Students will be able to improve their proficiency in the skill of basketball passing. Basketball dribbling dribbling Youth Basketball drills, session plan, lesson plans and practices (physical education) lesson includes 4 basketball … Aim for the teammate's chin. One ball will be given to a student on the far right of the half court line. circuit. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. 877-542-5504 When bringing the class together I will explain the purpose of the introductory activity.Which is to introduce the students to the skill and to serve as somewhat of a pre-test. Standard 1.Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Thumbs should now be pointed down. That person will pass the ball to the person diagonally across from them.Next that person passes the ball to the person straight in front of them until everyone does a chest pass … 4th player receives a point each time they touch ball or ball leaves the playing area Culmination 4v4 Passing Game • Add dribble, progress into game Lesson 2: Passing & Moving into open space Lesson 6: Attacking the Basket Intro: Warm up: with a partner, students will get a ball Plan your lesson with helpful tips from teachers like you. Playing cards will be distributed to each partner group. Students will be able to perform passing skills using the proper cues of the chest pass and bounce pass. (downward), Where should the ball bounce when executing a bounce pass? 2. 877-542-5504, / Lessons Plans / Physical Education Lesson Plans / Basketball Passing Lesson Plan. Based on the fundamental passing skills and wall passing previously taught, have the players now step and pass to their partner. During the second lesson our basketball unit we focus on passing and shooting skills. (1) Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. After this is completed, students will see that basketballs are placed on the baselines at each end of the gym. • A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization • 818 Connecticut Ave N.W., Washington, DC 20006, Changing Lives Through Support of Educators, National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). Basketball Unit Goals and Objectives Kindergarten: Upon successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. "Basketball Pass and Dribble": On the "go" signal, the partners begin passing the ball back and forth. To be more specific the art form of passing will be the main focus for this lesson. The content that will be covered on this day will center around the game of basketball. Some coaches advise not bring the ball behind your head, because it can get stolen and it takes a split-second longer to throw the pass. Dribbling Beanbag Transfer – This lesson helps teach students how to keep their eyes up when … Conduct this activity for about 8 minutes. Accurately pass a ball to a partner using a bounce pass. Youth Passing Drills. At this point, I will blow the whistle and bring the class together. The children will go back chest passing the ball using the same method in the opposite direction. Upon release, turn palms outward toward floor. National Standards and Outcomes Focus for Basketball. In this lesson plan, Five Pass Basketball, students practice basic basket ball skills. Bring the ball directly above your forehead with both hands on the side of the ball and follow through. Receive free lesson plans, printables, and worksheets by email: Popular Areas: Bloom's 2) Game is started by jump ball at center court. At the half court line, I will have the students line up face to face seven feet apart. I will start this portion of the lesson off by explaining the four passes we will be learning to the students. Conduct the warm-up activity for about 6 minutes. Once the ball gets back to the first person the same process will continue except using a bounce pass. Lesson Plans and Ideas for Elementary PE and Health Teachers. one race alternating bounce and chest pass, Where should your thumbs be pointing after a chest pass or bounce pass? This module introduces children to ball handling skills and movement concepts most often associated with the sport of basketball. Taxonomy Verbs | Lesson This drill will run the same way as the chest pass, then the outlet pass will begin followed by the lob pass. Pinpoint two students to demonstrate a correct bounce and chest pass. One beauty of this game is that it offers a plethora of variations to integrate many skills, concepts, and sports. Lesson Plan #: AELP-SRF0202 Submitted by: Carl Ekern Email: School/University/Affiliation: University of Wisconsin Endorsed by: Jeff Steffen              University of Wisconsin Date: March 25, 2002. After the explaining and modeling to the students the guided practice activity will commence. Teach the drills at the beginning and then do a follow the leader style warm-up to kick off the following lessons with the footwork drills we taught to the students during the first week. Explain to students that they will be using a deck of cards in a game that involves these two types of basketball passes. One ball will be given to a student on the far right of the half court line. | K-12 Teacher Newsletter Ball should contact ground two-thirds of the way to the receiving player. After explaining each pass I will demonstrate an example with a student volunteer. In other words, it’s an “oldie but a goodie”. Teachers can vary the races as follows: Assessment: At the end of class, review by asking the following questions: Useful Internet Resources : * National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) * PE Central, © 2017 National Council for Open Education. Have students find a poly spot; the person across from them will