I have Gunner today and an aspin we named Peewee. PDAA = Philippine Dog Athletics Association. In another case, an Aspin dog breed jumped in front of two young citizens in order to save them from being hit by a motorcycle. /IMAGE The SM Store. They also love cuddling with their home owners very much. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. He was a very good dog. Currently, we are raising 5 dogs. The name Aspin is a shortened version of “asong Pinoy” which can be translated to native dog. I don’t want to make foreign dog breeds bad but there is definitely something special with Aspins. Chase Bank, Aspen. To care for an Aspin, it has to vaccinated, spayed and neutered , groomed and exercised, fed regularly and loved. I didn’t grow up with his siblings. Nonetheless, having perfectly wrapped presents always adds a familiar excitement to celebrating Christmas. Once a dog is labeled a “senior”, its days are numbered and that dog is likely to be the first euthanized. He had a coat like the model aspin above. In the early 2000s, several organizations and passionate individuals started raising the position of native dogs in the society and the dog world by discarding the term askal and  giving them a more appropriate and socially acceptable name: Aspin. All dogs deserve to be loved. Lenticular sclerosis and cataract… Born in Utah #7. Explore Booksellers. So cute ❤️. Contrary to what others say that the native dogs in the Philippines have no breed, some people say that in fact they do: they are bred as Filipino dogs, also called Aspins or Asong Pinoy. Thus, several countries including the Philippines are highly-encouraging growing our own food as the new normal. Though most of a dog’s trait can be acquired or learned, an aspin is naturally loving,, and intelligent… any dog whatsoever will never break your heart. People designated them such name because these dogs are usually seen roaming on the streets and let outside the house. i love him so much !! She brought it to me, knowing that I care for animals. aspin dog ( ) | aspin dog how to aspin dog for For deaf dogs, options include a special hand signal, a vibrating remote collar (sans shock), and the ingenious Flicker, a visual clicker for deaf dogs made of what appears to be a keychain flashlight and a ping-pong ball (inventor Jamie Popper, a trainer in Florida, sells them on Etsy ). In fact, even today, there is no specific look for the Aspin breed. Age 24 years old. Overall, there is nothing negative about this breed because they are very low maintenance and fun to have around. He will always come to see me if I am alone in my room. See you next summer! Sources: Philippine Animal Welfare Society, Inquirer.net Loves good Canadian Beef . Born on April 15 #3. There is an interesting story behind “An Aspin’s Song.” “My Lolo Rene had nine or 10 siblings. Top 10 Naughtiest Dog Breeds In The World - Aspin Is your dog naughty? They require little maintenance and are more independent since they grew up on the streets. In another case, an Aspin dog breed jumped in front of two young citizens in order to save them from being hit by a motorcycle. They are hunting dogs and very energetic. PEDIGREE® can help you determine your best friend's age. Because these dogs are not bred for their specific characteristics, they can share many different traits from one dog to the next. Furoshiki An impressive gift-wrapping technique you can do for your gifts is Furoshiki. , Brought an Aspin back to Canada. But they aren’t just street dogs. This […], 5 Essential Vitamins You Should Look For in Health Supplements. “There were a total of 50 dogs — these dogs are now the founding members of the Aspin Club.” The launch was held last Saturday, April 24, 2010 at Eastwood City in cooperation with Alpo. As a person with 12 aspins for friends and companions, thank you for sharing their endearing traits. This 17-month old, 125-lb Great Dane didn’t have the easiest start in life, and came into rescue following a Craig’s List posting indicating unspeakable things would be done to her and her sister if they were not removed from the poster’s property immediately. I wish people will see more how beautiful Aspins are. Birthplace Utah . What Is Aspirin? Aspin Kimchi runs with her adopter and trainer. I love the way they guard our house because they are really good at this. I managed to maintain their health with vitamins, once a week bath and I fell in love with these dogs. Imported breeds and Aspins can also be best friends! Some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. He is now 4 years old and living with me. Todate, the female mother pups repay me by guarding our house and the pups are now 11 months old each and help one another in guarding our house away from possible burglers day and night. She became part of protection specially at night and it was great. New York and 2 other states had the highest population of Aspin families in 1840. It is not recognized by the AKC. If you have a yard make sure it’s fenced in otherwise they are known to walk away to roam around the area. Based on her appearance she was a victim of cruelty, a mange dog. Dog owners must therefore follow their veterinarian's orders strictly if they use aspirin for any reason. They bark to strangers especially when there was a time, a tresspaser came at our house at midnight and rob our house. The female brown Aspin was found drifting in the Gulf of Thailand on Friday. Just recently, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) also acknowledged Aspins as a better choice for K-9 duty than imported dogs because of their endurance and weather tolerance. He always watch our family especially me and my 2 younger sisters, he even knows how to catch birds and brought it to the house, but sadly time have catched up him, as he became