Not to mention, unless you’re loading them extremely hot or otherwise abusing your brass, a good-quality .38 Special case can be reloaded a LOT of times. As much as I love .38 Special and revolvers, I have to ask: Is a revolver in .327 Federal Magnum a better choice for self-defense since it has similar or better “stopping power” and 6 rounds in j-frame sized cylinders? []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ------)_'_\ * (. I even like the band, too. In a defensive situation, I’d stick with the classic rimmed cartridges in a revolver. And for those of us who want ammunition commonality across platforms and carry 9mm semi-auto pistols, is a revolver chambered in 9x19mm a smart/excellent substitute for .38 Special? Because you can load it light, with full wadcutter bullets, and get stunning results. I understand why some people want to shoot 9×19 or .45 ACP in a revolver. 17. If it wasn’t doing this, then it was sent back to the gunsmiths in S&W’s shop until it did. It’s so bad, that I’d say Henry is risking a class action lawsuit by advertising their rifle is suitable for both .357 and .38 special. If your only carrying 38s in a 357 most loads lose around 50 fps. Check to make … Is also insanely accurate; will pick golf balls off of tees at 50 yards with at least 5 different types/brands of .357 ammo with NO change in POI. I’m betting on none. I found that the .380 ARX did about the same amount of damage as a quality 9mm JHP; in fact outperformed some supposed to be good 9mm JHP’s I tested. Standard pressure .38 Special only produces 264 foot-pounds of force (147-grain bullet at 900 feet per second out of a 4-inch barrel), while standard pressure 9mm can produce 365 foot-pounds of force (124-grain bullet at 1,150 feet per second). Also, about the “Moro Warriors” – We had no damn business invading the Philippines anyway. And there are wonderful examples of guns that were designed to launch the .38 Special with excellent, match-winning results. In most cases, the same holster can accommodate either handgun, and accessories such as weapon lights and magazine holders can be migrated over to the Glock 31. In later years, I ran across an old box of the 110 gr Super Vel JHP and keep them up front on the gun closet shelf, you know, just for old times sake. If you have a .38 Spl revolver, I do not see any need to replace it with the .327 Federal; if you do not have any gun & want a revolver for carry, the .327 is a consideration. The velocity varies according to barrel length and type of gun. This results in a very mild recoil and report (the pressure levels on the .38 Special are quite low – even lower than the .45 ACP) and the wadcutter makes as clean a hole in the target as you can ever hope to achieve. In fact, I don't even think a 38 special cartridge would fit in a 1911 platform as it is too long. The round dominated LE for nearly 70 years, until the advent of more efficient yet equally reliable semiautomatic pistols in the mid-1980s. She carries the Smith in a full length tan leather holster with a matching belt with tan belt speed loader holster for two speed loaders . I see it crop up occasionally with my Rossi .357, but not regularly. Quality rounds (like the Gold Dot +P) will expand to about .55″ and penetrate ballistic gel to a depth of 12″+ when fired out of a snubnose pocket revolver. When the .38 Special cartridge was introduced in 1898, it was designed with a large case volume to accommodate the use of a 21 grain charge of black powder to propel a 158 grain .357 inch diameter bullet from a .38 inch diameter casing. They’re comparable or superior to the 9mm loadings. Due to the high pressures that smokeless powder generates, the 9mm casing was also developed to be stronger than the.38 Special round’s, with a more enhanced webbing structure to keep the whole thing stable. Inconsiderate of them. We should have listened to the founding fathers, minded our own business, and not gotten into that war (and most wars since). The k frame .38 revolver is the perfect gun for folks that just want to have a gun in case and have no need or want to become POTG. The potential always there, though, however slender. In many ways the Spanish American war got our “imperialist ball rolling”, and helped lead to WW1,WW2,Korea,Vietnam,Iraq1,Iraq2,Afghanistan, etc. I enjoy educating people on what is THEIR best choice. Of course pocket 9mm’s will pretty much do the same thing, and give you more rounds, and faster reloads. It’ll work, but it won’t work as well as a .38 cylinder. I am only counting Calibers that Glock makes and imports to the USA. The .38 Special is more the equivalent of a .380. I learned something new, that Colt gave us “.38” b/c of the case diameter ! The Glock handgun is widely regarded as one the most popular semi-automatic pistols, with users ranging from LE to recreational users. Three inches may be only an inch shorter than a full “service size” revolver, but it makes a revolver far easier to conceal for most, and still provides a decent sight radius. And does your revolver come with one of those two-inch flip up rear sights with markings for every 5 yards out to 50 yards so that you can shoot those “rainbow” loads accurately? I personally think