you are lucky. The P-47 has a huge, jug-like fuselage, bubble canopy and elliptical trailing edge that usually have invasion stripes painted on them. 分隊招集掲示板 Ð½Ñ ÑиÑаÑелÑ. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. I missed stage 1 so I have 1 more stage to go. ⦠The handling is good in general. It was introduced in Update 1.51 "Cold Steel". With WEP it heats up to >243° within 15 seconds. イベント Ki-44-II hei / statistics for the last 1 month. Akeno Training Air Division. ÐапÑимеÑ, ÑÑÑлка на ÑемейÑÑво ÑеÑ
ники; Burn that Engine Aircraft details,Engine settings,Climb,Supercharger Gear Switch under climb speeds At high speed add ~10-50% due to ram air Aircraft Name,Nation,Comment,Condition,Approx. War thunder china updated FMs. 実装予定兵器一覧, ミッションエディッタ This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two, with a link to the appropriate page. One negative thing about this aircraft though is the ammo amount. └空 / 陸 / 海 / ミサイル âKi-44-II hei Shoki. Focus your fire on the engines and constantly swing sideways to avoid getting hit. The best belts for the Ho-103 machine guns would be either Stealth or Air targets belts depending on play style. The good news is, the engine can cool down quick enough for another 15-second WEP. The Ki-44-II hei Shoki is a rank II Japanese fighter 質問用掲示板 アンケート集 White 23 8124. START PLAYING!! However the handling gets very sluggish when slower than 200 kph so make sure that there is no one behind you. よくある質問 / 用語集 close. chevron_left. Home; For friends; Tools; Forum. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. A few paragraphs on aircraft history, design, development, employment, and other notable facts. Before attacking try to get an altitude advantage and perform deflection shots. The accuracy is very good overall as two of them are in the nose & the other two are in the wings. 世界大戦モード, アサルト Games. It has an amazing climb rate allowing you to reach the bombers altitude fast. Use vertical manoeuvres to maximise your energy retention while booming and zooming. 管理 / 編集規約 The Ki-44-II is soon to make its way into the the Japanese nation for War Thunder. 出撃したら、まず最初にしっかり上昇して高度を確保すること。この機体は同ランク帯の機体と比べても上昇力に優れているため、何も考えず上昇しているだけですぐに敵の上をとれる。 Akeno Kyodo Hikou Shidan - Akeno AB, Mie Prefecture, 1944. The most threatening one, the B-25, is fairly easy to distinguish. This is coupled with excellent acceleration, energy retention, high rip speed and low control stiffening, allowing it to pursue after planes that other fighters cannot. The F4U has a long cylindrical nose and the iconic inverted gull wing. The F6F, on the other hand, might get confused with other planes as it looks rather average. It has great all-round visibility, especially to the sides and the rear thanks to its clear teardrop canopy. top_image それまでに開発された他の日本戦闘機とは異なり、旋回性能よりも速度を優先させており、優れた上昇力、加速力、急降下性能を備えた優秀な迎撃機であった。防弾ガラスを装備しており、パイロットの安全面も高い(海軍機が低すぎるだけだが)。 To maximise the damage aim for their wings and engines, as the fuselage usually soaks up lots of bullets. The design and development of the Ki-44 ⦠The single-engine Ki-44 fighter was developed in the early 1940âs by the design bureau of the Japanese Nakajima company. 次アプデ情報交換板 鯖落ち報告所 登録方法 / 操作など 各種トロフィーとアイテム 日本陸軍戦闘機ツリーのランク2戦闘機。二式単座戦闘機一型よりも性能が向上しており、日本単発レシプロ機トップクラスの速度・上昇力と、12.7mm四門に強化された武装を持つ。一撃離脱を得意とする機体である。, 日本機にあるまじき高速性と上昇力が特徴。特に速度に関しては同BR帯の中ではトップクラスであり、急降下速度耐性の高さも相まって一撃離脱機として優秀な性能を誇っている。 公式動画集 The Ki-44-II hei is armed with four Ho-103 heavy machine guns, with a total of 1,000 rounds of ammunition (250 rounds per gun). War Thunder player stats. シミュレーター(SB) 戦闘の基本 Ki-84 ko A6M2 Reisen Ki-10-I Ki-84 ko Hayate A6M2-N Ki-10-I C Ki-84 otsu A6M3 Reisen Ki-10-II Ki-84 otsu Hayate A6M3 Reisen mod 22 Ki-10-II C Ki-96 A6M3 Reisen mod 22-Ko Ki-102 Otsu N1K2-J Shiden-Kai A6M5 Ko Reisen Ki-200 Shusui N1K2-Ja Shiden-Kai A6M5 Otsu Ki-43-II Hayabusa A6M5 Reisen Ki-45 hei Toryu A7HE-1 Ki-45 ko Toryu B5-N-2 Ki ⦠This author has not credited anyone else in this file It was introduced in Update 1.55 "Royal Armour". 戦闘任務(Warbonds) For other nations, see War Thunder. The over-the-nose visibility is average. If not, then hope for the best and run towards the friendly side. Only elevator trim is available, so when the stick is at its deadzone, the Ki-44 will roll and yaw to the left side. The best skins of all time | See all JOLLY ROGERS BEARCAT 10334. If there are bombers, those 4 x 12.7s machine guns can do a number on a bomber, but the bombers defences can also do a lot to you. The Ki-44-I Shoki is a rank II Japanese fighter with a battle rating of 2.0 (AB/SB) and 2.3 (RB). 達成 However there are lots of thick frames at the front which can get very annoying and obstruct the target in a chase, delaying the pilot's reaction. 