Get the Glock 19…if you’ll carry it…everyday. So, an engineer by the name of Gaston Glock got to work creating polymer-encased firearms.These primary goals of the Austrian Army, along with the polymer casing Glock designed, are now some of the most recognizable f… It's like getting a car; plenty of people like pickup trucks, but it's not a very good choice if you live in an urban environment. The main differences between the Glock 26 vs 19 are size and weight. I can barely tell the difference on target between the two. The Glock 26 is a 9mm subcompact weapon that is meant primarily for concealed carry. They also all have roughly the same barrel length, though I generally don't worry too much about barrel length for concealed carry pistols because it won't have a significant effect on accuracy and performance, particularly for the most lik… So there you go. 2018 Alien Gear Holsters. Born in southeastern Washington State, Sam Hoober graduated in 2011 from Eastern Washington University. The grip angle on the Glock is steep-angled, so you may need to make some adjustments. It’s 4.99 inches tall and 1.18 inches wide. Both of these pistols are wildly popular among police officers and civilian carriers. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, despite its tiny size, the Glock 19 is a weapon that comes with an incredible magazine capacity. The subcompact Glock 26 … It is 1.18 inches wide and 4.17 inches tall. Born and raised in Missouri, Mark now lives in Murray with his wife and two sons. Well, first and foremost, we must note that the Glock 19 brings way more versatility to the table than the Glock 26. I didn’t like the recoil along with a small grip so now I carry a Glock 19 concealed with with a “In the waist band” Holster. Great article and very helpful. This helped me make my decision, but I ended up getting both pistols. The full frame Glock 17 vs the compact frame Glock 19 vs subcompact Glock 26. The 26 on the other hand with its shorter grip conceals much better but you have the negatives as stated above. The Glock 19, chambered in a 9-millimeter Luger is a very convenient and compact firearm. That way, we can have increased capacity by just switching from one magazine to another. In the 1980s, the Austrian armed forces needed to replace the firearms from WWII with new ones. Nevertheless, the Glock 19 is still among the most popular carry guns of all time. I have been carrying and shooting it for so long it's just an extension of me. You'll get an idea for which one you'll be most confident with, which will be the one to acquire. The G19X pistol is the commercial version of the Glock MHS that was designed to meet the evaluations of the Modular Handgun System solicitations of … All in all, the Glock 19 brings a lot to the table as it is reliable and easy to use. In addition to that, they are very lightweight and compact, and the number of internal parts that can break is rather small. Glock 26: The Glock 26 is a 9×19mm "subcompact" variant designed for concealed carry and was introduced in 1995, mainly for the civilian market. Both of these guns carry more than 10 rounds of 9mm, and both are compact, and light for easy carry. In short, some people find the Glock 19 a touch too big and some people find the Glock 26 a tad too small (without modification) and might not enjoy or otherwise shoot a subcompact 9mm as well as they might with a larger gun. Hook and Loop Holsters Using VELCRO® Brand Fasteners, Free Holster Mount & Free Shipping on Orders $99+. However, the specs of each gun...don't matter all that much, as they really only give you part of the story. Its primary purpose is for concealed carry given the compact size and extremely lightweight. Lol. Eventually, the security industry, as well as plainclothes police, detective agencies, and others, realized the great deal they were getting with the Glock 19. He resides in the great Inland Northwest, with his wife and child. When it comes to Glock 17 vs 19, there are not many differences, since in many ways the model 19 was literally just a shorter version of the G17.But the 26 is a different story. Glock vs Springfield Armory is a War Glock may be the big name, but the Glock vs Springfield Armory battle is much more intense between serious firearms enthusiasts. For the extremely recoil sensitive, the 19 will be the easier pistol to shoot. As far as the weight goes, the Glock 26 weighs slightly over 21 ounces. The Glock 26 was conceived as a small handgun for the concealed carry market and as a backup gun for law enforcement, and it has been a very popular pistol for that application since it was released back in the mid 90s. Any planet. I recently received an email from a reader asking me to do an article on the Glock 19 vs 26 for concealed carry. The Glock 26 was released in 1994 and was designed from the outset for the fields of home defense, law enforcement and concealed-carry weapons. How, then, is