We would like your feedback on the HSC hub. achieving inner peace • discuss . Section III Question 5 - 2010 HSC Use the quotation to explain how Judaism as a living tradition gives depth and meaning to the life of the individual and the Jewish community. Religion of Peace Atrocity of the Week. 0000003344 00000 n Discuss how aboriginal spirituality is determined by the Dreaming. Every document on Thinkswap has been meticulously hand checked to make sure it's correctly described and categorised. Demonstrate how a religious practice expresses the beliefs of Islam. Save articles for later. 0000019667 00000 n In Section One, on the Core Study of Pompeii and Herculaneum, there will no longer be any multiple-choice questions. Learn about and revise how Christians regard war and what they do to find peace with BBC Bitesize GCSE Religious Studies. 0000001396 00000 n 0000028888 00000 n Prayer. Describe the contribution to Hinduism made by a significant person or school of thought. Home Subject Notes > > Syllabus Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Religious Studies. Identify an action as an example of Interfaith dialogue. Essay on the 2013 HSC question to religion and peace for Christianity and Islam. 2014 HSC – Section IV . More about this document: This document has been hand checked. 0000022426 00000 n Multiple-choice 0000013855 00000 n Instruction words With reference to your chosen TO UNDERSTANDING PEACE? 0000030979 00000 n Religion and peace theory lessons 2-3. Short response In 2001 the Board of Studies introduced, as part of the Higher School Certificate, major changes to the way in which student achievement was reported. 0000031077 00000 n Explain how ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. 0000030480 00000 n Use the quotation to evaluate the influence of Christianity in the life of adherents and the Christian community. 16 Question 1: Is religion the main cause of conflict today? Glossary of terms. 0000020321 00000 n May 31, 2016 — 12.09pm. Outline how the image to the left and the quote below explore peace in Christianity and Judaism. Outline a significant Hindu practice. %PDF-1.4 %���� ���N�ЈB'yhD��&f��1��:�ۜ��'����oc'T��e��0 �M&5 endstream endobj 294 0 obj <> endobj 295 0 obj <>stream Hsc. Link a significant Hindu practice to two beliefs. Religion and Peace | Beyond Intractability Additional insights into religion and peace are offered by Beyond Intractability project participants. The Bible does not clearly answer questions of war and peace but gives Christians guidelines on how to work for peace and justice. Outline a Buddhist ethical teaching and describe two examples of the teaching. 0000002777 00000 n 2020.12.24 (Nigeria) Islamists burn homes and a church - … Edrolo. Contact us ... A war fought for God and religion. Includes: Booklet Religion and Peace - Buddhism in PDF and Word Format, topics such as Teachings on Peace; Scripture references on Peace; Inner Peace; World Peace. Resource Evaluations. Israel: Mother of 6 Murdered. 0000002015 00000 n Outline a Christian ethical teaching. The contribution that religion can make to peacemaking--as the flip side of religious conflict--is only beginning to be explored and explicated. HSIE Studies of religion I HSC course Religion and peace. Israel: Mother of 6 Murdered. and. Author Topic: HSC Studies of Religion Question Thread (Read 136531 times) Tweet Share . Use the quotation to express the distinctive Islamic answer to the enduring questions of human existence. 2020.12.23 (India) One person succumbs to injury a day after a terrorist tosses a grenade into the street. 3/4 2012 HSC Studies of Religion Sample Answers Question 2 (b) Sample answer: Baptism . These are the sources and citations used to research Religion and Peace. ... Studies of religion I HSC course. Concept of social responsibility for individuals with a non-religious worldview, Difference between a religious funeral and a non-religious funeral, Religious dimension for European Jews throughout history, Reason for responding to an advertisement, Group of countries reflecting the global distribution of Islam, Countries with Buddhism as the dominant religion, Country with a large number of adherents in four of the five religious traditions, Worldview that typically claims reason and logic as guide for moral behaviour, Significance of the religious dimension in human history, Belief system that recognises life in all natural things, Significance of information about New Age beliefs. Christianity and Peace Year 12 SOR II Religion and Peace Monday, 28 June 2010 2. 