Mixing paint with drywall mud will thicken the paint and reduce coverage, so plan to use a gallon of paint for every 200 to 300 square feet of wall. Are there any good resources on emulating/simulating early computing input/output? Since the 1940s, companies have added latex to add durability and strength to regular mortar. Ensure thorough mixing as an unmixed product will result in a poor or non-cure situation. SERIOUS EDIT: A comment prompted me to do a little bit of research, and there's a chance that mixing the right proportion of latex paint into concrete based on Portland cement might be fine, or even improve certain properties of the concrete. In addition, they are easy to clean up with soap and water. Thinning your paint is most important if you intend to distribute a thin mist of paint, or if you are using a paint spray gun or nozzle. While the intent is not yours and they are obviously running out and buying paint for this purpose, the effect is the same. Do it slowly so as not to put too much paint into the mix, making the concrete lose its integrity. SERIOUS EDIT: A comment prompted me to do a little bit of research, and there's a chance that mixing the right proportion of latex paint into concrete based on Portland cement might be fine, or even improve certain properties of the concrete. Art teachers, summer camps, and non-profit organizations such as Boy Scouts, 4-H and the Salvation Army can use a potpourri of paint colors for murals, activities, service projects and to spruce up donated items. Many art and building restorers are using acrylic paint to tint preexisting surfaces because of the gentle nature of acrylic paint. I did this in 2008, and the wall looks as good today as the first day I sprayed it. You can also check with local government departments such as parks, buildings and maintenance, fire departments, military bases or prisons to see if they're interested in free paint. It is the glue that holds a project together, and its color can determine the overall effect of a project. Apply the well-mixed concrete and latex paint mixture to your application and allow drying for the recommended time set on the concrete mixing directions. I disposed of probably 15 half-gallons of old paint in our basement when a builder next door left a bunch of damaged drywall sheets in a construction dumpster. [closed]. There are how-to guides "all over the web" about tinting concrete with latex paint (normal mix, except when adding water, replace 25% of the water with latex paint). Can you mix paint with epoxy? I would like to know the answer to this question: will it have any noticeable affect on durability or strength of the resulting concrete? High school or community theatre groups can use it for stage sets. Apr 1, 2017 - Papercrete is a building material made by combining paper and concrete. rev 2020.12.18.38240, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Home Improvement Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. For an inexpensive, attractive masonry paint. It's chemistry and the right answer is going to involve doing some research and/or asking a scientist or engineer, because concrete is chemistry, and dumping miscellaneous junk into the concrete may produce unexpected (unexpected by a non-chemist anyway) results. ;-) . Eye test - How many squares are in this picture? I'd still research it a little more. New, freshly mixed latex paint rarely needs to be thinned for most paint roller and brush applications.Paint manufacturers produce latex paint of a viscosity that works for an average number of applications. Can Multiple Stars Naturally Merge Into One New Star? It is an environmentally safe product that adheres to the UK environment standards which makes it a great choice for sealing a dusty concrete floor. Mixing: Add the whole of part ‘A’ to the whole of part ‘B’ in a suitable container, and thoroughly mix for at least 3 minutes. Latex offers many benefits. This condition make the paint enter for few millimeters into the concrete surface. While I could see the possibility of turning ready mix concrete + paint into colorful pavers (just needing an expert opinion as to how to do it successfully), I can't see any way that cat litter - which is designed to NOT become a solid object - could be used in that way. They can get clumpy and even leave a weird film on the finished product. It is a supposition. Unfortunately you can't mix latex paint with DryLok but you can paint over the DryLok with latex once the DryLok dries. Blue Mix Tan Mix Granite Mix. Carefully measure out about half the sand and gravel you’re going to mix - and place it on the mixing board to form a cone shape. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Plaster of Paris chalk paint recipe. To obtain a high bond between the latex concrete overlay or mortar patch and the base concrete, a bond coat is brushed or broomed onto the prepared concrete surface. 2. Now comes the part that may be unfamiliar. Just an Additional note - a synopsis from here ^ : Individuals with old paint should contact their local Keep America Beautiful affiliate to find out if they would take paint donations for graffiti cleanups, or contact their local chapter of Habitat for Humanity," advises environmental educator Denise Carleton of Reaping Nature Productions. Trying to find a way of using approx 200 gallons of old paint since I can't dispose it. Concrete curing absolutely is a chemical process, but it seems that the polymers in latex might actually work in a synergistic way with cement as both cure together. However, many states and municipalities are studying mixing latex paint with the dry concrete in place of a percentage of the water. Long handled brushes. 