There was some big spy back in the day who gave away all the ciphers for the entire Navy for like a decade.... Come clean now, throw your recruiter under the bus. That said, I want nothing more than to serve my country and protect the liberties and freedom that are all too often taken for granted by us civilians. pilot). Your branch has nothing to do with it. Will you shoot straight with me if I’m totally screwed? However, with today's recruiting climate, waivers are not exactly being handed out the way they used to be. I omitted information at MEPS. I lied at meps. I'm going to stick to my lie on this one and hope for the best. If anyone in your life knows about it, the investigator is likely to find out. I'm heading back to meps to redo my physical and get the job i want, last time they did not have mine and I havent heard anything from them about … I would just tell the people at MEPS. You also committed enlist fraud. Should I just come clean or will I get discharged for a fraudulent enlistment? Don't take that risk. That guy below was downvoted so idl if what he said was true. I DEP'd in back in October of last year, and am set to ship in August. I’ve held a Secret security clearance now for 6 1/2 years… I can’t/don’t want to keep this in my upcoming investigation, and really want to continue serving. DO NOT LIE on your SF86!!!! Priority Tier 5 investigation = $5,696 . Months later, the recruit returned to MEPs to process for shipment to basic training. I'm really worried, I hate lying to begin with. pilot). i already know that lying is wrong, especially if it is to get into the military. And to top it off, the applicant has not indicated any desire to marry her, which would help her gain U.S. citizenship, which might have helped mitigate the issue. They will go 2 steps removed for at least some people on the SF-86, basically to dig into information about drug use and undocumented foreign travel. My recruiter said "well how badly do you want to be in the military" I said... "I want this real bad!" But not my 5 mph ticket as it was only 100$ or 80$ idk but they took it off my record and points due to it being my first offense and completing a course. I have friends who are IT's that are going to have a TS clearance and ITS' requires a TS clearance. Or will they just worry about denying or approving my clearance and not worry about ruining my military career. Rule #2: If you do lie you fucking own that lie and lie about that lie all the damned way to your grave even when someone says it's a lie. My recruiter told me to lie, say nothing is wrong at all, and that nothing has ever happened to me in the past medically speaking, however, when i went to meps in december 2007, i found that i didn't really have to lie about anything and i didn't. I … So can someone clarify this process. MEPS and Top Secret Security Clearance? I … In simpler times, only national security investigations had the option of two different price schedules, either standard or priority processing. i had to go to court and the judge dismissed the case. For a top secret clearance they could go and talk to his old friends, and they could give him a lie detector test. It’s the DoD that holds your clearance, not your branch and it’s the DoD that will be adjudicating your new clearance. You shouldn't lie to MEPS about anything, trust me they will find out everything about you, it's like a federal background check. Everyone in the US Military, so everyone processing through a MEPs needs AT LEAST a secret clearance. When I was at MEPS I told the lady that was processing me that I had been to Belize for a couple days on a cruise, and she didn't care at all. You might make it through MEPS, but you probably won't make it through your clearance. I lied about the fact that I had ear infections (idk why I did this I just figured they wouldn't find out). I admit that I lied at MEPS, and want to know if 1)If going for a TS Clearance, they will check my medical records, and 2) If I talk to my recruiter and try and get a waiver for foot pain I had when I was 14 (I'm 17 now), can I get one? I admit that I lied at MEPS, and want to know if 1)If going for a TS Clearance, they will check my medical records, and 2) If I talk to my recruiter and try and get a waiver for foot pain I had when I was 14 (I'm 17 now), can I get one? Here is the essential information. Expect your medical health conditions to be closely analyzed if you are in a position that requires a lot of trust or advanced physical fitness. They will overlook many things, but if they find out you lie to them, and they dig very deep for a TS, they will deny you very quickly. You might still have a problem but it’s no bigger than the problem you have now. The job I want requires a top secret clearance. (MOS rating) On the verge of getting top of the line training and a Top Secret SCI clearance position that would have set him up nicely upon getting out of the Navy Chief (E7) at Meps asks him if there is anything he wants to confess, a last chance to be honest in case he lied about anything during … So, I was stupid and lied at MEPS per my recruiter’s advice. I'm about to join the Army, i got a 92 on the ASVAB and have been looking at doing an intel job that requires a tss...I smoked weed twice four years ago but i told MEPS that i have never done drugs. The sooner you report the required information, the less likely you will be held accountable for fraudulent enlistment. It does not matter that the recruiter “told” you to lie. Going to Mexico is not a big deal at all. Just make sure that your "failry" truthful in that and you should be fine. So don't sweat the security clearance crap. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I was nervous about doing this because I'd rather be honest but he said he got a TS security clearance and it was no big deal and that there's no way they can find out. seriously. You are 100% eligible for a waiver. I know you have probably made up your mind, I am just sharing my experience just in case you decide to go a different route. You have to get one! I am going into the marines and have a contract to go to security school where you need a TS if you complete it. Here’s why. Rule #1: Don't lie. Tell the truth when they ask, I doubt they will care, you aren't still using are you? Top Secret Security Clearance? So, my recruiter basically told me to lie at MEPS about ever smoking weed. Now I'm freaking out. When he told me not to tell MEPS, I told him I wasn't going to lie. He qualified for Navy Cryptographic Technician and was guaranteed his Apprenticeship school. Please read this very closely, because it is the most important thing anyone has ever told you about this subject. Saying anything now will definitely get you into shit, so your only hope now is that they don't find out during your investigation. Lied at MEPs about mental health history and drug history. As a former military recruiter, I can tell you that your recruiter wants you to lie, because admitting to depression might disqualify you. Like many other situations, it’s the cover up that will get you into trouble. Okay, before I get started, I know that lying to MEPS is obviously the wrong and immoral thing to do. I was just being a stupid teenager. I want to join the Marine Corps, and join embassy duty. Hell, I did my original paperwork in MEPS when I first joined. I'm heading back to meps to redo my physical and get the job i want, last time they did not have mine and I havent heard anything from them about … I want to join the Marine Corps, and join embassy duty. the first is having scoliosis. Some people seem to think that if they pick a job that only requires a secret security clearance, no one will ever find out about their lie because the background check won’t be as thorough. Took a couple months for them to sort stuff out but in the end I was fine. stop worrying so much. Okay, i lied at MEPS about my medical history, over 10 years ago I had A.D.D. Hello Marines, I have a bit of a problem. They interview family members, employers, school teachers, friends, and they DIG. Going to Mexico is not a big deal at all. It’s not a matter of “telling your branch”. And also a expunged ticket and felony charges. When you get to basic, you will do a shitload of paperwork. and what If I cancel my medical insurance and say I dont have a current medical doctor could they still find out? in reality, they don't dig THAT much into past relationships. The job/clearance isn't worth all that. IT, they're only gonna give you Secret clearance. They care more about debt levels than anything else. On the flip side, fraudulent enlistment is not normally pressed if a recruit volunteers the information early. What now? Could you possibly shed some light? Recruiter told me to lie . Your recruiter is dishonest and too lazy to complete the required waivers - you will need to tell someone else at MEPS.’. After MEPS I told the recruiter about the situation stated above, and he said the paperwork concerning drug use could not be changed, and to not worry about it because I was never arrested, it wasn’t in the last 45 days and they only care about if … Nearly every recruiter will try to convince you to lie because they don't give a shit about you and they suffer zero repercussions when you get caught. Should you tell the truth on the sf 86 security clearance forms because they do a thorough background investigation and will find out if you lied about anything? I was instructed by my recruiter to falsify and omit certain information namely: minor injuries broken arm (no surgery or pins), treatment for ADD when I was a child (it has since been four years or so since I was perscribed anything and six since I've taken anything. Now that you have already lied. Oh and when you're at MEPS they're going to ask you about 10x or so if … And also a expunged ticket and felony charges. I have a top secret security clearance. When I went up to meps a few weeks ago I lied about my criminal history, saying I never got arrested. MEPS – Military Entrance Processing Station; The Delayed Entrance Program (DEP) ... honest people and will not tell you to lie about your background, but there are always stories of those that encourage recruits to leave out negative medical history or drug use. You would be a PRIME candidate to blackmail for secrets, because you would have a LOT to lose if the Marines found out from an "anonymous source" that you lied to enlist. Now I'm freaking out. Well, I wish he hadn't told me that. If you can be mislead by a recruiter, how can you be