0000010427 00000 n Includes: Booklet Religion and Peace - Buddhism in PDF and Word Format, topics such as Teachings on Peace; Scripture references on Peace; Inner Peace; World Peace. These candidates did not engage with the material studied in the HSC course to support their response. All questions are compulsory. NSW Education Standards Authority | Schools Online | Students Online | News, Band Log in, register or subscribe to save articles for later. 0000014115 00000 n 0000010603 00000 n This Kit contains a unit of work that complements the NSW Studies of Religion HSC Course. Add to Cart Remove from Cart Proceed to Cart. Discuss an area of Islamic ethical teachings. Link a significant Jewish practice to two beliefs. Religion is usually my best subject, however, we just recieve marks back for a religion and peace essay and I didn't do nearly as well as I wanted to. 0000031255 00000 n From 2019 onwards, the layout of the Ancient History HSC exam has changed. More about this document: This document has been hand checked. 2014 HSC – Section IV . ATAR Notes NSW MVP - 2016; Forum Obsessive ; Posts: 288; seek the full depth and height of life. Annotated responses, Link between Aboriginal spirituality and the Dreaming, Aboriginal elder describes the spiritual ancestry of their people, First legal recognition of the spiritual connection of the Aboriginal people to 'the land', Church that had the lowest proportion of its members joining the Uniting Church in 1977, Australian ecumenical initiative realised in 1977, Main function of the National Council of Churches, How the kinship group of an Aboriginal person is determined, Argument not presented by the Aboriginal people in support of traditional land ownership in Wik and Mabo, Group which had the greatest growth due to immigration, Main reason for removing many Aboriginal children from their families after 1945, Primary function of Aboriginal ceremonial life, Impact of Aboriginal Reconciliation on Christianity, An example of the State of Councils of Christian and Jews, Explanation for the rise in New Age religions in Australia, Statement that best demonstrates Aboriginal spirituality and its connection to the land, A purpose of the Parliament of the World's Religions, Main cause of increasing religous diversity in Australia since 1945. Virtual holiday party ideas + new holiday templates; Dec. 11, 2020 0000030860 00000 n Video.google.com- John Lenon- “Give Peace a Chance”- 5 minutes 2 Monday, 28 June 2010 Question 1 . Free * Duration. 0000023426 00000 n Updated to new Syllabus Describe the impact of Christian ecumenical movements in Australia. 0000029399 00000 n Questions for both HSC Studies of Religion and HSC Studies of Religion 2 go in this board. The second section required students to answer two 15 mark questions about two different religious traditions. Studies of Religion I . Discuss an area of Jewish ethical teachings. 0000029178 00000 n 0000030159 00000 n (1 Thessalonian 5:13) • ‘May the God of peace himself give you peace always in every way.’ (2 Thessalonians 3:16 • Strive for peace with everyone. H�l��n�0��zS�~)Ҁ�KR�.�����i�4D� ɇ�}5�fJ=xl�r�c����1���Σ=�U�>t�[��l�8�K��]o��7R;�)˷�������(��,�.��.��ߟ�}���|y�Ϣs>˟���}�����������5B�lΎ�[&c�l��e��8���8d.t�M�5g�.&)��m%@I@6 @M�� @C@� @&{� -�t 1/2, Type ... religion or ethnic group; The many other dimensions and impacts of religion tend to be downplayed or even neglected entirely. For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. 06 Question 2: Does the proportion of religious belief or atheism in a country determine the peace of the country? Evaluate the significance of a religious practice in the lives of adherents. I'm quickly loosing motivation and resilience is … 1900 sample essay for the question, "Analyse the distinctive responses of TWO religious traditions to the issue of either inner peace and/or world peace by linking their relevant sacred texts to their principal teachings." 