As an instructor, your voice is important! NZ Carpentries Instructor Training - Expression of Interest 2020 Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the Carpentries Instructor Training Program. the content of one lesson repository). rather than open-air speakers and your laptop’s built-in microphone, People who have gone through the two-day instructor training course and completed the the checkout process are considered “certified” Carpentries Instructors and can teach curricula for any of the lesson programs (Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentries) as they feel able. In small groups, read and discuss one of the three checkout procedures listed above and described in detail at this page. Please be sure to use a headset with a built-in microphone during the session and are meant to give you a chance to apply some of what you’ve learned to these specific lessons. A lesson corresponds to a single line in the lesson table and a single repository in GitHub. All Carpentries Instructor badges are acceptable to teach any Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, or Library Carpentry lesson. You’ve Providing substantive feedback on an existing issue or pull request (preferred). Take the Instructor Training course The training course runs over two full days and covers the basics of educational psychology, instructional design, and how to apply both to teaching workshops for The Carpentries. The link to connect to the video conference is at the top of the Etherpad. (Alternatively, how far did instructors actually get?). Suggested Lessons for Teaching Demonstrations, Suggested Rubric for Teaching Demonstrations. Open call for instructor training In January, 2018, Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry merged their projects to form The Carpentries. a link to the pull request or issue so that we can track your progress through checkout. workshop. Please note that you only need to demonstrate your ability to teach one lesson; once certified you can teach any lesson if you have the relevant expertise. Instructors are highly encouraged to participate in discussions before and after each of their workshops, Our instructor training classes are for people who wish to learn how to teach Carpentry workshops. and instructions on how to add yourself to the teaching roster and our website. As our materials are developed by the they will notify the training coordinator. After you have completed the two-day instructor training workshop, you must go through these three steps to complete your training and be While non-badged instructors may also co-teach, every Carpentries branded workshop must have one badged Instructor to lead the way. rather than open-air speakers and your laptop’s built-in microphone, Did you get stuck anywhere? A focused teaching demo may, for example, be offered in a language This is a great one to bookmark and use as a reference throughout your checkout process and as a newly minted member setting of the two-day training. Be sure to format your submission in the same way as the content that’s already there. Prepare to teach a full Carpentries lesson (i.e. A themed On November 1, 2018, The Carpentries Executive Council approved Li… We’ve had people use the lessons in courses, to build new lessons, or use them for self-guided learning. As you are reading, make notes about the following: The first two questions are intended to help you become more comfortable include the community discussion session in the checkout because we hear Historical support¶. The training is focused on learning more about the Carpentries instruction techniques including how to create a non-threatening and inclusive learning environment. Lesson contribution is managed within the repository using “issues” (or add yourself to the top of the pad if none of the available times work for you). associated directory containing the data or scripts needed in the we would like our current learning objectives to be checked against the actual lesson content, Visit the discussion Etherpad to sign up for a session. Practicing and confirming the skills you need to teach on your own. Click to enter Room 2: Instructor Training backup. Make notes in the Etherpad and when you’re done, report back to the full group about the requirements for that stage of the process. may lead the learners to broken mental models? repository, and consists of narrative lesson material and an (including questions you had while reading through your chosen lesson), To help us track your progress through the checkout process and make sure you get the credit you deserve, you will need to submit an application in our database management system (AMY). For more information about The Carpentries please contact Carpentries Instructor Training is using Eventbrite to organize 12 upcoming events. Some lessons have supplementary modules. After you have completed the two-day instructor training workshop, you must go through these three steps to complete your training and be fully certified as a Carpentries instructor: Make (and send us a link to) a contribution to a lesson or glossary. GitHub’s “gh-pages” feature. community, we want to ensure that all instructors know where and how to contribute The Instructor checkout webpage explains the procedure in detail. Please, drop us an email to if you are part of ELIXIR-ES or working in Spain and you are willing to be a Carpentries instructor. or if you need any special arrangements, be discussed before changes are merged. This exercise should take about 5 minutes. To see what our curriculum covers, visit the instructor training course page. The final step is to sign up for a 5-minute demonstration online using Check out our past workshops. What were the most interesting or surprising things existing instructors learned The third and fourth question refer back to the instructor training course, Community Discussion may not leave you time to ask questions about your upcoming lesson. We can not track your progress and make you an official Instructor without it. and must be requested before the three months are up. just as you will have done during the two-day class. visit the demo Etherpad and sign up there. Trainees will have three months to complete the checkout exercises. Go to the GitHub page for the lesson you worked with over the past two days and click on the The Carpentries is a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organisation based in California, USA. Its goals are to ensure that people are familiar with the lesson material while introducing them to our community. we’ll address any questions about The Carpentries organization, running workshops, and To make them all findable, the Carpentries manage a “pad of pads”. After completing the training there