a person supposed to narrow the Glock 19 vs 26 decision down? It’s a good idea to try and handle both guns. The two Glocks are nearly identical in look. Very good article! It’s accurate, easy to shoot, comfortable- numerous backs straps to easily customize your grip, and you can shoot just about any ammo through it without any failures.... lastly, it’s a great value. The Glock 17 and the Glock 19 are very nearly identical, with the Glock 17 having a barrel about 1/2 inch longer and a grip about 1/2 inch longer than the Glock 19. We all know that Glocks are highly durable, reliable, and easily modifiable. Deciding Between Glock 19 vs. Glock 26. However, it does have its shortcomings, as it doesn’t come with a capacity as big as the Glock 19 — though, we can use a Glock 19 magazine on a Glock 26 and solve that problem, too. Glock 17 vs Glock 19 vs Glock 26. You can comfortable carry the Glock 19, but it can also be feasibly used as a home defense weapon. I think that when you can’t decide between two guns then the best thing to do is to buy them both and let time tell which suits you best! Some people accept nothing other than a 9x19mm Glock, and if you're going to carry one on the daily, that inevitably leads to deciding between the Glock 19 vs. 26. Glock 19 vs Glock 26 – Which Should You Choose? Well written and a good read yet again. Thousands of people carry them everyday, either as a primary carry gun or as a backup. However, it's big enough to avoid the usual pitfalls of pocket guns. And, there’s a long list of Glock options out there. Though other notable battles between compact pistols – think the Glock 43 vs. Shield – divide opinion, it seems that the most combative arguments are between people who disagree about which Glock is best. It definitely is difficult to make a choice when deciding between the Glock 19 and the Glock 26. The G26 has sufficient barrel length to get some performance out of ammunition and to preserve accuracy. It's big enough to hang with the full-size guns in terms of accuracy and performance. Granted, neither is a tack drivin' sniper pistol with a custom shop trigger. It's slim, but also has a decent capacity; it holds more rounds than some full-size guns (Sig P220, 1911, etc.) The Glock 19 handles better. I recently bought the Glock 26 gen 5 as 9mm is cheaper and a more common round. The Glock 19 has a 4-inch barrel, with an overall length of 7.36 inches. They are both extremely accurate, reliable and compact. So all this being said I was not going to go out and by a new GLOCK 19 and cut it down, thats slightly crazy. Both the Glock 19 and the 26 are great guns, and showcase what Glock can achieve in terms of compact and concealable firepower. That’s why it is known for its versatility. They both shoot fine with any ammo I put through them. But a few months ago I was able to pick up a Gen 2 19 that was a police trade in that I wanted to have for my collection. Also, shorter barrels bring with them more muzzle rise. While not flashy looking, think you’d be hard pressed to find a more durable, more reliable gun on the market. Likewise, a Mini Cooper probably isn't the best choice if you live out in the sticks. The GLOCK 26 isn’t really too much smaller than the G19, however. Glock is famous thanks to its long history of delivering reliability, security and safety. Just my 2 cents! So that’s another one in the plus column when it comes to the Glock 19 vs Springfield Armory XD Mod 2. As a gun owner and hunting enthusiast he frequently participates in debates surrounding the Second Amendment. I own several g19s and love how they shoot! Basically, the Glock 19 and the Glock 26 are very similar to one another when it comes to everything besides their size. AR-10 vs. AR-15 – Which One Is The Best For You? The gun is 5 inches tall, and is 1.18 inches wide at the slide. While the Sig P365 holds a single-stack magazine, the Glock 26 is double-stack, which means the grip is thicker. So it’s no wonder why it might seem difficult to make a choice and purchase the right one. Unloaded, it weighs 23.65 ounces but only goes up to 30 ounces once loaded. Thanks for the review. If you can’t commit to carrying the more tactical pistol (every single day), get the Glock 26. The Glock 19 is a great all around gun- it's compact, not much harder to carry than the 26. and has much better ergonomics. With the stock magazines, you do lose a bit in terms of capacity but 12+1 is fine for an EDC gun...though you could carry with a Glock 19 magazine with a grip sleeve. Now it’s time for you to give this a quick thought and make a decision on which one of the two Glocks will be on your next shopping list. Would you recommend the 19 or 26 and belly band to conceal or also a different method. I am a fan of Glock 9mms almost in any configuration, but if I could have only one, it would be the 19. However, for some reason, I shoot my step-father's 26 way better. Glock 19 