2 x 12.7 mm Ho-103 army machine guns, nose-mounted (250 rpg = 500 total) 2. └ルール解説所 Note: This is a video game. When attacking a bomber, do it in high-speed passes, giving the gunners minimal time to lock on to you. ミッション Order / Wager Like its primary competitor WarGaming.net, War Thunder offers all three major types of warfare (aerial, naval, ground), but does this in one single game and allows to control jets, helicopters and modern tanks as ⦠It was similarly constructed to the Ki-43, retaining the excellent Butterfly Combat Flaps and basic design, and carried two 7.7 mm Type 89 machine guns and two of the recently designed 12.7 mm Ho-103 HMG's that were based on the American Browning M1921. This short window might seem inadequate to do anything... and it usually is, unfortunately. 【公式】 日本ユーザーフォーラム This improved firepower however, actually worsened the aircraft's reputation with pilots due to the heavier wing loading causing violent reactions to high speed maneuvers. The Ki-44 will maintain a >25 m/s climb rate with WEP below 4,000 m. However, the engine will overheat on WEP very quickly below 5,500 m if manual engine controls are not used. └公式PV/アップデート解説, Wikiからのお知らせ Aim for the wings of the bomber as, while not exactly high velocity, your shells can do a lot of damage to a bomber's wing. Late series aircraft. The Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki (é¾é¦, "Demon") was a single-seat fighter-interceptor developed by the Nakajima Aircraft Company and operated by the Imperial Japanese Army from 1942 to 1945 during World War II.Its official designation is Army Type 2 Single-Seat Fighter (äºå¼å座æ¦éæ©) and its Allied reporting name was Tojo.. ユーザーイベント - http://tinyurl.com/PhlyThunder KI-44 40MM - JAPANESE DERP GUNS (War Thunder Gameplay) Follow my TWITCH! As long as you keep your speed up, you should be fine. War Thunder. Attack enemy fighters using Boom & Zoom tactics to destroy fighters. 編集ガイドライン バトルパス Lechfeld, on April 25th, 1945 Download. æ¥æ¬ Rankii 軽æ¦éæ© Ki-44-II Hei / äºå¼å座æ¦éæ©äºåä¸ é¾é¦ In the right hands, the damage caused to the enemy can be more than extensive! Try engaging from the sides and concentrate the fire on the front half of it, as that is where all the vital components are located. View Mobile Site Ki-44-II hei Shoki : War Thunder : Fighter Ki-44-II hei Shoki - Info. 登場国について War Thunder cover art. ÐапÑимеÑ, ÑÑÑлка на ÑемейÑÑво ÑеÑ
ники; 外部掲示板(5ch) If you see a plane with a streamlined inline engine and large, elliptical wings (Spitfire) or something with rounded wingtips and stabiliser tips, a radial engine and a pointy tail (A6M), try some defensive manoeuvres like barrel rolls or disengage by diving towards a nearby friendly airfield.Â. Super jealous. ミッションエディター, 搭乗員スキル Its performance is also too op for 1_1) The slow velocity, light projectiles and low one-second burst mass usually guarantee no critical damage. Therefore you always need to pull the stick to the right which can get a bit annoying. It has excellent climb rate of around 14m/s at 400 kph, with 100% throttle and no MEC. 不具合・仕様変更掲示板 War Thunder. Along with that it also has a good turn time allowing for dog fighting capabilities. SandBox(容量オーバー) A very good energy fighter that turns decently and has a very high top speed when fully upgraded of 606 km/h at 6,000 m, being able to reach that height in 5 minutes at a 21-degree angle at 98% throttle. War Thunder is an MMO-style combat game about World War II, Cold War and modern military vehicles. 1,149 ... ki-45_hei.blkx ki-49_1.blkx ki-49_2a.blkx ki-49_2b.blkx ki-49_2b_late.blkx ki_21_1ko.blkx ki_43_1.blkx ki_43_2.blkx ki_43_2_late.blkx ki_43_3_otsu.blkx ki_44_1.blkx ki_61_1a_otsu_usa.blkx ki_84_hei.blkx kitsuka.blkx la-15.blkx la_174.blkx lagg-3 ⦠War Thunder. Download War Thunder NOW! Again, never engage any of these if you have no altitude advantage. This means that it can get to an ideal altitude of around 3000m very quickly. File credits. Ki-44-II Otsu (it should be universal or at least available up to 4_1 as it is a good bomber interceptor. 性能・パーツ / 弾薬 BattleRating早見表 Their 12.7mm MGs can easily tear you apart or simply pilot-snipe you even when they are far away, as the M2 Brownings have great velocity and trajectory. Air History. Play Now! Paste links to sources and external resources, such as: © 2010â2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. The Ki-44 still remains responsive handling at 600 km/h, but its speed retention is poor, meaning it will start to lose speed quickly and the enemy might catch up. Stall climbs can also be used to great effect against opposing planes due to the incredible energy retention and climb rate. Fuselage, bubble canopy and elliptical trailing edge that usually have invasion stripes on... Jug-Like fuselage, twin radial engine hanging under the wings targets belts depending play. Hikou Shidan - akeno AB, Mie Prefecture, 1944 and it usually is unfortunately. 1.55 `` Royal Armour '' and elliptical trailing edge that usually have invasion stripes on... The appropriate opponent, of course one bullet to set the target aflame, if you are near friendly... Up to 12 Games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu efficient.... No altitude advantage, if you see these stubby planes are no bombers next. Mostly in air defence roles or Zeros, you will never out-turn them and leave to! 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