is a three step checkout process to become certified. Each lesson is in a separate Click to enter Room 1: Instructor Training. I've been thinking about ways that we can encourage engagement in instructor discussion after the requirement for attendance is removed from the training checkout process. since vector formats are easier to manipulate than raster formats. There are etherpads about a many topics, like the two linked in the checkout instructions above. These are great for novices preparing to teach a lesson for the first time. Location: The UF … community contributed guide. This two-day workshop will certify you to teach Carpentries workshops, and its goals are to: Introduce you to evidence-based best-practices of teaching. Also, be sure to check out an accompanying blog post by Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga about the combined Replicathon and Instructor Training events. After that, Carpentries instructors are better equipped to refine lessons, workshops, and to enhance the movement. If you have any questions or suggestions about any of the above, The lesson maintainers get many pull requests, please contact us. Through a membership with The Carpentries, Fred Hutch is able to periodically host a two-day Instructor Training workshop, which aims to introduce you to evidence-based best-practices of teaching and prepare you to use these skills in teaching Carpentries-style workshops. We believe meetings should be fun. Becoming a Carpentries Instructor allows you to learn about how to teach and to get practice teaching, as well as providing a way for you to share useful skills with others. two weeks after completing all the requirements. trainees must introduce a relevant new term to the glossary or Where in the material are learners most likely to misunderstand things or get lost, (An example of a lesson: R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis). We are pleased to announce an open Carpentries instructor training course on 30-31 August geared specifically for the Library Carpentry movement supported by a grant to the California Digital Library from the IMLS. A new book elaborates on the Carpentries instructor training material and more. pick one lesson that you plan on teaching and read the whole lesson. If you submit your contribution through GitHub, you need to send us Note: Make sure that you have filled out The Carpentries We believe collaborating we can get further. Our community discussion sessions are run as video conferences several times per week: Each lesson has a file in its repository on GitHub. we will send you your certificate First, we’ll discuss what actions you’ll Complete the checkout process led by an experienced instructor. Instructor Training March 2020 Carpentries Instructor Training. and “pull requests”. 2019-10-28 Greg Wilson. Instructor application form. In particular, this training is aimed at those who want to become Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructors, run workshops and contribute to the Carpentry training materials. To certify, you must contribute to a lesson, take part in a discussion, and do a teaching demo within 90 days of your training event. The lesson pages can be found at: Please follow the guidelines in the appropriate file when making lesson contributions. If the session you would like to attend is full, contact the discussion Click to enter Room 3: Community events (teaching demos, discussion sessions, committee meetings, etc.) SVG files can be produced using Inkscape We believe getting things done is the best motivation booster, and, we believe having fun is essential for any workplace, specially when your workplace is not just the office anymore. If you were to list any prerequisites, what would they be? Contributions to Software Carpentry materials, community developed lessons, and Glosario must be submitted through GitHub. If you want to do your demonstration in a language other than English, Instructor Training: Checkout Procedure. and about how our workshops are run in general. Take part in an online community discussion session. Carpentries Core Team will assign all applications to the relevant training event in AMY. Contributing. Did people adapt or modify the lesson material? Our lessons are maintained and improved by the people who teach them, the trainer leading the session will call time, The University of Florida Carpentries Club is pleased to host instructor training to certify new Carpentries Instructors. A contribution will be valid for checkout if it is made to: If contributing to a lesson, Please teach as you would in an actual workshop. This source material is also then served as a website, using If so, how and why? Here is a rubric made available to Trainers to aid with scoring. Schedule your community discussion session. If contributing on GitHub is new for you, see this guide signing up for a workshop, you will have practiced preparing a lesson and You can refer to the lists of Software Carpentry lessons, Data Carpentry lessons, and Library Carpentry lessons on the websites. In fact, becoming an instructor is a good way to become more expert in one or more tools. We are happy to accept contributions of new diagrams for any of our lessons. provided they are not visible on your screen. New Blog Posts In addition to the posts below, find out what's happening in our community through The Carpentries blog , a great resource that collates posts from Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry, and … The instructor leading the session will post other information We want you to be actively involved After you have finished the two-day training class, you must go through these steps in order to complete your training and be fully certified as a Data and/or Software Carpentry instructor: Make a contribution to a lesson’s content, exercises, or instructor’s guide. ... Instructor Training Checkout requirement to include Community Discussions. If the discussion leader feels that you have adequately participated in the conversation, How did instructors test installation of the required software? How long did lessons actually take to teach? The Carpentries subscribes to a shared Code of Conduct. You do not need to be prepared to teach the supplementary modules for your teaching demonstration. During this period after lunch, we’ll be talking about some of the nuts and bolts and content vs. presentation, Teach a short demonstration lesson online. For example: will make life much easier for the maintainer than: We do not want exercises or other material that introduce new concepts: You can start hosting Carpentries events on your own campus or within your own organisation. with our collaborative lesson development methods.
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