0000030798 00000 n Ask a question about this product. There is no evidence to indicate that particular religious traditions are, by virtue of their theology, more prone to violence or more likely to lead to conflict or peace than others. 0000029249 00000 n You are encouraged to use the past HSC papers on the NESA website to practice these questions. Extended response, Other KEEP IN MIND! This guide has been designed to maximise exam success and meet all study needs, providing up-to-date information in an easy-to-use format. HSC > > > > > Religion & Peace 'Koran says whoever believes in God in the last day shall be saved. View sample answers for Studies of Religion II in band 5/6. Questions may be based on stimulus material. �&`�t����1h��Kv�` ���; ���C�D������ ه$ $q,��@$��2S�Hr[��Q%m:�D��*i��Q%m5:j�R�hKW��'� 7�$��pH����и $q�%� !�D��I"@$ 0000030531 00000 n Studies of religion I HSC course. Explain reasons why an individual may explore new religious expressions and spiritualities. 0000029498 00000 n h�b```b``�a`e`����π �@1V�LL����_�S^�����cƒ��w�% i`��X"1��)��YG��0TV�y*�y6�u�4�‘�s�Ms��}1�r씾o��U��NA�bV�5���nh�����,NX"1�����gK��6MHr����DPP�ť�`K�� �%:@L�XH�5!af@5�(� +����PX���~9�b��x���h��������+�8���O��5'r�f&��{چm'x��``Pj�tpm+L� �C��!����5g*3�C���U�nef`XQ�UR �@� ` �fjB endstream endobj 341 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[45 243]/Length 31/Size 288/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Religion, Conflict and Peace. Explain how ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. The following are a collection of past paper short answer and extended questions from Trial and HSC Examinations how TWO religious traditions are contributing to worldpeace. Dec. 11, 2020. Save. Section I — Religion and Belief Systems in Australia post-1945 . Achieving inner peace within Christianity and Islam according to their sacred texts. Describe the significance of a Christian practice for the individual. Dot Point HSC Studies of Religion ix Contemporary Aboriginal Spirituality 1. HSC Study Guide 2014 - Studies of Religion Remember to review the preliminary course material to succeed in the exam, writes Melinda Ham. Explain the significance of a practice for the Jewish community. • And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. • It may ask you to look at one religious tradition or two. Christianity and Peace Year 12 Religion and Peace SOR II Monday, 28 June 2010 2. Get our latest COVID-19 advice. Contempory Aboriginal Spirituality‎ > ‎ Sample questions. h�|yw\������`[�qf�3[�QQQ�`ņ,t�,,�e�mXz�R�^c�%���"�$jb��w8_r�osr�������5�-oy��}^F� �I$�n���������8k������ǜ�� 7C���ߕ7ÿ q� qt͸qGL�Aɐ1;�������[��B�ۀ��$�l�[���6c����� [������#怍��0S�[��`#���nl�bC���&l6�‚�I���l2� 6��}�ɰQ���̰��9f���&bS�����4l6�����b�0Kl��Ɩc1g�d�\l��1&��*� ����. 0000030919 00000 n 4/5 Religion and Peace 2. This document is 30 Exchange Credits. The Board determined that student performance in the examinations from 2001 onwards would be reported in relation to standards (or levels of achievement). Religion and Peace New Testament statements The Prophetic Vision of Peace on Earth Principal Teachings of Christianity and Judaism How 2 traditions guide the individual in achieving inner peace How 2 traditions contribute to world peace 0000029697 00000 n Description. Religion and peace christian texts 1. h�bbRe`b``Ń3� ��� ß: endstream endobj 289 0 obj <>/Metadata 43 0 R/OpenAction 290 0 R/Outlines 314 0 R/PageLabels 40 0 R/PageMode/UseOutlines/Pages 42 0 R/StructTreeRoot 45 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 290 0 obj <> endobj 291 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 292 0 obj <> endobj 293 0 obj <>stream Explain how ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. 2020.12.24 (Nigeria) Islamists burn homes and a church - and kill eleven innocents. 0000029823 00000 n Outline a significant Islamic practice. 1900 sample essay for the question, "Analyse the distinctive responses of TWO religious traditions to the issue of either inner peace and/or world peace by linking their relevant sacred texts to their principal teachings." Download this Notes document for HSC - Studies of Religion. 8 weeks long. Peace Principal teachings Sacred texts Ethics Practice Peace for the individual World Peace . 2018 HSC Studies of Religion Marking Guidelines . 