automatically be their partner. When the teacher signals bounce pass or chest pass, then the student dribbling will pass the ball to his partner. Step into your pass - this will give you more power and control in the pass. 3. This P.E. Spread fingers along the sides of the ball. They will chest pass the ball to the person in front of them. The 2 partners will make overhead passes to each other for 2 sets of 60 seconds and then do the same thing with chest passes. Seven balls on each line. That person will pass the ball to the person diagonally across from them.Next that person passes the ball to the person straight in front of them until everyone does a chest pass to another person. Description: This lesson concentrates on the basketball chest pass and bounce pass. (two-thirds the way to your partner), Before you pass, what should you make sure your partner is doing? (eye contact; targets). Jul 26, 2016 - Teach students basketball skills with these Basketball Stations posters. half court, jump stop and pivot; run to baseline, jump stop and pivot. Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. If the ball is stolen, the players reverse roles until the music stops. WRAP AROUND PASS Dribble a basketball with the fingertips maintaining basic control. Assist with groupings and equipment. Passing Relay: Each student stands on a poly spot. 2014/2015 | Site Map. Planning Blocks | Lesson Lesson: Fundamentals of basketball: dribbling and passing Use two hands - this will give you more control of the ball. The topic of today's lesson will be the appropriate ways to do different kinds of basketball passes and the situations in which to use them. This drill (from will help to teach the basics of dribbling to new players, while helping to improve the technique of players already familiar with dribbling.. Give each student a ball and line up eight players at the end of the basketball court. Writing, About Us Thumbs against chest — elbows bent and out. I will start off explaining the chest pass, then bounce, followed by the outlet and lob pass. (5) Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. Have players partner up, get a basketball and line up about 10 feet apart. Students have the opportunity to hone their dribbling and skills in this lesson. Wouldn’t it be great to get Kentucky’s coach John Calipari to teach teach Passing to your kids and have some NBA players demonstrate it? Subject Area Lessons. b. • Chest Pass: Both hands on side of basketball, Push basketball from chest, Step towards target, Follow through with hands pointing out and thumbs down. In this lesson, Five Pass Basketball, students practice basic basket ball skills. • Demonstrate the game with 2 students or with a student and the assistant. Tips, Skills & Drills: Passing. Although the origin is unknown, the passing game “Five Passes” has been in the Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children textbook and lesson plans since 1972. However, a variety of other learning outcomes are also addressed within the module’s activities. If a face card is selected, then students will need to do 15 passes. 3) Team with the ball needs to … Discuss safety rules before beginning the relay (eye contact before passing, receivers give targets, and pass at a safe speed). Chest Pass Cues (bend, extend, release): Square body. 9. Another key component of the lesson will be when to use the passes listed above. The below instructional video will help to teach your students the … Note: there are no outcomes for 2-handed passing associated with basketball. Warm-up Activity: Set up two rows of poly spots in the gym. Grade Level Lessons. Table of Contents Lesson Plan Lesson Diagram for Teacher 4Station Posters for Students “Basketball Dribbling” “Chest Pass” “Bounce Pass” “Basketball Shooting” Credits and Acknowledgements Information: This p.e. Hand dribbling, passing, and receiving (catching) are the primary skills emphasized. resource comes with 12 stations designed to be used as a student-directed P.E. Please help us grow this free resource by submitting your favorite lesson plans. OVERHEAD PASS The overhead pass is often used as an outlet pass. Students will pass the ball starting at one end of the gym, from poly spot to poly spot, until it gets to the last poly spot. Step toward the target. After we work on dribbling and ball handling we move on to Passing and Shooting which you can check out by clicking the graphic below Thumbs against chest — elbows bent and out. Preschool, Kindergarten, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5, Middle School, High School, Advanced, Other, All. For each card, partners will have to execute passes (red cards = chest pass; black cards = bounce pass). Gather students in front of you and explain that they will be working on the basketball chest and bounce passes. Students are divided into two teams and play a game of basketball. See how to improve for next time you step on the court! Students will practice shooting, dribbling, passion, defense, and more. Standard1 [M4.6]: Passes and receives with hands in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change of direction and speed with competency in invasion games such as basketball, flag football, speedball, or team handball (6). Students are divided into two teams and play a game of basketball. Lesson Plan #3111. • Shadow practice faking a pass … • Demonstrate skill. This is a lesson plan for passing the basketball for PESH. Passing in basketball. Passing and Shooting. Course Foundations of Physical Education and School Health (PESH 280 ) Academic year. Equipment: One basketball and basketball court. BASKETBALL LESSON 3 2nd-3rd GRADE TRANSITION • Pairs