there’s a good market out there for a five shot .44 Special with a 2.5 or 3″ barrel for a CCW piece. I have owned a fair amount of firearms over the years. Nothing but wheel guns and two guys shooting reloads in the desert. The advantage to the classic rimmed cartridges is that you can use a speed loader if you wish, or you can load manually, round by round. Allows me to handle any mix of 38 and 357 I might want including a 180gr round nose from a 35 Remington onto the magnum or maximum. It just works. Everything from easy-to-shoot target loads to high-power self-defense rounds available. StarDust1 Member. All of this means that migrating from the Glock 17 to Glock 31 platform requires a new handgun and ammunition. It’s probably not a big enough deal to influence a purchase decision, but it is a something to be aware of. Moon clips, etc. They both propel a comparable-sized bullet at a comparable velocity, although the .357 accompanies it with a hellacious amount more muzzle blast, noise, and recoil. 357 magnum is flat point, or so every version of it I’ve ever seen is, so no worries there. All the big American ammunition manufacturers, CCI/Speer, Federal, Remington, and Winchester, along with later companies such as Cor-Bon, Glaser, and SIG-Sauer have created computer-designed bullets that greatly increase the .38s ability to stop a threat through controlled expansion and adequate penetration. I will say that the Super Vels were a hand full when shooting them in that little J frame wearing those slick Jay Scott grips. The 38 Special cartridge has taken … This post was a refreshing change from all of the political stuff. The.38 Special is the revolver equivalent of the 9X19 semiauto pistol round, which is, after all, only three years newer a development. We also carry 38 Special ammunition. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Local Storage in your browser. ANYONE shoot the Buffalo Bore 158 flat nose +P from a snubby? ~2moa accurate iron sights out to 100 yards, too. One of the reasons why I make this recommendation is that the revolver requires little grip strength – there’s no slide to rack. If you don’t like what I like then you’re a “fanboy”. To shoot .38’s it had to be an exact type it liked or fed single shot. Best 250 dollars I ever spent. People with little training time can usually center-punch an intruder without much ado. This also reduces recoil and helps get back on target quickly. It was an ex New Jersey police gun and had been shot a lot and carried more. Wanted all to be .357 so that any .357 or .38 Spl cartridge would go in any gun for ultimate versatility. and 357 mag. And in the real world, I certainly don’t think too may people could “laugh off” being hit by with a projectile carrying 225 ft/lbs of energy. It is just a nice revolver. The .380 bullet is essentially a 9mm bullet with a slightly shorter shell casing and is also, but less commonly, referred to as a 9mm short. Don’t be so quick to judge, maybe he’s spotted a couple of fly’s on the the ceiling, and he ready to blast them! The only people who should get this label are people who are blindly loyal to a brand/caliber/action and can’t explain why. But most don’t know about its performance since it hasn’t been around for long. I didn’t even know that Elmer was a famous man – us kids just called him Uncle Keith. So… net:net, you’d not have to adjust your sight all that much. As the guys have mentioned, a true .38 special revolver is going to be lighter and less expensive than its .357 magnum big brother. By the time the round was introduced, it was done as a matter of marketing convenience and continuity. Local Storage seems to be disabled in your browser. I was also playing around with an Italian-made .38 Special single-action revolver after testing the little Glock. “On the other hand, the revolver won’t be pushed out of battery, and can be fired from inside a pocket [and a purse!].”. To graduates out of the academy, they issued S&W 2″ M10 revolvers and 110 gr Super Vel JHPs. What Shoot the Bull said^…the wife wants a 38snubby and I will comply. It’s ok to dry fire your GLOCK pistol, but we recommend using a snap cap or dummy round if you will be dry firing for a long period of time. Your email address will not be published. Seems to penetrate and expand in denim tests even though it is sub 900 fps in a snub. The Glock .380 handguns are the compact G25 and the subcompact G28. I don’t think the author meant that they were ballistic equivalents, but that both rounds fill the same role in their respective categories: incredibly common, readily available, easy shooting rounds that have been around for more than a century, with tens of millions of relatively inexpensive guns chambered to use them. A .38 Special fires bullets with velocity between 679-980 feet per second. “The standard ‘target’ load for the .38 Special is 148 grain wadcutters at about 625 to 750 fps …”, /begin_ribbing Now here is where the real kick in the ass was: an unbelievable 3 foot shift to the left POI vs .357 ! Popular weights range from around 115 to 147 Grains for the round. Just sayin’. I probably shot 10, 000 rounds through it. The Glock is a series of polymer-framed, short recoil-operated, locked-breech semi-automatic pistols designed and produced by Austrian manufacturer Glock Ges.m.b.H.The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after it was the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. No. energy.”