0000024242 00000 n Other Recent "Misunderstandings of Islam" 2020.12.24 (Yemen) Shiite militia beat a woman to death in front of her children. HSC 2018 Jun 10, 2018 #1 ... Hey, so my SORII assessment is a research task on religion and peace for Christianity or Islam HOWEVER I don't know what principle teachings I'm supposed to be discussing. Analyse the influence of an Islamic ethical teaching on the lives of adherents. This Kit contains a unit of work that complements the NSW Studies of Religion HSC Course. Consider possibilities for Trial and HSC . Assess the effects on Christianity of a significant person or school of thought in Chrisitianity. 16 Question 1: Is religion the main cause of conflict today? … HSC Studies of Religion 2-Unit Reflective Piece Religion and Peace. 0000030339 00000 n We acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay our respect to Country. Those are the issues that require some solutions and specific answers, so provide a clear reply in the concluding part of your paper. Explain how inner peace can be achieved through religion. how the principal teachings of ONE religious tradition contribute to the achievement of world peace. Link a significant Christian practice to two beliefs. 0000013237 00000 n For religion and peace you want 2 solid essays first of all - 1 on world peace and one on inner peace. Assess the significance of a Hindu practice. Download this Notes document for HSC - Studies of Religion. Outline and describe the contributions of a significant person or school of thought to Islam. Take course on. Describe the contribution of a person or school of thought and assess its impact on Judaism. Religions experiencing growth in Australia as a result of immigration since 1990. Describe the contribution of a person or school of thought and assess its impact on Hinduism. Studies of Religion is a challenging and an increasingly complex area of study. HSC 2018 Jun 10, 2018 #1 ... Hey, so my SORII assessment is a research task on religion and peace for Christianity or Islam HOWEVER I don't know what principle teachings I'm supposed to be discussing. All presentations available accessed by schools, via RE… Exemplary response 0000029871 00000 n Activities. Outline a significant Jewish practice. (5 marks) b) Explain how the rite of public worship or the rite of personal devotion, chosen in part (a), makes a difference in the everyday lives of believers. Explain the impact on Judaism of a significant person or school of thought. ... and commerce by addressing a series of questions. Description. 0000018533 00000 n See the exam paper, plus marking guidelines and feedback from markers, for the 2017 NSW Studies of Religion Higher School Certificate (HSC) exam. Answering Pompeii and Herculaneum Practice Questions for section I of the HSC Ancient History exam is the best way to brush up on your exam skills, especially to maximise marks in your assessments. And be thankful. trailer <<971648352AA244758E8ED86F74B723D1>]/Prev 109872/XRefStm 1834>> startxref 0 %%EOF 342 0 obj <>stream Blog. Sample question - Studies of Religion (20 marks) ... texts from TWO religious traditions guide individuals towards achieving inner peace. The Bible does not clearly answer questions of war and peace but gives Christians guidelines on how to work for peace and justice. Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against. 0000031206 00000 n This document is 30 Exchange Credits. Studies of Religion II Section IV — Religion and Peace . 0000002244 00000 n Title: Summary_SOR HSC_Religion and Peace.pdf Author: Livia Liu Created Date: 1/11/2017 10:52:57 PM 0000002306 00000 n Other Recent "Misunderstandings of Islam" 2020.12.24 (Yemen) Shiite militia beat a woman to death in front of her children. Use the quotation to explain how Judaism as a living tradition gives depth and meaning to the life of the individual and the Jewish community. Specifications Format: Zip Stage: Stage 6 - Year 11 and Year 12. The third section asked them to write about a third religious tradition in a 20 mark response. The perfect place for discussion on core and option topics, moderated by our amazing Studies of Religion lecturer - so answers to your questions are guaranteed. Answers could include: • An examination of Dawkins’ claim that religion is a more powerful negative force of disunity and conflict than religious traditions are a positive force for cohesion and unity. HSC central resources Studies of religion 2 1 | Page Religious Rites 2001 Question 13 — Religious Rites (20 marks) a) Outline the role of ONE rite of public worship OR rite of personal devotion in ONE religious tradition. Religion And Peace 1. My HSC Notes. Outline contributions of a significant Buddhist person or school of thought. I'm not sure what 2 religions you focused on, but for myself and most schools i know we did christianity and islam. 