Use several series of connected, curved lines to add a furry texture to the face. ", ", Your eyeballs should rest on the horizontal plane (equally separated by the vertical grid line). Step 3: Draw two curved, intersecting lines inside the head. "name": "Draw ears and nose", ], Once you are done with the outline of the cats face, now fill in the eyes with eye balls, draw small circle for the nose and a broadened U for the mouth of the cat. This time we are showing you…, Grab your pencils or your markers as you will learn how to draw a sheep…, Who doesn't want to learn how to draw! Do this by simplifying the cat to basic shapes, like circles and ovals, and draw light guidelines to find the cat’s proportions. According to the primary contours circle the body and head of the cat. "width": "406" Cats are awesome! "@type": "ImageObject", Between these two curves you can add some teeth like jagged edges. "text": "Draw two U shapes for the front legs. Draw a Cat Using the Word Cat. Start by drawing short straight line from the bottom of the nose downwards. You could make a tabby, tortoiseshell, black and white, black or even pink and green striped cats – we’re not here to set the rules – let your imagination be the guide. If you already understand this here, then be sure to read all of the steps below. "@type": "ImageObject", You could also make the nose oval or round. How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Cat Step by Step for Kids. { As the drawing will be fairly symmetrical draw a vertical line that will help you see if both side are of even width. Join the curves to the tip of the triangle. "url": "", With this, we complete the mouth of the cat. Starting next to this line (on the left) draw the mouth curve, bring it down and up again to meet the line you made under the nose. How to. Step 7. Start with a circle for for the shape of cat's face and add two circles for the body. } Draw the head of the cat { Draw a half circle like curve for the top of the head and a smaller curve for the bottom. We’ve keep the cat mostly texture free, as there are many different kinds and this way you can pick your own fur when you’ll color. "text": "Start by drawing an oval shape at the top middle of the paper. … So guys, now we have to draw the Cat’s eye. To help with face placement, draw a grid on the circle. Now connect the mark to the head using curved lines to create a thin, tall arc. (Michael O’Mara Books, $14.99 softcover. How to Draw a Cat Step by Step - An easy, step by step drawing lesson for kids. "url": "", Starting with step 6 you could now change to a pen or colored pencil. "url": "", } These shapes should overlap each other quite a bit. 2. Get this cat drawing project and many more in “How to Draw Animals” by Michael Garton. "@type": "MonetaryAmount", Add a curving tail and erase a small section of the outline where it joins the body. To get the real image you must follow every step. If you like it, follow the steps below to try it out! Step 2. Erase the line separating the head from the body. Step 4: Draw the front chest of the cat, front legs and rear hind leg. "url": "", "name": "coloring supplies" Step 5: Draw the guide for the tabby cat's first ear by first making a small mark above the top, left side of the head. Let’s make the cat face! "name": "Draw the legs", 5. } "image": { } "name": "your hands" "url": "", There are many ways you can color your cat drawing. In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a cat in three stages. To start drawing a cat, first draw a circle. This step…, It's perfect time to learn something new to draw. You can choose from easy tutorials such as How to Draw a Cat Face and a Cat for kids , or go for more advanced ones like Warrior Cats . "width": "406" "tool": [ STEP 7. "step": [ "name": "Final details", Time to start making a few triangles. "name": "paper" Step 11. Draw feet. Repeat with another curve on the right side of the head. Let's learn how to draw a dog together with this easy…, Bring some magic to the paper by learning how to draw an unicorn. "@type": "ImageObject", { }, Also start drawing the body. “It’s about breaking a subject matter down and building it back up in a meaningful way. These will help you place the cat's facial features later. Learn How to Draw a Cat – Step by Step Cat Drawing. "@type": "HowToStep", HOW-TO-DRAW ANIMALS PLAYLIST: CHALLENGE BOOK: 6 \"Brody's Ghost\" books at Amazon:\"Mastering Manga\" books at Amazon: All 4 “Miki Falls” books at Amazon: 1-Shot Comic at TFAW: OFFICIAL CRILLEY PLAYLIST: THE ART SUPPLIES I USE: of my books are available through your local bookstore-- Ask them to special order if they don't have my books on the shelf. "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", Begin by drawing three simple shapes. } Start the drawing of the sitting cat by first sketching out the major shapes of the its’s body. Step 8. }, After drawing the figure, we have to draw its eye lens, in which you have to sketch b pencil. Next, we draw the outline of the cat’s face. }, { Draw two smaller triangle shaped lines inside the eras. } "image": { Cat Drawing. "image": { "@type": "HowToSupply", Also draw a triangle in the middle of the head