Which of the following describes the proper way to fire a shotgun? And lastly, there’s also the possibility of inadequate. Time of day can also play a part in boating accidents too. Copyright © 2021 Peninsula Glass. Which of the following is an accurate safe towing recommendation? Unloaded, with the action open and in a protective case. Much of these can be attributed to drunk driving. Operators must remain at least how far from military and naval vessels? They offer a greater challenge than hunting with a rifle or shotgun. Under which of the following conditions must an accident report be filed with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission by the quickest means possible? And lastly, there’s also the possibility of inadequate passenger behavior. Which of the following statements is true about hunting with handguns? By the time they do something wrong, there’s not much that an experienced operator/skipper could do about it, except maneuver the boat out of harm’s way. When hunting for wild turkey, why is it important to mark your ground blind or hunting spot with orange blaze? They can inappropriately try steering into bad weather, for instance. capsizing and falling overboard. Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the flames. When does a Personal Watercraft lose the ability to steer? According to a study of paddle sport accident statistics from 1995-2000, approximately half of all victims of canoeing and kayak related fatalities were doing what at the time? The U.S. Natural Hazard Statistics provide statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather related hazards. Death or serious injury Before boating on an unfamiliar body of water what is the best resource that should be contacted in order to find out about specific equipment and operational restrictions? With more and more California residents heading to the ocean, lakes, rivers and streams to have fun on the water, it’s no wonder many boating accidents occur in our state each year. Most boating accidents occur during which of the following weather conditions? ... a boating accident must be reported if which of the following is present? Here’s the most common causes of boating accidents, and how you can stay safe. Unless the boat is strictly powered by oar or sail, this has a high possibility of happening. Weather Avoidance. In Washington State, a Boating Accident Report form must be submitted within 48 hours of an accident if it resulted in which of the following? Here are the top 10 reasons why boating accidents occur: 1. Type B. And there’s nothing bad about adequate preparation before launching! Passengers can celebrate a bit too much and be careless while on board, causing all sorts of problems. This is likely the most obvious boating accident of all. Or their nautical inexperience can cause them to do the same wrong things while out on the water. Consult marine charts or ask local boaters. Which of the following is a characteristic of gasoline fumes? How should the safe and responsible hunter react to a hunting companion who is acting in an unsafe or unethical manner? 1. Also available is the 80-Year List of Severe Weather Fatalities. It also doesn’t help that it’s very dark around this time, meaning that operators will have trouble seeing and avoiding potential collisions or any other dangerous situation. Which of the following statements regarding safe towing is the most accurate? Federal law mandates that the steering or helm area of a power boat less than 20 feet in length must have which of the following? By the time they do something wrong, there’s not much that an experienced operator/skipper could do about it, except maneuver the boat out of harm’s way. Prevention is your best defense against this. Which of the following should be done before loading a shotgun? It's important to consider that in most instances, the overboard person will climb back into the boat from the stern. And some just turn on their air conditioning for longer than they usually do. In the state of Florida, which of the following must be present in order to engage in the following activities? What information should be on a hunting plan? Should be used before each trip, regardless of length. This danger zone is so common, we've devoted an entire page to it. You can say that this is likely to happen on recreational vessels. Even the most modern vessels are always at the mercy of Mother Nature. When proceeding in the upstream (returning from sea direction), what side of your vessel should this red marker be on? Inattention. . Which of the following is the best way to prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species like zebra mussels? Match the gauge on the bottom of the shell to the shotgun's datastamp. It’s because at this time frame, there’s not a lot of other boats in the water who can help in an emergency situation. Wear an approved personal flotation device designed for the activity. Insist that they follow safety rules and ethical guidelines or refuse to hunt with them. Most boating accidents occur when the weather is calm and clear and winds are light. In the state of Florida, what is the minimum age someone must be to operate a personal watercraft? Each year thousands are affected by boating accidents, with 658 fatalities just last year. 2.2. According to the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways’ Accident Stats, there were 473 boating accidents reported in 2012. Related: Do’s And Don’ts: A Quick Guide To Boat Safety. A system that collects or treats raw sewage. Most of the time, it’s due to slippery decks and a lack of traction items such as mats on it. Furthermore, a greater number of crashes occur on one-lane roads (1606 times), in which inconsiderate drivers are a major cause of accidents (1910 times). Likely the most common condition under which a boating accident can occur stems from. They commonly are caused by a distracted and reckless operation of the boat, alcohol or drug consumption, equipment failure, inadequate passenger behavior, or operator inexperience. When encountering other vessels in darkness or reduced visibility, what do visible lights indicate? Whether you or someone aboard has a minor accident such as a cut or a bump, or you are involved in a major accident such as a collision, the things you do … Which of the following is an accurate statement with regards to inflatable PFDs? Always. However, most accidents occur in the following areas: Bridges, overpasses and elevated roadways - Elevated roadways collect snow and ice long before the rest of the roads, catching drivers by surprise. They are often difficult to spot, even with local charts. Or their nautical inexperience can cause them to do the same wrong things while out on the water. Now that you know about these common boating accidents, let’s see the situations when they most often occur. What is an important benefit for hunters who properly clean and maintain their firearms? Which of the following treestands is considered to be the safer for the hunter to climb in and out of? Which of the following is a safety consideration when hunting wild turkey?
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