1 Found helpful • 3 Pages • Essays / Projects • Year: Pre-2017. 0000020190 00000 n 13 Question 4: Is religion key to understanding what drives peace? 0000022700 00000 n 10 Question 3: In Muslim countries, does the demographic spread of Sunni and Shia determine peace? Religion and peace. 0000018915 00000 n This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on Sunday, July 26, 2015 Religion of Peace Atrocity of the Week. Get Started. In 2001 the Board of Studies introduced, as part of the Higher School Certificate, major changes to the way in which student achievement was reported. Sitemap. Describe the effect of a practice or school of thought on Buddhism. Describe the contribution to Hinduism made by a significant person or school of thought. • Is often used by NESA to determine Band 6 results as it is one of the ‘common’ sections attempted by ALL students. TO UNDERSTANDING PEACE? how the principal teachings of ONE religious tradition contribute to the achievement of world peace. Ultimately peace is concerned with right relationship. 0000011574 00000 n (Hebrews 12:14) 2/3 Baptism is a significant practice for many Christian individuals. Sample questions . Inspire us with the good news that your reign has come in the Christ child, and by your Holy Spirit it comes anew each day. HSC Standards Package for Studies of Religion I and II. Explain how ethical teachings influence the lives of adherents. Use the quotation to express the distinctive Hindu answer to the enduring questions of human existence. Religious Traditions of Focus: Christianity and Islam. Religious Expression in Australia-1945 to the present. In the popular mind, to discuss religion in the context of international affairs automatically raises the specter of religious-based conflict. 0000030739 00000 n 0000030683 00000 n Religious Traditions of Focus: Christianity and Islam. Link the practice to the beliefs of Islam. 0000001834 00000 n @1(4��KhS`x� 0000010390 00000 n Contact us HSC-hub@det.nsw.edu.au 06 Question 2: Does the proportion of religious belief or atheism in a country determine the peace of the country? 288 0 obj <> endobj xref 288 55 0000000016 00000 n HSC Essay- Religion and Peace Alessandro Todisco Stage 1: Question With reference to your chosen image, discuss the relationship between inner peace for the individual, and the seeking of world peace, in TWO religious traditions? I was just wondering if you could please help me on where I should go from now?! 45 Original Religion Essay Questions You May Cover in Your Work Now, let’s look at the best research questions for your project. My teacher isn't teaching us the topic, nor letting us hand in a draft or ask her questions about our essay question and all the responses I've looked at online have different points. Part of. Time commitment. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. This page lists some of the resources that may assist teachers and students in achieving the outcomes of the Studies of Religion Syllabus. NESA is regularly updating its advice as the coronavirus outbreak unfolds. 10 Question 3: In Muslim countries, does the demographic spread of Sunni and Shia determine peace? HSC Studies of Religion. The second section required students to answer two 15 mark questions about two different religious traditions. Blog. Identify a likely outcome of Interfaith dialogue. Essay on the 2013 HSC question to religion and peace for Christianity and Islam. The question, therefore, is not if religious leaders are crucial actors in conflict stabilization and peace efforts in CAR: They already are. Please take this 5 minute survey to tell us what you think. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Dec. 11, 2020. 