trusted with secerts? Pending I earn the title, I am going out for intelligence, however I am now questioning whether or not I will be able to get the clearance for the job. This was all before I was 18 years old. Your recruiter just didn't want to do more paperwork. Every one gets a clearance if they are accepted in the service. Let’s say even if I come clean I am still in the military wont they report that to the marine Corps and kick me out? Enlisted into the military at 18 years old. So I’m sure it’s on a medical record somewhere. Do not lie to MEPS. Since yours is a secret clearance, I can't imagine too much will be made of this. I did the same thing and my job (CT) required a clearance. I plan on disclosing this information, and then returning back to this blog to let everyone know the outcome. I haven't really been able to find anything online about top secret clearances or about IT, it's great that so many people come here to offer their advice and after only 20 minutes of my posting the question! I had maybe two other friends besides them so if the TS investigators were to look into my past they would find them. And really want my security job. It's not about whether it was criminal - it's not criminal to go bankrupt, for instance, but if you lied about never having gone bankrupt and they found out you would almost certainly be … There needs to be far more discipline in that area but it will help to mitigate your issue. What happens when you get to RTC and you have a job that has a clearance? help!? Unless you have a loudmouth friend, you'll probably be just fine like most people are. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cookies help us deliver our Services. A lot less than if you lied at MEPS, lied to OPM, and then get caught :) OK, seriously, I assume the question is about an SF-86 to get a security clearance. What if you lied at meps that you have never been diagnoised with depression made it through and became a marine..and what if later down the road you wanted a different mos that required a top secret security clearance could the us government check your medical records and disqualify you from that specific mos and kick you out of the military? I'm just thinking even if I'm denied for a TS would that be favorable over being kicked out for fraudulent enlistment due to lying at MEPS. My job, IT, requires a top secret security clearance. The arrest itself wasn't over anything serious but it is the fact that I actually got fingerprinted and arrested that worries me. The recruiter will say "I never told him/her not to tell the truth." They'll call up the references you listed, but not much more than that. Once granted, your clearance could be revoked if the military later discovers you lied when filling out the forms. It will still go to my service branch and will most likely get me a fraudulent enlistment due to lying at meps? Recruiter told me to lie . You might as well be honest if you're trying to get a top secret clearance since they will find out everything that happened in your past anyways and you could be charged for lying. Pretty sure you it will come up when you complete your SF86 either now or in the future. Thank you, sorry if this is rambling I'm just really panicking. When I was at MEPS I told the lady that was processing me that I had been to Belize for a couple days on a cruise, and she didn't care at all. As a Navy IT it seems likely he'll end up at a NIOC and they DO polygraph religiously there. Ok, so before I went to MEPS, my recruiter told me that they don't know what you don't tell them. 0 5. A MEPS doctor will review your application and medical history and recommend you for entrance to the military, or disqualify you based on your medical history. Yep. I went to "A" school right beside IT's they have gray Secret badges while CT's have blue Top Secret. It felt like a huge burden had been taken off my chest knowing I wasn't hiding anything. There is a point very early in basic training where the point of no return is passed. I told MEPS and they noted it on my contract, I still got my Secret and then TS with no issues and held a clearance my entire career. You'll be fine. That means the forms you fill out are just the beginning. The recruiter instructed the recruit to lie at MEPs, and the recruit was enlisted in the Delayed Enlistment Program. Lied at MEPs about mental health history and drug history. I had adhd as a kid but I stopped taking meds for it almost 5 years ago. Rule #3: Don't be in a position to use Rule #2. Snowden really changed that process. there done deal. I was nervous about doing this because I'd rather be honest but he said he got a TS security clearance and it was no big deal and that there's no way they can find out. The issues you discussed are not unusual and would probably be cleared (mitigated ) as part of the normal process — except if you lie on the SCA and especially to the investigator. This may be a stupid question, but when would the SF86 happen? I lied about 2 suicide attempts and prescribed anti depressants. my recruiter, like many others i am now learning, told me to lie about some medical stuff. Individual recruiters are not authorized or qualified to make medical or legal determinations. The suicide attempt will probably pop up as a