vs. Glock 17. Some buyers will find the Glock 19 pistol a touch too big, while others will see the Glock 26 as a tad too small for them. As far as subcompacts go, the Glock 26 has a lot going on for it. Please keep up the helpful work! Never had a single jam with either. As to reliability- I have never had my Glock 19 jam except due to bad ammo (reloads) which were only used for training. Sig Sauer P320 vs Glock 19 - Which Is Best For Carry. It's also compatible with Glock 19 and Glock 17 magazines, so you can increase the capacity by swapping magazines. In fact, it’s quite common that people carry the Glock 26 while using a magazine from the Glock 19. As of right now I have a Sig P238, and I got it because I just wanted a smaller gun. They both bring a lot to the table and are something we don’t hesitate calling a good buy. I have a friend that carries his g26 daily with great confidence! You will also get more velocity out of the longer barrel. On the other hand, Sig offers a more shallow and conventional angle. The M&P Shield is definitely larger than the Glock 43. Both are excellent pistols and I think most people would be completely satisfied with either (within reason I mean. The full size Glock and the full size M&P are about the same size. When it comes to its measures, the Glock 19 goes 7.36 inches in length and has a barrel 4.01 inches long. Basically, with this weapon, we receive a combination of a great magazine capacity and a reduced size. This comparison experience is a most popular offering. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You'll find it in basically every gun store. Everything you need, nothing you don't...but you'll probably find one is better for you than the other. I live in Glendale AZ so the weather is warm 8 months and cooler 4 months. When it comes to its price, this weapon doesn’t cost much and you can find it for $450 to $600 (depending on where we buy it and other circumstances). Brought out in 1988, initially, the Glock 19 took a little time to start becoming popular. As far as shooting goes, the Glock 26 might be slightly difficult to shoot due to its not-so-ergonomic grip. He carries several 33 round clips as well! Glock 26. The Glock 19 is definitely larger than the M&P9c, but it holds a few more rounds and has an extra half inch of barrel. Well, first and foremost, we must note that the Glock 19 brings way more versatility to the table than the Glock 26. The GLOCK 26 Gen 4 stands 6.42 inches long, 4.17 inches tall and 1.26 inches wide. I've carried a Glock 27 gen 3 for 16 yrs now. Today, I’m going to take a look at both the Glock 19 and the 26, and compare them. Both are accurate, reliable, and shoot very well. Most of my friends say it kicks like a mule. Essentially, with these two weapons, the choice comes down to their size. Glock 26 vs. Glock 43 - Which Should You Buy? With an extended mag, the Glock 26 can essentially ‘become’ the Glock 19, making for a gun of roughly the same size that carries the same amount of ammunition. Both Glocks come at exceptional quality. The Glock 19 also features a handy picatinny accessory rail, while the Glock 26 has a distinctive bevel to the front of the slide that makes re-holstering the pistol a cinch. As far as subcompacts go, the Glock 26 has a lot going on for it. First and foremost, the Glock 19 is much more versatile due to its added magazine capacity. The Glock 19 is more or less a "Goldilocks" gun. However, it's also small enough for shooters with smaller hands to use well, unlike many of the classic service pistols like the Beretta 92, Sig Sauer P226, CZ 75 or a 1911 which can be bigger than some people are willing to deal with. It holds 15+1 of 9mm and will even run 9mm +P, which is on par with most service pistols or close enough that it makes little difference. Glocks are merely hard working guns that will go "bang" when you need them to and will generally hit what you aim them at. We’re certain that after reading this article you can rest assured that no matter which one you go for, you will have no regrets. The truth is that they’re both great pistols. Everything you need, nothing you don't, and in an easy to use, easy to learn, reliable and accurate package. Thanks again. They needed the new weapons to have removable and exchangeable parts, and be easy and safe to disassemble and clean. Take a peek in basically any gun store, and they'll have both of them behind the counter. Granted, it's also a tad big compared to other compacts. I carried a S&W MP 40 on the job and a Glock 27 concealed. I knocked a good 30 seconds off my time in two GSSF matches with the 26, and my groupings at the range are better. I have both and the deciding factor which one I carry depends on the weather, and my clothing. Glock vs M&P: Ergonomics It will even accept Glock 17 magazines for an additional two rounds of capacity if desired. While the muzzle rise of a compact 9mm is much less than that of a .45 and is laughable compared to that of, say, a .44 Magnum, a smaller gun in 9mm can still be a bit lively. Guns & Ammo. We will continuously be adding new target options to our lineup. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. In addition, it is just as easy to conceal the Glock 19 as it is to do the Glock 26. Before we get into the Glock 19X compared to the Glock 19 Gen 5, it is essential to understand the reason the 19X was designed. Use our free 8" x 11" target when you head on out to the range! I have been thinking about going to a 26 but think I will stay with “old trusty”. Never looked back. Therefore, we won’t go over that in detail. Thanks to the added magazine capacity, we can easily carry the Glock 19 with us but also use it as a home defense weapon. When it comes to its magazine capacity, it’s 15+1. The Glock 26, on the other hand, is small enough for just about anyone to conceal and carry it every day. The Glock 19 is the greater of the two though. Not only are they reliable, easy to use and versatile, but they both come at an affordable price. The best thing to do is to handle both and shoot both. Also, we can easily use it for concealed carry purposes. Hello, I'm sure this has been debated quite a bit, and now since the G43 and G42 are out, they've replaced the G26. so you can actually carry a decent supply of bullets. We took a quick look at a few popular online retailers. On the other hand, the Glock 26 is so tiny that it can easily be concealed and carried on a daily basis. The 19 is also small enough for most people to conceal fairly easily. The Glock 26 was made for concealed carry. Shoot both, get a feel for them. Let’s get into why one Glock might be better than the other and try to make your decision somewhat easier. We're going to find out. Your mileage may vary. Great read. However, if that’s not satisfactory enough for some, there are extended mags that should suffice. Glock 19 vs Glock 26: Final Decision. A lot of people find they can only get two or three fingers on the pistol, which makes shooting it a little awkward. It’s needless to say that with the Glock 19 these are all the benefits we’ll be getting. Both guns are solid choices, but each gun has a couple of minor drawbacks that will make one a better choice for some people. Copyright © Well, a smaller gun that's easier to conceal, which brings us to: The Glock 26 was conceived as a small handgun for the concealed carry market and as a backup gun for law enforcement, and it has been a very popular pistol for that application since it was released back in the mid 90s. I’ve carried a G19 for almost 20 years. However, the list of pros doesn’t end there. We can immediately notice that the frame of the Glock 26 is way smaller than the Glock 19. Thanks again for the article. In addition to that, trying to shoot them both will certainly help. What makes it special is its compact frame that is extremely versatile. Summer time you can almost guarantee it's the 26 unless I have a big shirt, I feel comfortable with either one on my side and yes the 26 has a smaller grip but I bought Pmags that hold 12+1 and have a pinky spot that are superior to the OEM. All in all, for those that can’t seem to make up their minds, here’s what we recommend doing. This pistol has been around for a while now and it is quite popular. Not only can it be used as a conventional service gun, but it is also ideal as a backup pistol. I love my baby Glocks lol. The Glock pistols are something everyone must have already heard of. The Glock 19 Photo by Pics by Andrew. Truth be told, no matter which gun you pick between the Glock 19 vs Glock 26, you're getting a solid firearm. In fact, a lot of people carry a 26, but use a G19 magazine with a grip sleeve. Its weight is quite impressive, as it’s extremely light and weighs slightly above 23 ounces when it’s not loaded. The extra ammunition capacity, the slightly larger grip, and the extra weight make this gun handle in a far superior way to its smaller rival. Glock 17 pistol. Essentially, as we have stated earlier in the article, the main, if not the only, difference between these two pistols is their size. Pistols are wildly popular among police officers and civilian carriers I ended up getting both pistols used for home,... Pick between the Glock 26, you 're getting a solid firearm for just about anyone to conceal Glock. More durable, more reliable gun on the weather is warm 8 months and cooler 4 months meant primarily concealed. It in basically any gun store and renting these pistols to test them out s needless to that... And renting these pistols to test them out, Sam Hoober graduated in 2011 from Eastern University... Better but you 'll probably find one is better for you Austrian armed forces needed to replace the from! Compact firearm Armory XD Mod 2 it every day idea to try and handle and. 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