2. Introduction. Go put your hand on it. SPF record -- why do we use `+a` alongside `+mx`? If you have a red paint and you mix it with a yellow paint, you are going to end up with an orange paint. "a" or "the" article before a compound noun. The high-quality water-based acrylic driveway paint has a long-lasting, slip-resistant finish that will last for years to come. It’s guaranteed to transform driveways, cycle paths, sports track, and other light traffic areas. If desired, a high quality latex paint can be applied over DRYLOK after 24 hours for decorative purposes. Next, put on a mask and gloves and add the cement mix to a bucket. 3. Watch for drips – there's a lot of texture to a brick surface, so keep an eye out for runs. Despite your eagerness to make the paint go away, I would not increase the ratio further unless you want the concrete to fail. Watch for drips – there's a lot of texture to a brick surface, so keep an eye out for runs. Spray the inside of a mailing tube with cooking spray and rub it around evenly in the side with a paper towel or rag. What does 'levitical' mean in this context? Emulsification, or combining the materials so they don't separate, is usually done through a machine mixer for papercrete, rather than any chemicals or detergents as some other substances require. However, many states and municipalities are studying mixing latex paint with the dry concrete in place of a percentage of the water. Because both are water-based, you can mix them. When the primer is dry, apply top-quality latex paint that's formulated for use on masonry. Or perhaps I would need to apply a sealant to the surface? Mortar is the compound between bricks or concrete. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of waste latex paint on concrete, with special focus on a low strength standard 20 MPa concrete mix. Latex versus epoxy isn’t the only decision you’ll have to make when choosing the best concrete paint. For coloring concrete it is much better to use products that are specifically designed for this - either a concrete dye mixed into the concrete itself, or a concrete stain applied afterwards. As far as disposal, an old country boy conservationist said "Paint something you don't want, then throw it away". I'm not looking for perfection here, just something that comes close to matching the rest of the basement floor. Can you mix paint with epoxy? AngularDegrees^2 and Steradians are incompatible units. In fact, acrylic paint is mixed with thinner before it’s used on any surface. Update the question so it's on-topic for Home Improvement Stack Exchange. It does dry pretty quickly, due to the latex, so don’t … Just make sure they know to limit the use of exterior paints to well-ventilated outdoor projects. My point is that if you were to mix latex (rubber) into the concrete mix to color it, you would be interfering with the chemistry and would end up with weaker (or very weak) concrete. Can archers bypass partial cover by arcing their shot. It is available in nine ready-mixed colors as well as a dark tinted base that is suitable for custom color blends. It worked perfectly. Acrylic paint on the other hand contains chemical compounds that make it to be more flexible than latex paint. Acrylic Latex Paint. There will be less shrinkage of the concrete due to the latex paint filling in more of the air pockets. I haven't read the whole thing (skimmed it), and who knows if the link will last forever, but here's one resource from academia: http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2232&context=thesesdissertations, Caveat Emptor. Latex dispersions, which consist of small organic polymer particles dispersed in water, have been widely used to modify Portland cement-based concrete and produce what is commonly known as polymer-modified concrete (PMC) , , , with latex dispersions improving some undesired fresh and hardened cement properties such as cohesion, adhesion, brittleness, low flexural … At half the price, Sure Step’s brand … What will happen to the concrete I tint with latex paint? The formula is nonflammable, Green Wise Certified, and VOC compliant. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Painting: Use a first coat of quality latex primer. Latex paintsare water-based, while acrylic paints are chemical-based.Well, first of all, cement is mixed with water to create concrete. "Bulletproof" (as the one comment said) is not an understatement!! 10 Votes on the answer, but only one on the question? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Laying pavers over existing concrete patio and extending to compacted gravel base. Can Lagrangian have a potential term proportional to the quadratic or higher of velocity? Does it matter if I saute onions for high liquid foods? Here’s why... resin is a byproduct of oil. Wearing rubber gloves, mix the components together by hand, or use a Mix & Apply Trowel until you get an evenly coloured grey mixture. ABOUT THE PAINT. Below a certain concentration, latex paint strengthens concrete (good), whereas used above a certain concentration the concrete strength decreases (bad). Isn't this the basis for products such as UGL waterproof paint? It seems there has been substantial research in the past into PMC (Polymer Modified Concrete) or LMC (Latext Modified Concrete) to improve properties like tensile strength and chemical permeability. It must be latex paint but it can be any color or mixture of colors. 