police report or during other records/interviews. DoD is the one that will adjudicate your background investigation… so the answer is yes. If they do find some random people to question (highly unlikely) then they will ask you about it, tell them those people don't like you and lie about you all the time. but DO NOT LIE ON YOUR SF86!!!!! EDIT: Wow thank you for all the responses! I ended up telling the interviewer in the final interview about it (right before I finished a school) and she made me write a statement explaining why I lied. Dude doesn’t need to be anywhere near a clearance. I received the go ahead for IT but have been FREAKING out about it. In the mMEPS they'll ask if you've had them...if they weren't a big deal I'd just be honest...for a top secret clearance they're gonna most likely find out recruiter had me lie about a ticket I'd gotten right before going up, but I wasn't shooting for tsc 01-01-2013, 12:56 PM #45. zerab. This is why I love the reddit community. i went through meps last week and passed the physical but i lied about two things. But eventually, you should come clean. lied about medical at meps, navy jobs require top secret clearance. I went to MEPS and lied about the fact that I had seen a psychologist. Should I keep my mouth shut at MEPS? That should not be your concern and the fact that you asked twice is really telling. I dont take any medications and havent since about a year ago. For anything Navy related, not limited to US Navy. I'm going into the Navy for IT hopefully or MA and havent been told that either of them need top secret clearance. When you get to basic, you will do a shitload of paperwork. I have pre existing conditions that are PDQ but I want to join the Navy and get a top secret clearance I dont have a problem with these conditions anymore,so should I keep my mouth shut? He was informed at that time that the FBI criminal background investigation discovered the juvenile felony conviction. Top Secret Security Clearance? Now if you are going for a Top Secret, you have to go all the way back to your birth; your' parents and siblings backgrounds as well.. etc. It is up to you to be truthful. Standard Tier 5 investigation used for Top Secret clearances = $5,188. Press J to jump to the feed. Along with me admitted to the physc hospital I smoked weed and it affected me very poorly. Cannot stress enough. I wanted to better myself and also get away/get distracted from my failed partnership. I wouldn't worry about anything in your pre-screening though. ... you're allowed to keep your secret clearance, then you have a good chance of getting a top secret. Well, you already did it. So, my recruiter basically told me to lie at MEPS about ever smoking weed. I had just gotten out of a highly toxic relationship with someone I had loved very much. If I tell the truth on sf86 would they tell my service branch? Lv 4. just chill. AsparagusBerry. “My recruiter told me to lie, ... DD Form 2807-2, or the Medical Pre-Screen form. Ask the recruited about a charge I had for underage consumption. Doesn't it depend on the initial enlistment contract? 1 decade ago. I havent been declared mentally incompetent but since the first intent on suicide was under 18 they forced me to go to a psychiatric hospital for 11 days. You guys definitely calmed my nerves. Recruiters need to enlist people to keep their job and career. So, if you lie, you won't get your clearance, and will get a DD. I'm not sure what system, if any, they use to decide what locations and people they want to get more information about. I would just tell the people at MEPS. It happened 12 years ago. You need to come clean as soon as the opportunity arises. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. What should I do tell the whole truth and not worry about them kicking me out or switch jobs now and not even try for a ts clearance. For a top secret clearance they could go and talk to his old friends, and they could give him a lie detector test. Show that you are trustworthy. So is it better to just tell the folks at MEPs you have tried it? My current friends would never say anything about it, but the problem is I have three, let's say enemies, who used to be my best friends in high school. Honesty is the BEST policy. Every military MOS or rate, etc. I told my recruiter that i had tried weed and i told him that i wanted to tell the truth but he insisted on me lying and I listened to him. I used the drug one time and that was it. I'm going into the Navy for IT hopefully or MA and havent been told that either of them need top secret clearance. . MEPS might not know it, but your security clearance investigator has a great shot of figuring it out. The branch also factors in the Speciality Code you are seeking, as some USAF jobs require top-secret security clearance or special qualification (i.e. Not only is lying on the SCA (SF86) a crime - you also have fraudulent enlistment issues going on here. Lied at meps now need TS clearance - SECURITY CLEARANCE Q&A - ClearanceJobs Blog. im 17 and shipping out july 23 2012. when i was 16 i was caught with a hypodermic syringe i left in my gym bag in school which i used for steroids ( took them only for a couple weeks to try it, i was stupid ).
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