. Also, revolvers can have much better bullet design since they’re can’t have feeding problems. But the 9×19 Luger isn’t loaded with wadcutter pills – ever. I would bet money that last year more people paid up for a .32 acp than got a 5.7 FN. It is common practice to shoot .38 out of .357 to save money on ammo and stress on the gun. Got an extra mag to carry for quick reload; their rotary mags are the greatest. Velocity. With most auto loaders, you must work the slide again. The system, standard on all Glock pistols, uses three-built in safeties: a trigger safety built into the trigger that requires finger pressure on the trigger to fire, a firing pin safety that prevents inadvertent movement of the firing pin, and a drop safety that prevents the gun from discharging if dropped. One day in Coeur d’Alene Idaho, Grandpa and Elmer were chewing the fat in the living room when all of a sudden Grandma started shooting at a rat right through the screen door in the kitchen with a .22 rifle. use it at the range so I don’t burn up my .357 mag ammo. The Masterpieces were true .38’s, sometimes with heavier barrels, with adjustable sights, nice triggers, etc. It is a real hoot and you meet some of the nicest people. And BB advertising it’s “safe” out of a lightweight alloy /steel revolver?!? The Glock 31 is the exact same striker-fired pistol as other Glocks. As with all of this, everything is a compromise, there is no ‘golden bullet’. Definitely my most fired cartridge. My Ruger LCR weighs 14 oz and fits in my front pocket. Great article. That's been the reason why .38 Special was basically the default revolver round for so long, and why 9mm is the default round for semi-auto pistols today. Maybe & Maybe. The ARX ammo is stunning in all calibers. use practically the same diameter bullets which punch holes that are pretty much the same size Eh, you’d be close to a 6-o-clock hold on a 7 3/16ths to 8″ black bull for a 50 yard target. /end_ribbing. I want a .357 levergun as well. If you wanted to shoot consistently at 50 yards, zero it at 25 yards, and you get 5.6″ of drop at 50 yards. It wasn’t authorized but we all did it. TTAG had a piece in 2013 (if memory serves) about the S&W K38 Masterpiece. There is something magical about a K frame .38 four inch. The mouth of the brass case gets stuck on that buildup. The .38 Special is the revolver equivalent of the 9X19 semiauto pistol round, which is, after all, only three years newer a development. We ultimately won, but we reneged, at least in many Filipinos’ eyes, and thus began the Philippine-American war, which is where we fought the Moros. If that is the case, it would be a very rare gun. Another nicety is that lever guns are also readily available in .38/.357 as well. The .38 Special is well known for its accuracy, relatively mild recoil, and the variety of loadings available for it. Order online or buy now from an authorized dealer. The higher velocity of .357 Sig not only translates into more energy delivered on-target but gives it a flatter shooting trajectory over nine-millimeter and .38 Special. These developments headed by Daniel B. Wesson, with some assistance from Elmer Keith (above), the late and great gunwriter, eventually produced the equally famous .357 S&W Magnum cartridge, which is another story. The “.38,” was in itself a misnomer, in that it fires .357” bullets. . The .38 Spl/.357 Mag range of cartridges is probably the most versatile there is. The .38 special was the standard issue caliber handgun cartridge for virtually every police force in the US for ages. The overall construction is solid and the overall use is quite easy. Ballistically, there’s not much difference between the two. And for decades after the US and the Philippines had a very close and friendly relationship because the US never treated the PI like a subject colony like Spain and Japan did, and the US came to the Philippines’ aid as much as it could in times of crisis. Now it’s an issue. Law enforcement wanted a powerful round that could be carried in large quantities. I don’t pretend to know the final solution, but a heavy semi-wadcutter going a grand sounds better to me than a 125 JHP going 1100. You would want to use a snap cap or plug if extensive dry-firing is done. is not true for an object that happens to be transformable into a gun by a skilled home hobbyist The two bank robbers were hit multiple times by incoming fire but were both able to continue shooting, contributing to the very high law enforcement casualty rate. You shoot five rounds, and then have to load a new magazine. This can cause a buildup inside the chambers of the cylinder just in front of where the shorter cartridges were fired. One of these, the .357 Sig, is the caliber of choice for the Glock 31 pistol. The one to the 38 special's left is the 357 Sig "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. To test out the does glock make a 38 special for bullseye shooting folks who 've shot.38! 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