old he can’t do no more his usual stuff so its time for me and my family to watch and care him as he did when me and my sisters are still little. An aspin or an askal is a dog native to the Philippines. Most Aspins are medium-sized dogs that stand at no more than two feet in height. Back in March 2013, while I was in my 2nd assignment, a stray Aspin started living in our station. Thank you for advocating for the Aspin. I didn’t know why but I suspected my neighbor had fed him something bad. We were awaken by their barks and took the culprit away. Depends on what you define as recognized and by who. Please, follow this step-by-step instruction to determine your dog's age in human years: Select your dog's breed from the drop-down list; Enter your dog's age in years and/or months They light up my life and i love them like they’re my children . The most Aspin families were found in the UK in 1891. What’s great about Aspins is that they are lovable, resilient, and low-maintenance. /IMAGE Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Facebook page. Native dogs in the Philippines used to only be called askal, a combination of the Filipino words “aso” (dog) and “kalye” (street). Aspins are lovable dogs who deserve a home. what kind of breed is your dog? While we come and go, she stayed at the station. With high fuel costs and worsening traffic situations in the Metro, commuters are forced to look for an alternative way to ease their travel to work and school. You can also hang out in the cat room and play with the kitties. and downvalley at: Four Dogs … Although many of these dogs look slightly different, there are some qualities that are generally the same. Aries Web Star #38. 24 Year Old Web Star #35. It's a great way to enjoy the company of a dog and give him some exercise, affection and socialization. If your dog has developed white eyes, it may have developed from a variety of different medical conditions. A survivor of animal cruelty, Kimchi placed second in the Dog Agility and Disc Dog (Frisbee) contests. Every morning she puts her hands on the side of my bed trying to climb up so I could wake up. In 2016 an Aspin named Roy was awarded a certificate for helping with the search and retrieval team after a landslide rescue mission. They are calm, happy, and get along nicely with children. Most Popular #1039. Agreed, aspin are lovable and caring, our family once have aspin that we adopted name whitee, he has a good attitude, back then I’m just 5 years old. Birthday April Apr 15, 1996 . This beautiful model is an Aspin! And you are right, Aspins are lovable dogs who deserve a home. She’s charming, fun to be with and intelligent. Then finally we gave her name “Gali”, short for “Galisan” in Kapampangan dialect. These dogs do not have specific ancestors that contributed to what they look like today. City Biking: Available Bike Lanes Around Metro Manila. Aspins do not have any major health problems to watch out for. Lastly quennie a female aspin alson1 year old we love them so much.. Finally, a dream come true for the growing number of owners of Aspins and also for the many humans of mixed-breed dogs. I am an owner of 1 loyal aspin. Aspins are underrated. Aspin dogs are good house guards. Family Web Star #36. These dogs have short coats and do not need to be groomed regularly. They are also sweet because they are the first one to welcome me when I get home. In 1840 there was 1 Aspin family living in New York. My advocacy to dogs and cats will continue and committed to help them out during their needs. He is a standout! Vets do prescribe aspirin for dogs, but aspirin has some serious side effects that dog owners need to be aware of. This breeding style makes the Aspin dog healthier than most other breeds because they are naturally bred rather than humans putting together certain dogs until they mate. Images grabbed from: Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Facebook page, The SM Store, I adopted a puppy aspin and currently she is 4 months old. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age (puppy, adult, or senior). They are medium in size, usually have a more rough textured fur, and have short coats that can be a variety of colors. He told me about his younger sister, Nita Hontiveros-Lichauco, or Tata for short, had at that time had about 30 cats and six dogs! Web Star Born in Utah #6. After all the hassle of choosing the right gift for friends and family, you’re now finally at the latter part of the gift-giving process—the gift wrapping. Aspin Canine Inc. - 2085 Lawrence Ave E, Toronto, ON, Canada m1r 2z4 - Rated 5 based on 7 Reviews "I recently switch to raw food & my dogs love it." Ipinamigay ko rin. I miss Julie and Blackie. It is unknown whether the dog swam the astonishing distance from the shore, or jumped off a boat at sea. Birth Sign Aries. /IMAGE Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Facebook page. I once had an Aspin named Boston, my aunt found him near the company where she used to work. i have lots of aspin dogs at home.. they are lovable, loyal and friendly…they can be trained also… love them always.. Lexie my aspin is the best hands down. thank you so much for sharingbtbis message to people. 