1 Found helpful • 3 Pages • Essays / Projects • Year: Pre-2017. We acknowledge the homelands of all Aboriginal people and pay our respect to Country. Open October 1, 2020 – April 2, 2021. 0000003842 00000 n Supporting a BRAND NEW format for 2008, this new HSC study guide is directly linked to the syllabus with every single dot point of the HSC Studies of Religion syllabus appearing in the margin of the book. Syllabus Breakdown Based on sample question 2007 sample paper Monday, 28 June 2010 3. Studies of Religion II . Describe two examples of the teaching. Section II Question 3 - 2007 HSC Link a significant Hindu practice to two beliefs. Analyse how a significant practice expresses the beliefs of Buddhism. 0000029996 00000 n Question 5: Judaism. Explain how the understanding of peace is expressed through sacred texts in two religious tradition. This section is comprised of ten multiple-choice questions and one short-answer question. Equip us to prepare the way for its coming by building relationships of goodwill among all people of every race, religion and language. 0000002596 00000 n They die to sin and rise to the life of grace in living … 0000030043 00000 n Explore the diverse and complex roles that religions play in both promoting and mitigating violence. Religion and peace theory lesson 6. They often failed to engage with the quote of the question. The fourth section was a 20 mark question about peace that required them to refer to two traditions. Multiple-choice Answer Key Question … 5/6 Part of. God of peace, During this season of Advent, we watch for your coming reign of peace. The third section asked them to write about a third religious tradition in a 20 mark response. 0000029546 00000 n (Colossians 3:15) • Be at peace among yourselves. Religion and Peace Essay | Year 12 HSC - Studies of Essay on the 2013 HSC question to religion and peace for Christianity and Islam. ssarahj. Online library of HSC resources. Edrolo. 2009 HSC Studies of Religion Sample Answers . Betty Williams had a Protestant father and Catholic mother, a family background from which she derived religious tolerance and a breadth of vision that motivated her to work for peace. Resources including past trial papers, study notes, past papers, assessments, essays & many more. Religion for Peace –International ! The fourth section was a 20 mark question about peace that … Evaluate the significance of a religious practice in the lives of adherents. Vesuvius HSC Questions Note that as well as these questions, each year there are between 5 and 10 multiple choice questions for this section. 0000030206 00000 n Add to Cart Remove from Cart Proceed to Cart. The adherent dies and rises with Christ in Baptismal waters. HSC Standards Package for Studies of Religion I and II. • This topic ALWAYS requires one extended response worth 20 marks on the HSC. 0000010336 00000 n �p�`��5� Focus religions: Christianity and Judaism SOR HSC: Religion and Peace study guide by Lauradf36 includes 19 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Early in the 1970s she joined an anti-violence campaign headed by a Protestant priest, before she threw herself with full force into grass-root activities for the Peace People. This was published 6 years ago. By Helen Smith . Virtual holiday party ideas + new holiday templates; Dec. 11, 2020 Respect: +18; Re: Studies of Religion Question Thread « Reply #90 on: August 07, 2016, 09:18:50 pm » +1. Religion and peace. Researching Religion - Theories and Applications in Empirical Studies of Religion, 7.5 credits Applied Method in the Study of Peace and Justice Movements, 7.5 credits Semester 2 Alternative I - for students who aim at the two-year Master: Life Stories and Historical Moments, 7.5 credits Religion, Power and Politics, 7.5 credits 0000031028 00000 n 0000030620 00000 n 0000029649 00000 n Rather, policymakers and practitioners should be unpacking these leaders’ experiences—past and present—and asking how to strengthen their role as peacebuilding partners in the immediate post-electoral context and longer-term. Some presenters have made their presentations available to all HSC students. Not engage with the material studied in the concluding part of your paper expressions and spiritualities thought... Practice or school of thought HSC_Religion and Peace.pdf author: Livia Liu Date... 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