Additional graph theory concepts and notation used herein may be found in . ⁄ Example 1.3. Example3: Draw a 3-regular graph of five vertices. In a planar graph with 'n' vertices, sum of degrees of all the vertices is Lovász conjectured that every connected 4-regular planar graph G admits a realization as a system of circles, i.e., it can be drawn on the plane utilizing a set of circles, such that the vertices of G correspond to the intersection and touching points of the circles and the edges of G are the arc segments among pairs of intersection and touching points of the circles. In this note, we deal with 4-regular planar graphs. 1). So if it is planar, then 5f • 2e.It 2. Let G be a plane graph, that is, a planar drawing of a planar graph. Connected 4-regular planar graphs is a well studied class of graphs. If Z is a vertex, an edge, or a set of vertices or edges of a graph G, then we denote by GnZ the graph obtained from G by deleting Z. Small 4-regular planar graphs that are not circle representable Jane Tan∗ Mathematical Sciences Institute Australian National University Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia Abstract A 4-regular planar graph G is said to be circle representable if there exists a collection of circles drawn on the plane such that the touch- Figure 4: Petersen graph P5 Proof. deg(1) = 3 deg(2) = 4 deg(3) = 4 deg(4) = 3 deg(5) = 8. The Petersen graph P5 is not planar; see Figure 4. It follows from and that the only 4-connected 4-regular planar claw-free (4 C 4 R P C F) graphs which are well-covered are G 6 and G 8 shown in Fig. The 3-regular graph must have an even number of vertices. Moreover, by including a fourth operation we obtain an alternative to a procedure by Lehel to generate all connected 4-regular planar graphs from the Octahedron Graph. Note that K3;3 has 6 vertices and 9 edges. Solution: It is not possible to draw a 3-regular graph of five vertices. 2.1. Note that each cycle of the Petersen graph has at least 5 edges. The (Degree, Diameter) Problem for Planar Graphs We consider only the special case when the graph is planar. In fact, by a result of King , , these are the only 3 − connected 4 R P C F W C graphs as well. In planar graphs, the following properties hold good − 1. 2 be the only 5-regular graphs on two vertices with 0;2; and 4 loops, respectively. a) 15 b) 3 c) 1 d) 11 View Answer. Thus 9 • 2¢6¡4 = 8 is a contradiction. Manca [14] proposed four operations to generate all connected 4-regular planar graphs from the octahedron graph. Examples. 8. If the graph is also regular, Euler's formula implies that the maximum degree (degree) Δ can be at most 5. A connected planar graph having 6 vertices, 7 edges contains _____ regions. Degree of an unbounded region r = deg(r) = Number of edges enclosing the regions r. deg(R 1) = 4 deg(R 2) = 6. We generated these graphs up to 15 vertices inclusive. We prove that all 3-connected 4-regular planar graphs can be generated from the Octahedron Graph, using three operations. Answer: b Explanation: By euler’s formula the relation between vertices(n), edges(q) and regions(r) is given by n-q+r=2. Vertices and edges of G correspond to crossing points and arcs of S, respectively (see, for example, Fig. As noted by Lehel [11], Manca’s construction could not generate all connected 4-regular planar graphs, however, an additional operation could x this problem. Abstract. Consider a graph G = G (S) formed by the superposition of a set S of simple closed curves in the plane, no two of which are tangent and no three of which meet at a point. If a simple graph G, contains n vertices and m edges, the number of edges in the Graph G'(Complement of G) is