2 -3 weeks later I observe that they are exposed to sun and rain and so I allowed to get them and put them inside my garage. (There was seven of them), we have aspins too i have saved an aspin in the street and named her swertres, we feed and loved her so much until she gave us puppies named drew,bolantoy,snowpee and keeper,. The bark and leaf of the tree are used to make medicine. aspin dog Can I take my 8 week old puppy for a walk? In 2016 an Aspin named Roy was awarded a certificate for helping with the search and retrieval team after a landslide rescue mission. They are more resistant to diseases, shed less fur, and are also good companions to children. But I personally call her “Wrinkles”, for she got wrinkled skin due to her recovery from mange. If you want to steer away from common gift wrapping ideas, we will guide you through some of the surprisingly unique and inexpensive gift-wrapping techniques you can enjoy doing with ease. The Philippine Army currently uses over 40 Aspin dogs to help them with various tasks. The grand launch took place in the Eastwood Central Plaza on April 24, 2010, marking a momentous vision that improved the lives of many native dogs. they are very much loyal to our family, so sweet and playful. Singer-songwriter Barbie Almalbis-Honasan has just released a new single on all streaming platforms titled, “An Aspin’s Song.” The song is both an homage to a late grand aunt and also a reflection on where Almalbis-Honasan is at this stage of her life. A huge pup might age more slowly at first, but be nearing middle age at 5. Our work is not Public Domain. These dogs do not require a high level of exercise. It needs to be cared for. He's probably 7 or even older. Like his mother, a very protective, a bit jealous when I talk to others and approach other dog but believe me, he is so loving and sweet. Like any other pet, bring them to the vet for regular check ups. Aspins have also proven to be as charming and adorable as expensive breeds in the SM store’s feature of the Philippine Animal Welfare Society’s (PAWS) shelter Aspins. I found a female Aspin who gave birth to 6 pups last Dec 10, 2017 on my perimeter house gate, I gave her water and food and pet her. Loveable ,friendly and love’s hiking . Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()); . There are Aspins that have proven that they aren’t just street dogs or watch dogs. When all you want in your life is happiness and protection, don”t mind the breed, just go for any dog that fits your lifestyle and train him respect and show him love. She just stays there and stares at me. They are everything you could ask for a dog. They are loyal and fearless. Those of Aspin lineage have good temperament. This process makes it so there is less inbreeding which leads to less health issues and a more balanced breed because it shares so many different traits. All Rights Reserved. At the start, over 50 Aspins and other mixed-breed dogs became the “founding members” of the organization. I have 14 Aspin and i love them, yes 14… but i also own an island in the Philippines there’s plenty of space for everybody.They are my loyal companions. AKC is what most people refer to when it comes to dogs … 3 of foreign breeds, a half Aspin, and a pure one. Sick and riddled with parasites, Aspin and her sister were saved and the following months were spent nursing them back to health before we could start … Today, Aspins are becoming more popular within the Philippines in both peoples homes and the workforce. Naturally, Aspins are all around the same height, have short coats, and similar features. Popularity . My puppy, a pire Aspin, checks on me every day. They are native dogs to the Philippines and are often seen roaming the streets although now they are becoming more of a house dog. About. They are very street smart and don’t require a lot of attention. The Aspin family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Use our dog age calculator to see the conversion from dog years to human years. They have a strong sense of smell and good hearing making them sense their owners even when they are still hundred meters away approximately. Whichever condition it may be, it is important to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian in order to have your dogs eyes checked and treated as necessary. Animal shelters can also help you find the right pet that would suit your personality and lifestyle. Bought a 3X3 cage with a constant supply of food and water taken from my allowance. I was already given a pure pug, a poo-gle, and an am bully. Aspirin is an NSAID, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. A natural dog around children – great healthy dog . Tiny and toy breeds don't become "seniors" until around age 10. I am a proud owner of an aspin dog. No long when she conceived a gave birth to 6 pups, when I realized that pups are not safe in the environment, I adopted one of them and named him “Kulafu”, a boy pup. Overview Information Aspen is a tree. The Philippine Army currently uses over 40 Aspin dogs to help them with various tasks. Yes i have 3 aspin name maxx a male dog age of 3 years Puppy the 2nd female aspin age 2 yers Lastly quennie a female aspin alson1 year old we love them so much.. ★★★★★ 8 months ago . Some say that in the past, many Aspins were used as guard dogs which makes some of these dogs more prone to be wary of strangers. But then again, Aspins are resilient, and they are good at repaying kindness with loyalty and a lot of love. The Philippines’ native dogs are a mixture of different breeds, but it’s not clear what their real ancestors are. i also have an aspin,they’re supposed to be two of them.. and i named them gumiho(female)and stephin(male)but the other one died because of poison(that one was gumiho),and i think the one who did that was just our own neighbor who really hate dogs and even puppies.. the one that left on me right now is only stephin,i loved him so much ,i even treat him like a human brother,bathe him every week(my rest day on my work).. i also bought a lot of his hygine,just like powder,shampoo,conditioner,comb,toys,wet food,dry food, his own bed and even his own bath utensils organizer.. and i am hoping that this my little bro(stephin) wont die because of what other did to gumiho… stephin is kind of a very lovable,kind,sweet,charming and cute aspin puppy!! 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