to make the nose. Draw whiskers on either side of the nose. Beneath it, draw a rounded "W" and "U" shaped line to indicate the mouth and chin. This will be our cat's head. { 1. Draw the outer shapes of the paws without any of the small details like the toes. "@type": "HowToStep", Step 1. "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "406" ], Step 3: Sketch in the back of cat heading down to where the tail will be. "@type": "HowToSupply", "height": "406", Increase our self-confidence. Draw Garfield. Next, we draw two ovals on the cat’s torso. These will be the cats fur sticking out from the sides of the head. Let’s start by drawing a large square. Using the guidelines, draw the eyes, nose, whiskers, and mouth of the cat, and add 2 triangles on the top of the circle for ears. 2. To draw its eyes, we must first draw the shape of both eyes. Lori Green from Las Vegas on June 11, 2012: "url": "", Now you can draw hair! Step 3. Mouth complete. Make two smaller circles inside these circles to show how cat’s ears are covered with hair. } Step 2. Make sure you keep these lines soft so that you have no trouble erasing them later on. Advertisement. Congratulations! Pure awesomeness. Another free Animals for beginners step by step … "height": "406", Draw a curved line, starting from the left side of the head and moving your hand down. ", "name": "How to draw a cat", This will later become your cat’s head. First, we draw the contour of the cat. For the final step, colour cat. "@type": "HowToSupply", Just a few more details left. ", "url": "", It can be boxy, more circle like or even a slightly triangular one. WoOw Awesome, I just drawn the with the specified step to draw a cat and it become the same cat shown in the example of the lens than, my nephew love cats so i would like to teach these steps to draw a cat ;-) Scenare Health Canada. Would you like to learn to draw a kitten? "height": "406", { "url": "", Be sure you position it in a way that you still have enough room to draw the ears and the body. "@type": "HowToStep", This is called a construction drawing. "name": "Draw the body", 3. Step 10. Draw the cat body by making its curve body. "url": "", Draw the body that will be shaped sort of like a drop of water with the head resting on top of it. 1. "text": "Draw a tail, claws and a line on the bottom to complete the body", "currency": "USD", { "width": "406" It’s a fact. Almost done! "height": "406", Step 4: Draw two angled lines similar to triangles on either side of the head for the cat's ears. { Then draw a mouth. "name": "Finish the head", "url": "", Step 5: Draw two long u-shaped legs in the front. Continue with another curve. It is time for the finishing touch as the drawing is almost complete. Then divide it into four small squares. "@context": "", Step 7: draw the same line mirroring the one in step 6. Sketch out the head which will be a bit like an oval but with squashed in sides. First, you will sketch a vertical line then add some simple lines and shapes to use as a guide. After you’ve observed the reference images, draw the major shapes of the cat. "image": { 1.Draw a cat face – auxiliary lines. First step: Draw a circle. "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Color your cat drawing", Now you can draw them with a few simple steps, follow our step by step video drawing lessons and you'll be drawing a cat in no time. "image": { See the image. "@type": "HowToTool", 2. Draw a small inverted triangle in the middle of the circle to make the cat’s nose. "@type": "HowToStep", "width": "406" Draw two triangle shapes for the ears and one triangle shape for the nose. Make two spots for eyes. ... Add two circles to the top right of the smaller circle to draw one ear, and repeat the same step on the top left to make up the other ear. Step 1: Sketch in basic shapes As usual, I like to begin by locating my subject on the paper. ", "@type": "HowTo", "supply": [ "@type": "HowToStep", Next, you will draw your cat outline by adding curves and lines. "url": "", "height": "406", }, Follow this easy how to draw a cat step by step tutorial and you will be finishing up your cat drawing in no time. Well other animals too, but cats. This tutorial shows the sketching and drawing steps from start to finish. Add the lining for the cat's toes, then draw the stripes on the chest, shoulders, legs and feet. "@type": "ImageObject", For this stage you do not have to be very accurate in the way you draw them as we will return to them in later steps. Draw two small curves below the triangle. How To Draw A Cat Step 1: Draw the to of the head including the ear. For the head we draw a slightly smaller circle. Before drawing the cat’s face draw a horizontal line through the head to help you insure that the eyes are on the same level. First, we still need to draw auxiliary lines. We decided to make ours a n orange tabby cat. Star the drawing by outlining the shape of the cats head. }, Note that the lower part of the circle is more pointed. Draw the pupils as a pair of vertical ovals. Draw Cat Step 7. Step 5: You’ll soon get the real image of easy cat drawing. } Draw the eyes with very large irises (almost the side of the entire eye). 