3. They went to the dump 15 different colors... @Harper the ingenuity of how people get around the endless logic of protection.. :-) , goes to show that if it is made easy people will do it, make it hard and they will find another way.. 1. Latex paint is a water-based paint that has been mixed with acrylics or polymers. When concrete is setting, it doesn't just dry out. Is there a certain type of concrete I should be using? Latex paints are generally known as house paints, sold in larger quantities, from pints to gallons. formatGMT YYYY returning next year and yyyy returning this year? Coated Concrete and Wood: Remove loose dirt, dust, etc., by sweeping or vacuum cleaning. I have a basement floor with lots of moisture, can I paint or seal it to make it waterproof? What kind of paint should be used on an outdoor concrete walkway? Was Looney Tunes considered a cartoon for adults? Can Multiple Stars Naturally Merge Into One New Star? Can you mix paint with epoxy? Then use your fingers to drag and spread the paint around the stenciled area until it's evenly covered in a thin layer of concrete. Waterproofing paint additives help to prevent mildew and mold by keeping the paint film dry, and most additives are compatible with all types of latex paint. This doesn't actually answer the question, which is about mixing paint and concrete / cat litter, @Harper I am thinking from some of your comments that a more lucrative field for you might be in stand up, cause you have me laughing again... thanx .. LOL. This bond coat can be the mixture used for the overlay or patch, or may be made by mixing undiluted latex … Mortar is easily tinted with acrylic paints. Decidability of diophantine equations over {=, +, gcd}, SQL Server Cardinality Estimation Warning. We recommend you stick to the proven methods of producing white concrete surfaces: use white portland cement, color concrete with a titanium dioxide pigment, or apply a white surface coating. Why don't most people file Chapter 7 every 8 years? Most interior wall paints are this type of paint. I'd like to make some basic garden stones from concrete mix and would like them to be of a greenish tint. :-), I want to mix old latex paint with ready concrete mix or cat litter to make pavers. This pinterest board says to replace 1/4 of the water with latex paint: This is actually not a very good answer. What can I do? May 8, 2012 - Mixing latex with mortar or concrete is not new. If I add a water based paint to the mix, would the color be locked into the hardened concrete and not bleed out in rain? 2: If you live in the United States and are Located in a reasonably well inhabited part of civilization ,I guess if your town has a walmart you are in civilization. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Cured concrete is a chemical brew. Studies have shown that recycling latex paint in concrete can produce a superior concrete while safely disposing of a harmful hazardous waste. These are the binders in the paint. At present paint mfg's are working to make the products more environmentaly and human friendly. The correct solution is a concrete dye or stain that is created for this purpose. So acrylic based, water-based and even some oddly blended oil-based pigments don’t mix well. I'd do more research, ask more questions, and try to find specific information on what ratios to use, but this might be just fine to do!? What mammal most abhors physical violence? Chalk paint recipes. Do peer reviewers generally care about alphabetical order of variables in a paper? Or perhaps I would need to apply a sealant to the surface? The current literature shows promise of recycling waste latex paint in concrete to produce an economic latex-modified concrete. Open the can of latex paint and pour a small amount into the bucket or container. I suspect the practice was either the forerunner of latex modified concrete patch (again a very old product) or an after affect. Identifying a classical Latin quotation to the effect of "My affairs are a mess, but I manage others'", Confusion on Bid vs. Masonry paint can be used on brick, stucco, cinder block and concrete. Just keep in mind that the more flat paint you add, the less glossy your paint … My child's violin practice is making us tired, what can we do? This mix also works well for stamping concrete, as the finished form holds more detail. Am I going to get good results if I rent a mixer, mix up some bags of concrete and fill the gap? ;-). Is basic HTTP proxy authentication secure? Remove grease, oil, floor compound, or wax by Chemical Cleaning. They can get clumpy and even leave a weird film on the finished product. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. From what I've read, green/blue acid stains don't hold their color well outdoors. I made concrete countertops this way with no previous experience. Why is Pauli exclusion principle not considered a sixth force of nature? AngularDegrees^2 and Steradians are incompatible units. I know latex additive is available for ceramic tile mortars. It only takes a minute to sign up. Why not just buy the pigments, buy the acrylic polymer, some sand and cement and start experimenting? Creating a concrete mix with smooth texture. On top of everything else, it would be much more expensive than the alternatives - all you really need is the pigment and everything else that makes up the paint is essentially wasted. 3. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The latest is finding a replacement for all alkyd (oil) which has been outlawed in some states. In my estimation, these are over-priced dilutions. And my original point was that, hey, concrete doesn't just "dry." This is an integral part of the process that ... PASCOL NON-SLIP PAvINg PAINT For concrete,masonry, steps, patios, paths & … Well you do not mention where in the world that you are located, nor do you mention how you attempted to dispose of it that you were denied or unable ?? I believe that mixing latex paint with cement mix would work and give you a coloured concrete. You can up-tint paint: adding more tints than are already in the can. You can find PVA in the likes of latex acrylic paint and drywall primer in addition to concrete floor sealers. Use a long-nap roller to cover most of the surface, and a brush to get into grout lines and crevices. All stains penetrate into the concrete yet can wear after enough time. But having said that, it looks like dumping rubber paint into concrete might actually be a good thing. Can I mix acrylic paint with latex paint? This paint is also scientifically formulated, using a pH level compatible with concrete, to resist hot-tire pickup. Following the instructions provided on the label will When the primer is dry, apply top-quality latex paint that's formulated for use on masonry. As you already know, water and oil don't mix, so oil paint would not be a good option. If you think it's a hassle to dispose of 3000 pounds of paint, try disposing of 50,000 pounds of concrete. As you already know, water and oil don't mix, so oil paint would not be a good option. Cans or small buckets to pour with.] For instance, latex paint, being a water-based paint, is generally thicker as compared to oil-based one. Paint. The Drylok concrete floor paint is a decorative, protective concrete paint ideal … Can you mix paint with epoxy? How to stop my 6 year-old son from running away and crying when faced with a homework challenge? It is a DIY site, with insight provided by amateurs and professionals in the home improvement fields, none of whom are likely to have done thorough research on this particular experiment. Before latex, I have head of oil base being mixed into so called "colored concrete". rev 2020.12.18.38240, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Home Improvement Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. The wall finish is almost bulletproof! When painting the inside of concrete fish ponds and nonpotable water tanks, allow Latex Base DRYLOK Masonry Waterproofer to dry at least one week, fill with water. Create a well in the middle, then pour in the curing agent into the middle, ensuring all the bottles are completely empty. Is scooping viewed negatively in the research community? Mixing latex with mortar or concrete is not new. Plenty of other local organizations would be happy to accept your left-over paint. See diyfurniturestudio.com for tutorial. The DRYLOK 1 gal. Is the trim and wall using same latex paint? Why does the EU-UK trade deal have the 7-bit ASCII table as an appendix? You may want stronger tints. Moreover, to investigate the effect of using WLP in municipal sidewalk concrete mixtures that are normally not intended to be modified with polymer, a reference sidewalk concrete mixture and mixtures having 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 60% replacement of mixing water with recycled latex paint were made and their proportions are shown in Table 3. Can a grandmaster still win against engines if they have a really long consideration time? Exterior latex masonry paint is a standard paint for masonry. Also trying to come up with inexpensive pavers. Most artists do not want to use house paint for fine arts because it doesn't last as long as artist's acrylic, but you may want to mix acrylics with latex to get the exact color or texture you need for a specific project. Thank you. There are only three ingredients for each recipe and using the quantities specified below will allow you to make just over a cup of paint each. Acrylic latex paint is a water-based product that mixes and spreads easily on masonry surfaces. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. That’s why the brushes can’t be cleaned with water. Jan 4, 2018 - Multicolor DIY cement candle holder tinted with latex paint. New Concrete: New concrete surfaces must be left to cure for at least four to six weeks before applying Pascol Paving and Concrete Paints. There are how-to guides "all over the web" about tinting concrete with latex paint (normal mix, except when adding water, replace 25% of the water with latex paint). One of the problems was that the cost per gallon of LMC was three times as high as regular concrete. I'd mix up a small batch and see if it works. A quote: "It is thought that a co-matrix is formed in LMC, where the cement paste is surrounded by a polymer film. If you’re mixing cement by hand, use a large mixing board on the ground. Drill with mixing attachment (or stick and some muscle). Use a long-nap roller to cover most of the surface, and a brush to get into grout lines and crevices. I can tell you that I have mixed latex paint with Portland cement(Mortar mix). site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. They are fast drying and can be applied in one coat. Many people use latex paint in order to color the concrete mix that they are about to use. Drylok GAL BGE Paint. Why "OS X Utilities" is showing instead of "macOS Utilities" whenever I perform recovery mode. So there has been more recent research into the potential to use waste latex paint to produce LMC (Latex Modified Concrete). Exterior latex masonry paint is a standard paint for masonry. But I don't believe that concrete (with or without latex paint in it) would stick well to ashphalt. Step 4 If your project is yet to be made, you have different options. Step 3. Figure 1 displays a three step formation of the polymer-cement co-matrix (Ohama, 2005). Try to use white cement. Scrape or sand carefully to remove deteriorated coatings. To mix the concrete, we used a five gallon bucket and a drill with a paint stirrer on it. I have mixed paint with cement for decades and had very good results. You might find out how much you are allowed to drop off at a time - make several trips over the period of months. While you probably could, this wouldn't be a good way to try and match a color. Enamel paint can only be mixed with latex paint if the latex paint also has enamel in it. @ssaltman - While you have a point, remember that this is not a scientific nor engineering site. For best results use a slow speed drill with a mixing paddle, making sure all material from the sides and bottom of the container are thoroughly mixed in. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. hINTS & TIPS Surface Preparation: Correctly preparing the surface is the most important step when using Pascol Paving and Concrete Paints. In that case, it would be best to mix a larger batch, as long as you can use the color before the paint dries. Paint these areas again. It only takes a minute to sign up. I know acrylic additive is available for all portland cement based products. This is an option that calls for a lot of testing. Smooth the coat using brushes. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Where would I place "at least" in the following sentence? Buy on Home Depot. Is there a certain type of concrete I should be using? 1: If the paint is in good usable order - Donate it to a Habitat for Humanity Restore store. Latex Concrete: Acrylic Latex (100% acrylic concrete bonding agent) Cement ; Fine screened sand ; Paint [Bucket. Empty the mixture into a Watco Concrex Mixing Tub. The type of paint to use for coloring cement (and concrete) is latex paint. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Also you do not mention if you are a business or a consumer (200 gallons sounds like a business). Concrete is special material that usually is used as the material to build a house or other building. Use the same mix as the first coat for the final one. Moreover, to investigate the effect of using WLP in municipal sidewalk concrete mixtures that are normally not intended to be modified with polymer, a reference sidewalk concrete mixture and mixtures having 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 60% replacement of mixing water with recycled latex paint were made and their proportions are shown in Table 3. Here’s why... resin is a byproduct of oil. I wanted the wall to match the house in color and finish. Painting: Use a first coat of quality latex primer. You'll have more control, and you'll be using ingredients that have been extensively tested and designed to work together. Drylok Latex Concrete Floor Paint is designed to protect and decorate masonry and wood surfaces in private industrial settings. Ordinary latex paint is well-suited for interior concrete walls. Check with your local community [generally the county] waste drop off ask for Household Hazardous Waste [HHW] - for that quantity you might need to pay a fee (10 gallons is easy and considered normal household, 200 gallons means there is no way you are a consumer). STEP 2: Mix four parts paint to one part sand, then apply. I want to mix latex paint with ready mix concrete or cat litter to make pavers. I used several brands (Behr, Pittsburgh Paints, Glidden) and didn’t notice any difference as to brand. - more yellow, or if yellow, some green/blue to make it greener. A player's character has spent their childhood in a brothel and it is bothering me. What screw size can I go to when re-tapping an M6 bore? Want to improve this question? Is this house-rule for initiative game-breaking? Or just try it and be ready to rent a jackhammer if it goes badly. I found out that you can replace up to about 25 percent of the water portion of a concrete batch with latex paint and not decrease the strength of the resulting cured concrete. The wall has an adobe finish, and the grout lines are not even visible. Paint with a waterproofing paint once the concrete seems hard and dry. I know that paint MUST be added to ready mix drywall mud to accomplish water resistance prior to decorative finishing. Don't try to overpower tints with contradictory tints (ones on the other side of the color wheel), as the combination will turn to mud. Use an eggshell or satin latex paint on concrete walls that aren't exposed to much duress. Concrete can be categorized as porous material. Concrete curing absolutely is a chemical process, but it seems that the polymers in latex might actually work in a synergistic way with cement as both cure together. Paint – Yes, you can add latex paint to your concrete mix and the color will go throughout the whole casting. Torque Wrench required for cassette change? So, my questions: 1. For an inexpensive, attractive masonry paint. To this day there is not one crack, chip, or flaking going on. It must be diluted or thinned with water to achieve a better consistency. The concrete is fairly liquid, and thus easy to mix, no matter how you do it. It will continue to cure and harden over weeks, but the paint will not interfere with this. Honestly this seems like more of a "life hacks".SE question. It must be latex paint but it can be any color or mixture of colors. Edward Tools Paddle Mixer 27” for 3/8” power drill - Industrial Paddle Mixer for paint, concrete, drywall compound and more - Speed Mixer concrete tool is ideal mixing tool for 5 gallon bucket By Edward Tools Here are three of the most popular chalk paint recipes: Plaster of Paris, Baking soda, and unsanded grout.
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