should form groups of 6, 2 basketballs per group. This way I will not only be describing the proper way to do each pass, but also providing each student with a visual to take back with them for their practice sessions. Take a look at our basketball passing skills, drills & training tips. The #1 sports team management app … Five Pass Basketball – PE Lesson Plan PDF. 1. We will begin with a quick stretching and jogging routine to get the students loose to prevent injuries. Release the ball by extending arms downwards. Teachers Basketball Lesson Plan Booklet Lesson Plan 1 Activity 1. Extend arms — fully release ball to target. The number on the cards will indicate how many passes partners will have to execute. The aim is for the students to be able to differentiate between the different kinds of basketball passes. The materials needed in class today will be fifteen basketballs. ... Basketball Passing Phys Ed, level: Elementary Posted Wed Apr 28 16:57:47 PDT 2004 by Nathaniel Suchyna ( Bounce Pass Cues: Spread fingers along the sides of the ball. Procedures: 1) Divide class into two teams. Traveling – Can’t change pivot foot. Always follow through - your hands should follow the direction of the ball. Basketball Passing. The students will be paired off and told to get five feet apart and pass the ball back and fourth. • Students shadow practice chest pass without a basketball. Pair Passing - This is a beginner drill to teach your players the technical skills for passing the ball.. 2. This activity will persist for a few minutes. Double Dribble ‐ Once you dribble and stop, you can’t dribble again; you only have two options now. Catch a bounce pass from a partner 50% of the time. A couple of lesson plans for ks3 basketball. ACTIVITY #2 Keep Away • Within their groups of 6, students should form 2 groups of 3. • Assign two groups of 3 to each quarter of the basketball court. 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Shark Dribble Protector: 4-5: 93,052 5/12/2016 K-2 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Card Sharks Dribble and Catch: 1-2: 115,428 5/12/2016 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Sharks and Minnows Hand Dribbling: 4-5: 83,335 9/24/2015 3-5 PE Lesson Ideas Dribbling Rug Rats Basketball Dribbling: 4-5 One student will dribble in place, and the other partner will do a fitness activity (the teacher can have students alternate between jumping jacks, running in place, and push-ups). Central Washington University. | Help | Privacy Basketball Passing Phys Ed, level: Elementary Posted Wed Apr 28 16:57:47 PDT 2004 by Nathaniel Suchyna ( College, Buffalo, Erie Five Pass Basketball-PE Lesson Plan For Teachers 3rd - 5th. Extend arms — fully release ball to target. 32 Advance. PE Lesson Plan- Basketball. For a warm-up activity, have students do dribble jacks. (Pass or Shoot) 8. Wall Passing Drills - Here is a great way to improve passing and hand-eye coordination while maxing out repetitions.. 4. If an ace is selected, then students will do one pass. If you have more than eight, you will want to create two or more lines. Menu. Then students will rotate to the next poly spot in line The race ends when the person at the front of the line is at the end of the line. For example, knowing the difference between a chest pass and a bounce pass. Under the teachers supervision, each student will have thrown two passes of each kind of pass. The goal of the lesson is for the students to grasp the concept basketball passing. Stretching Time 5 mins • 5 mins Drill Setup • Players in pairs • Each player tries to “slap” their partner behind the knee Modification • Prepare by putting hands on their partners shoulders • Each player tries to … Players form 3 lines spread out evenly along the baseline. Pass and Switch - Here is a fun, fast-paced drill to improve passing.. 3. Home; Kindergarten; 1-2nd Grade; 3rd – 4th grade; 5th-6th Grade; Staff Wellness; Basketball Passing Game. Line‐up at baseline; run to half court, jump stop and pivot; run to other baseline, jump stop and pivot; run to. They will chest pass the ball to the person in front of them. Goals: National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Standards : Begin by discussing and demonstrating the cues of the bounce pass and the chest pass. Lesson Plans. Circle Guard and Pass is a fun basketball game that practices the skills of bounce passes and chest passes as well as defending those passes. Some of the key terms that the class will be covering today are: bounce pass, chest pass, outlet pass, and the lob pass. The two outside lines start … Repeat 1‐6 a few times. Card Sharks Basketball Passing: Students begin by lining up on the poly spots with their partners. #3111. Well with technology this is now possible. When the music starts, the player with the basketball begins to dribble it in a small space while the partner tries to steal it. Begin by discussing and demonstrating the cues of the bounce pass and the chest pass. Pass & Support • Team of 3 keep ball away from 4th player. University. Slappers ahead 2. Objective: Practice dribbling and passing skills. When the last person gets the pass, he/she will dribble to the front of the line. Basketball lesson Plan, Five pass basketball, students will do one.. 1-2, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-5, Middle School, High School, Advanced other! Motor skills and wall passing previously taught, have the players now step pass. We will begin with a student on the court basketball … Youth passing Drills to 15. Difference between a chest pass the overhead pass is often used as an outlet pass will begin followed the. 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