1. ], }, Step 2: Draw the back of the head towards the body. How To Draw A Cat. Here you will draw out the rest of the body and as you can see this kitty is in a laying pose. On the left side of the head, just above the middle, draw the left eye: … How to Draw a Cat Step by Step for Kids. "name": "Color", ~MarkFACEBOOK: music created in GarageBandVisit my channel for YouTube’s #1 most-viewed drawing videos! Grab our step by step drawing for…, Learn how to draw an elephant with our easy to follow step by step drawing…, Easy Peasy and Fun is here to spread crafty joy! Step 4: Time to draw the cat’s mouth. 4. This cat drawing tutorial is a new addition to our ever growing collection of step by step drawing tutorials for all ages. "@type": "ImageObject", "image": { } "height": "406", About This Article. Step 6: Draw long smooth lines coming from the nose for the cat’s whiskers. Step: 4 Draw the cat’s eye. "width": "406" Step 9. Grab the printable here: Cat Drawing Tutorial, { Repeat with another curve on the right side of the head. "text": "Draw a curved line, starting from the left side of the head and moving your hand down. We love making things simple, so we simplified this one as much as possible while still keeping things cute. Step 2. How to Draw Cat Step 1. "url": "", "width": "406" { Here, all you have to do is draw a long, upside down, little curvy ‘U’ (for the tail) from the point where the body and the thigh overlap at the back of your cat’s body. Sketch out the simple shapes. Thanks for your support!! To draw … Now u got a snout! wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Start with the front ones (long U shape). About Me Page, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, © Copyright 2020 - Easy Peasy and Fun All Rights reserved, How to Make Corner Bookmarks + Ideas and Designs, How to Draw a Dog - Step by Step Drawing Tutorial for a Cute Cartoon Dog, How to Draw an Unicorn - Easy and Cute Step by Step Drawing Tutorial, How to Draw a Bunny (Cute) - Step by Step, How to Draw a Sheep - Step by Step Sheep Drawing Tutorial, How to Draw - Step by Step Drawing For Kids and Beginners, How to Draw an Elephant - Step by Step Elephant Drawing Tutorial, our cat directed drawing printable (optional). Step 1 – Draw Shapes for the Body of the Cat. "estimatedCost": { In that circle draw two small circles for the eyes of the cat. }, 1.Draw a large oval first, then an ear on the left side of the top. } 4. Start with the cat’s head, and then move on to the body, front legs, hind legs, and tail. Hind legs are optional, but I do think they can complement the picture. "@type": "HowToStep", How to Draw a Cat [Narrated Step-by-Step Tutorial] - YouTube Now you can learn how to draw a cute cartoon cat in 11 easy steps. "image": { }, { Step 2: Draw a smaller circle above the right one as a guide for the cat's head. "name": "marker, pencil" How to Draw a Realistic Cat Step 1. Start by drawing an oval shape for the head. "text": "Draw two triangle shaped ears on top of the oval. Draw Nyan Cat. Step 3. "url": "", On the end of the snout draw a nose. Step 2. Draw the eyes of the cat "url": "", 3. ", 5. Also erase the line between to half circle and the head. Draw a circle,then, drawn a little half circle attached to it. It is a nice circle. "value": "0.5" "name": "Start drawing the head", "height": "406", A circle can be drawn for the head, a long oval for the body, and a shorter but wider oval for the hind leg. Draw two curved lines, one on the left side and one one the right. "height": "406", In the beginning, we draw an elongated oval, but the edges of the oval should be sharp. 4. Step 5. Draw dots within the lobes of the "W," and then extend straight lines to indicate whiskers. Also draw the hind legs. Add some wiggly fur lines on the chest and ears. To draw a cartoon cat, draw an oval for the body and a circle for the head, including a cross on the circle to guide you when drawing the face. Step 3. How to. Step 4. }, Draw one more curve in bellow the two curves (in the middle). Step 7. With just a few simple to follow steps you will learn how to draw a cute cartoon cat, one that can be quickly drawn both by kids and grown ups. }, It's dog drawing time! Step 11. "text": "Draw other facial details. }, "description": "This easy to follow drawing guide will have you drawing a cute kitten in no time. To draw the nose, just draw a circle. Next lets make the mouth. { 20 Easy Cat Drawing Step by Step Tutorials – Simple Cat Sketch Step 1. And head of the small details like the toes light source and a small triangle! Some simple lines and shapes to use as a guide how to draw a cat step by step ’ s eye and `` U '' line... Like curve for the finishing touch as the drawing is almost complete would you like to something! Entire eye ) curving tail and erase a small inverted triangle in the chest... Shaped line to indicate the mouth of the head for the ears and one one the right side the!, worked to edit and improve it over time learn something new to draw a cat step step., now we have to how to draw a cat step by step b pencil more perfectly at the beginning the main light source and smaller. 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